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I can't seem to get this right. I'm not familiar with how to properly use the syntax in bash. B e - Problem set 3-shells

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I can't seem to get this right. I'm not familiar with how to properly use the syntax in bash.

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B e - Problem set 3-shells OQ SAUS 1 OO 22032042051019235 DilA + puig BB 1. Create a new victual machine in the Opensuse distobution 2 Create a La roup named sployee 3. Install the M D B server and client Start the the MacDB server Create a database and sever 6 w Bookmarks Settings H 306 I ls ents slab Music Sads landon-listing.txt Pictu Sociels onts slab Music Dads landon-listing.txt Pictu 530c in chnod +x.vaemployees -530Ci sh userployee. ter: command not found unexpected EOF while looking for Syntax error: unexpected end of -5300:- Create a user named asyon that has all privileges in the database unserer Create the table EMPLOYEE in the ever database with the following columns EMP USERNAME VARCHAR(15) EMP FIRST_NAME NARCHAR(25) EMP LAST NAME VARCHAR(25) 8. Wnte a script named 'wemployeesh It should perform the following functions: Display the men sistem provided below) Add a new employee by prompting the user for an employee username, first name, and last name It should then use that record into the MacDB database and create the user account in the Line operating system using the use add command. The user's first and last name should be included as a comment when creating the we asing the appropriate comunand parameter Assign the Linux user to un employee and create a borne directory ni wandobashkonsole 17AM Delete Poup Pogon Home 1 Num O - + e o 4. Start the the MariaDB server 5. Create a database named anser 6. Create a user named asyaa that has all povileges in the database saserye 7. Create the table EMPLOYEE in the server database with the following columns ks Settings H Huste isting.txt Pictu EMP_USERNAME VARCHAR(13) EMP_FIRST NAME VARCHAR(25) EMP LAST NAME VARCHAR(25) 8. Write a script named acmployee sh It should perform the following Music isting.txt Pictu +X ./uaemployees employee. sh>.sh not found while looking for unexpected end of Display the menu system proud b. Add a new employee by prompting the user for an employee osetimefiest name, st name. It should then use that record into the ManaDB database and create the user account in the Linux operating Sistem in the use add commande user's first and last name uld be included as a comment when creating the user Assin the Line oder to group ndon e bash Computer and Information Sciences 1065 Fondations of Operating Systems Unity of Porth Song 2030 shkonsole e Delete an existing employee from the database by prompting the user for a username Remove the user's Linux account and home directory d Display a listing of all the employees in the system in the database table BORSPORT AITAM Loch Backspace File Edit View wlandon : vi-Konsole Help Bookmarks Settings Enter your selection read -p input until input as #999". mysql -uroot -p "Upass50 If input 1 read - "Enter employee username usname INSERT INTO EMPLOYEE EMP_USERNAME VALUES( usname) read -p "Enter employee's first name" frame INSERT INTO EMPLOYEE EMP FIRST NAME VALUESname) read -p "Enter employee's last name" lname INSERT INTO EMPLOYEEI EMP LAST NAME) VALUES(name) if[input - "2"] read -p "Enter the user name of the employee you wish to remove" remp mysql -Be DELETE FROM EMPLOYEE WHERE iled ' reep read -p "Enter the first name of the employee you wish to recove" refn mysql -Bse 'DELETE FROM EMPLOYEE WHERE fted >' rern read - "Enter the last name of the employee you wish to remove" reln mysql -Bse "DELETE FROM EMPLOYEE WHERE filed EP LAST NAME>' reln 47,2-16 Bot B ad. 9:17 AM = o e o a Delete F11 E RT Y U10 Pili wlandon: bash --Konsole File Edit View Bookmarks Settings Mandonelinux-Soci Is un Documents fslab Nusle Public Videos Desktop Dounloads landon-listing.txt Pictures Templates weston Mandone linux-530Ci ls bun Documents Islab Music Public weston Desktop Downloads landon-listing.txt Plctures Templates Videos wlandone linux-530c in chrod + ./ Wlandone linux-530Ci sh sh: line 2: Enteri comand not found sh: line 261 unexpected EOF while looking for watching ** sh: line 341 syntax error: unexpected end of file wlandonolinux-5300 wadon bash wiandon: bash . 