. I \"BSBRESBDl Initiate and lead applied research Student Assessment Tasks Assessment Task 2 Instructions Carefully read the following : King Edward VII College has been operating since 2010. The College is based in Melbourne CBD and has an additional campus in Sydney. The College offers a range of courses in management, marketing, human resources and international business. It currently has 195 students enrolled across all of its courses and both campuses. Courses are offered at all levels, from Certificate II to Graduate Diploma. King Edward VII College is very popular due to its competitive pricing structure, innovative teaching methods and state of the art facilities. The College currently employs 24 staff members that include the CEO, a Sales and Marketing Manager and Sales and Marketing Assistant, Promotions Officer. Human Resources Manager, Operations Manager, Administration Manager, Office Assistant, Receptionist, Academic Manager, Student Services Officer and approximately 14 trainers and assessors. You are the Operations Manager at the College, and part of your job is to manage the research that is conducted within the College and conduct applied research that enhances the College's staff members '. the team's and the organisation's performance. To assist with the selection of research subjects, the Management Team has drawn up a Research Statement that sets out a number of areas that they feel could benet from applied research. You are to choose one of these topics for the case study College. To ensure that you are able to draw on a range of data sources for your research . your fellow students andr'or the staff at Newton College can be questioned, and their responses included as part of your research report. When you have selected a topic, and had it authorised by your assessor, you will plan, carry out and evaluate your applied research project. Complete the following activities: 1. Select a research topic. This Assessment Task requires you to conduct a high level comprehensive research project in a relatively short space of time. An RTO has been chosen as the case study organisation for two reasons: 0 It is an area in which you have experience . being a student. ' You have access to students attending an RTO and staff who work in one. - There is a lot of information available on the VET sector, international students, learning theory, institutional management , etc. Review the Research Statement and select a research topic that you nd interesting and provides enough data for you to fulfil all of the Assessment Tasks' requirements. Review also thecompany's Business Plan to understand the company's objectives and directions which will also inform your research