9:17 AM 3 Wote T Y U 10 Pili und F R Linux Scripting 1. Create a new virtual machine using the OpenSUSE distribution 2. Create a Linux group named uaemployee 3. Install the ManaDB server and client, 4. Start the the MariaDB server 5. Create a database named ver. 6. Create a user named asynace that has all pavileges in the database uaserver 7. Create the table EMPLOYEE in the server database with the following columns EMP_USERNAME VARCHAR(15) EMP_FIRST_NAME VARCHAR(25) EMP_LAST_NAME VARCHAR (25) 8. Wate a script named emplovee sh" It should perform the following functions 1 Display the menu system (provided below) b. Add a new employee bs prompting the user for an employee asemame, litst name, and last name. It should the user that record into the MariaDB database and create the ser count in the Line operating system using the useradd command. The user's first and last name should be included as a comment when creating the user using the appropriate command parameter Assign the Lanus user to group Daemployee and create a bombe director e Delete an existing employee from the database by prompting the user for a semname Remove the user's Linux account and home directory d. Display a listing of all the employees in the system in the database table Welcome to the US Employee Management System ......... designed by Andrew Mackey Please choose from the following pption USER tir FIRS las Add new employee 21 Delete an existing employee Display gioveel meer _LAST Enter your selection: name EMPLO name EMPLO You should repeat this process until the user enters 999 at which time the program should terminate Also, in the event that something is unsuccessful, you should notify the user that the operation de not complete successfully EMPLO After an employee is added or deleted, you should show the water how many employees are in the system. An example of the output is as follows EMPLOYEES IN SYSTEM Settings Help File Edit View Bookmarks Enter your selection read -p ** input until input a "999": do mysql -uroot -P 'UApass50" if(input = "1"] read -p "Enter employee username usname INSERT INTO EMPLOYEE( EMP USERNAME) VALUES( usname) read -p "Enter employee's first name" frame INSERT INTO EMPLOYEE ( EMP FIRST NAME) VALUES(fname) read -P "Enter employee's last name" lname INSERT INTO EMPLOYEE( EMP_LAST_NAME) VALUES( lname) if[input -- "2") read - "Enter the user name of the employee you wish to remove" remp mysql -Bse 'DELETE FROM EMPLOYEE WHERE filed ' remp read - "Enter the first name of the employee you wish to remove retni mysql -Bse 'DELETE FROM EMPLOYEE WHERE filed ' refn read -p "Enter the last name of the employee you wish to remove" reln Bysal -Bse 'DELETE FROM EMPLOYEE WHERE filed sh I wlandon : vi w landon : bash Set 3 - Shell Sc x + V 0 file:///C:/Users/corde/Downloads/Problem%20et%203%20-%20Shell%205 - + DA nux Scripting 1. Create a new virtual machine using the OpenSUSE distribution 2. Create a Linux group named uaemployee 3. Install the MariaDB server and client 4. Start the the MariaDB server 5. Create a database named uaserver. 6. Create a user named asysadim that has all privileges in the database server. MACreate the table EMPLOYEZ in the uaservez database with the following colum EMP FIRST NAME EMP USERNAME VARCHAR(15) EMP LAST NAME VARCHAR(252 VARCHAR 8. Write a scnpt named uaemployee shi". It should perform the following functions 2. Display the menu system provided below) b. Add new entployee by prompting the user for an employee username, first name, name. It should then user that record into the ManaDB database and create operating system using the useradd command. The be included as a comment when creating the user using the appropriate command parameter. parameter Assign the Linux user to group puter Tatoto Selo 1063: Foundation University of A r t Suite Dal Po! BERNER oblem Set 3 Shell Sex o wew/c/users/code/Downloads/Problem%20S146203%20-%20hel196705 * + DA Delete an existing employee from the database by prompting there for username Remove the user's Linux account and home directory d Display a listing of all the employees in the sistem in the database table. Welcome to the UAES employes Management designed by Andrew Mackey Please choose from the towing options 1) Add a new employee 2) Delete an Xoting employee 9) Display employee repb Enter your selection You should repeat this process until the user enters 999 at which time the program should terminate Also in the event that something is unsuccessful you should notify the user that the operation did not complete successfully Alte an employees added or deleted, you should show the user how many employees are in the system. An example of the output is as follows: EMPLOYEES IN SYSTEM LILIT Poup Pa Delete insert PrtScr F12 F10 F11 Num Lock + Backspace VIT BUURERS Enter your selection read -P*" input until input su "999": do mysql -uroot-'UApasso LET input ww"1" read -p"Enter employee username usname INSERT INTO ENPLOYEE (ENP_USERNANE) VALUESIusnate) read - "Enter employee's Terst name" fnane INSERT INTO EMPLOYEE EMPFIRST NAME VALUES nane read -p"Enter employee's last name inane INSERT INTO EMPLOYEEEMPLAST NAME) VALUES(name 11 input w -21 read -p "Enter the user name of the employee you wish to remove remp mysql-se"DELETE FRON EMPLOYEE WHERE tiled .sh not found while looking for unexpected end of Display the menu system proud b. Add a new employee by prompting the user for an employee osetimefiest name, st name. It should then use that record into the ManaDB database and create the user account in the Linux operating Sistem in the use add commande user's first and last name uld be included as a comment when creating the user Assin the Line oder to group ndon e bash Computer and Information Sciences 1065 Fondations of Operating Systems Unity of Porth Song 2030 shkonsole e Delete an existing employee from the database by prompting the user for a username Remove the user's Linux account and home directory d Display a listing of all the employees in the system in the database table BORSPORT AITAM Loch Backspace File Edit View wlandon : vi-Konsole Help Bookmarks Settings Enter your selection read -p input until input as #999". mysql -uroot -p "Upass50 If input 1 read - "Enter employee username usname INSERT INTO EMPLOYEE EMP_USERNAME VALUES( usname) read -p "Enter employee's first name" frame INSERT INTO EMPLOYEE EMP FIRST NAME VALUESname) read -p "Enter employee's last name" lname INSERT INTO EMPLOYEEI EMP LAST NAME) VALUES(name) if[input - "2"] read -p "Enter the user name of the employee you wish to remove" remp mysql -Be DELETE FROM EMPLOYEE WHERE iled ' reep read -p "Enter the first name of the employee you wish to recove" refn mysql -Bse 'DELETE FROM EMPLOYEE WHERE fted >' rern read - "Enter the last name of the employee you wish to remove" reln mysql -Bse "DELETE FROM EMPLOYEE WHERE filed EP LAST NAME>' reln 47,2-16 Bot B ad. 9:17 AM = o e o a Delete F11 E RT Y U10 Pili wlandon: bash --Konsole File Edit View Bookmarks Settings Mandonelinux-Soci Is un Documents fslab Nusle Public Videos Desktop Dounloads landon-listing.txt Pictures Templates weston Mandone linux-530Ci ls bun Documents Islab Music Public weston Desktop Downloads landon-listing.txt Plctures Templates Videos wlandone linux-530c in chrod + ./ Wlandone linux-530Ci sh sh: line 2: Enteri comand not found sh: line 261 unexpected EOF while looking for watching ** sh: line 341 syntax error: unexpected end of file wlandonolinux-5300 wadon bash wiandon: bash . 9:17 AM 3 Wote T Y U 10 Pili und F R Linux Scripting 1. Create a new virtual machine using the OpenSUSE distribution 2. Create a Linux group named uaemployee 3. Install the ManaDB server and client, 4. Start the the MariaDB server 5. Create a database named ver. 6. Create a user named asynace that has all pavileges in the database uaserver 7. Create the table EMPLOYEE in the server database with the following columns EMP_USERNAME VARCHAR(15) EMP_FIRST_NAME VARCHAR(25) EMP_LAST_NAME VARCHAR (25) 8. Wate a script named emplovee sh" It should perform the following functions 1 Display the menu system (provided below) b. Add a new employee bs prompting the user for an employee asemame, litst name, and last name. It should the user that record into the MariaDB database and create the ser count in the Line operating system using the useradd command. The user's first and last name should be included as a comment when creating the user using the appropriate command parameter Assign the Lanus user to group Daemployee and create a bombe director e Delete an existing employee from the database by prompting the user for a semname Remove the user's Linux account and home directory d. Display a listing of all the employees in the system in the database table Welcome to the US Employee Management System ......... designed by Andrew Mackey Please choose from the following pption USER tir FIRS las Add new employee 21 Delete an existing employee Display gioveel meer _LAST Enter your selection: name EMPLO name EMPLO You should repeat this process until the user enters 999 at which time the program should terminate Also, in the event that something is unsuccessful, you should notify the user that the operation de not complete successfully EMPLO After an employee is added or deleted, you should show the water how many employees are in the system. An example of the output is as follows EMPLOYEES IN SYSTEM Settings Help File Edit View Bookmarks Enter your selection read -p ** input until input a "999": do mysql -uroot -P 'UApass50" if(input = "1"] read -p "Enter employee username usname INSERT INTO EMPLOYEE( EMP USERNAME) VALUES( usname) read -p "Enter employee's first name" frame INSERT INTO EMPLOYEE ( EMP FIRST NAME) VALUES(fname) read -P "Enter employee's last name" lname INSERT INTO EMPLOYEE( EMP_LAST_NAME) VALUES( lname) if[input -- "2") read - "Enter the user name of the employee you wish to remove" remp mysql -Bse 'DELETE FROM EMPLOYEE WHERE filed ' remp read - "Enter the first name of the employee you wish to remove retni mysql -Bse 'DELETE FROM EMPLOYEE WHERE filed ' refn read -p "Enter the last name of the employee you wish to remove" reln Bysal -Bse 'DELETE FROM EMPLOYEE WHERE filed sh I wlandon : vi w landon : bash Set 3 - Shell Sc x + V 0 file:///C:/Users/corde/Downloads/Problem%20et%203%20-%20Shell%205 - + DA nux Scripting 1. Create a new virtual machine using the OpenSUSE distribution 2. Create a Linux group named uaemployee 3. Install the MariaDB server and client 4. Start the the MariaDB server 5. Create a database named uaserver. 6. Create a user named asysadim that has all privileges in the database server. MACreate the table EMPLOYEZ in the uaservez database with the following colum EMP FIRST NAME EMP USERNAME VARCHAR(15) EMP LAST NAME VARCHAR(252 VARCHAR 8. Write a scnpt named uaemployee shi". It should perform the following functions 2. Display the menu system provided below) b. Add new entployee by prompting the user for an employee username, first name, name. It should then user that record into the ManaDB database and create operating system using the useradd command. The be included as a comment when creating the user using the appropriate command parameter. parameter Assign the Linux user to group puter Tatoto Selo 1063: Foundation University of A r t Suite Dal Po! BERNER oblem Set 3 Shell Sex o wew/c/users/code/Downloads/Problem%20S146203%20-%20hel196705 * + DA Delete an existing employee from the database by prompting there for username Remove the user's Linux account and home directory d Display a listing of all the employees in the sistem in the database table. Welcome to the UAES employes Management designed by Andrew Mackey Please choose from the towing options 1) Add a new employee 2) Delete an Xoting employee 9) Display employee repb Enter your selection You should repeat this process until the user enters 999 at which time the program should terminate Also in the event that something is unsuccessful you should notify the user that the operation did not complete successfully Alte an employees added or deleted, you should show the user how many employees are in the system. An example of the output is as follows: EMPLOYEES IN SYSTEM LILIT Poup Pa Delete insert PrtScr F12 F10 F11 Num Lock + Backspace VIT BUURERS Enter your selection read -P*" input until input su "999": do mysql -uroot-'UApasso LET input ww"1" read -p"Enter employee username usname INSERT INTO ENPLOYEE (ENP_USERNANE) VALUESIusnate) read - "Enter employee's Terst name" fnane INSERT INTO EMPLOYEE EMPFIRST NAME VALUES nane read -p"Enter employee's last name inane INSERT INTO EMPLOYEEEMPLAST NAME) VALUES(name 11 input w -21 read -p "Enter the user name of the employee you wish to remove remp mysql-se"DELETE FRON EMPLOYEE WHERE tiled

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