i divided each of TARGET financial statement pages (pages 6 and 7) in two screens so it can be visible enough to see. A timely reply would be very much appreciated. Thank you
Hi, i hope this is a better format. please reach out to me as soon as possible if you have any other questions or concerns. Thank you.
Target Corporation Reports Third Quarter 2019 Earnings - Page 6 of TARGET CORPORATION Consolidated Statements of Operations Three Months Ended paded - Nine Months Ende November 2, November 3 November November 2, November 3. 2019 2018 Change 2019 2018 Change 18,414 $ 17,590 47% $ 53,997 $ 51,6994.4% 251 231 8.8 716 680 5.3 17,821 7 4. 5 4,713 52,379 12,935 12,5353.2 37,808 36,400 3.9 11,728 11,347 3.4 (millions, except per share data) (unaudited) Sales Other revenue Total revenue Cost of sales YOY Selling, general and administrative expenses Depreciation and amortization (exclusive of depreciation included in cost of sales) Operating income Net interest expense Net other (income)/expense Earnings from continuing operations before income taxes Provision for income taxes Net earnings from continuing operations Discontinued operations, net of tax Net earnings Basic earnings per share Continuing operations Di 1,717 3,460 359 (38) 1,639 2,993 352 (21) 4.8 15.6 2.0 83.8 1,002 113 (12) 901 195 706 8 1922,3 115 (1.6) (9) 36.5 7 13 26,3 9 7 8 100. 616 5 14. 3.139 3,139 7 03 ,436 2,662 530 2.132 17.9 32.8 14.3 2 447 S 2 ,139 14.4% 138 S 17 18.2% S 4.751 4 .01 18.5% 1,002 113 (12) 8 1 19 15 (9) 22.3 (1.6) 36.5 3,460 359 (38) 2,993 352 (21 15.6 2.0 83.8 901 195 713 97 616 6 622 26,3 1008 14.5 3,139 2 ,662 703 530 2,436 2,132 117 2,447 S 2,139 17.9 32.8 14.3 14.8 % $ 14.4% 18.2% $ 18.5% Operating income Net interest expense Net other (income)/expense Earnings from continuing operations before income taxes Provision for income taxes Net earnings from continuing operations Discontinued operations, net of tax Net earnings Basic earnings per share Continuing operations Discontinued operations Net earnings per share Diluted earnings per share Continuing operations Discontinued operations Net earnings per share Weighted average common shares outstanding Basic Diluted Antidilutive shares 0.02 1.17 0.01 1.1 4.75 $ 0.02 4.77 $ 4.01 0.01 4.02 $ 18.6 % 18.2% S $ 18.5 % 1.37 S 1 0. 020 1.39S .16 .01 17 4.71 0.02 .74 3.98 0.01 3.99 18.5% S 4 $ 18.7 % 509.7 514.8 525.9 531.2 3.19% (3.1) 512.5 531.5 5362 (3.6)% (3.6% S 0.64 3.1% $ 196 $ 1.90 3.2% Dividends declared per share s 066 Note: Per share amounts may not foot due to rounding. TARGET CORPORATION Consolidated Statements of Financial Position November 2, 2019 February 2, 2019 November 3. 2018 $ 969 $ 11,396 1,440 13,805 1,556 9,497 1,466 12,519 825 12,393 1,421 14,639 6,064 2,636 (millions, except footnotes) (unaudited) Assets Cash and cash equivalents Inventory Other current assets Total current assets Property and equipment Land Buildings and improvements Fixtures and equipment Computer hardware and software Construction-in-progress Accumulated depreciation Property and equipment, net Operating lease assets Other noncurrent assets Total assets Liabilities and shareholders' investment Accounts payable Accrued and other current liabilities Current portion of long-term debt and other borrowings Total current liabilities 6,040 30,467 29,240 6,032 5,912 2,544 298 460 (19,089) (18,687) 26,384 25,533 2,1511 ,965 1,4011 ,273 43,741 $ 41,290 6,069 29,090 5,784 2,660 384 (18,380) 25,607 1.997 1,329 43,572 S 11,258 S 4.191 1.1591 16,608 9,761 $ 4,201 ,052 15,014 11,959 4,096 1,535 17.590 Total assets $ 43,741 $ 41,290 $ 43,572 Liabilities and shareholders' investment Accounts payable $ 11,258 $ 9,761 S 11,959 Accrued and other current liabilities 4,1914 ,201 4,096 Current portion of long-term debt and other borrowings 1,159 1,052 1,535 Total current liabilities 16,608 15,014 17,590 Long-term debt and other borrowings 10,513 10,223 1 0,104 Noncurrent operating lease liabilities 2,208 2,004 2.046 Deferred income taxes 1,215 972 970 Other noncurrent liabilities 1,652 1,780 1,782 Total noncurrent liabilities 15,588 1 4,979 14,902 Shareholders' investment Common stock 43 Additional paid-in capital 6,006 6,042 Retained earnings 6,270 6,017 5,884 Accumulated other comprehensive loss (773) (805) (714 Total shareholders investment 11,545 1 1,297 11,080 Total liabilities and shareholders' investment S 43,741 $ 41,290 S 43,572 Common Stock Authorized 6,000,000,000 shares, 50.0833 par value: 506,677,740, $17.761,600 and 521,810.597 shares issued and outstanding at November 2, 2019, February 2, 2019, and November 3, 2018, respectively. 43 5,867 Preferred Stock Authorized 5,000,000 shares. So 01 par value no shares were issued or outstanding during any period presented INSTRUCTIONS 1.) Using the data provided: -Target's 2019 3rd Quarter Earnings Report (the financial statements are on page 6 and 7) 2.) Prepare the following in excel: 1.) A comparison of 2019 and 2108 Net Earnings/A comparison of 2019 and 2018 Balance sheet (bar graph) 2.) Pie Chart - Revenues and Expenses 2019 and 2018 3.) Pie Chart - Total Assets and Total Liabilities 2019 ONLY 4.) Pie Chart - Property and Equipment line items for 2019 ONLY For number 1 name the tab "At a glance" For number 2 name the tab Net Earnings Detail" For number 3 name the tab "Balance Sheet Detail" For number 4 name the tab "PPE Detail Consolidated Statements of Operations Three Months Ended November 2, November 3, 2019 2018 $ 18,414 $ 17,590 251 231 18,665 17,821 12,935 12,535 4,153 3,937 Change 4.7% 8.8 4.7 3.2 5.5 Nine Months Ended November 2, November 3 2019 2018 $ 53,997 $ 51,699 716 680 54,713 52,379 37,808 36,400 11,728 11,347 Change 4.4 % 5.3 4.5 3.9 3.4 1 575 1,002 113 (12) 530 819 115 (9) 5 8. 22.3 (1.6) 36.5 ,717 3,460 359 (38) 1,639 2,993 352 (21) 4.8 15.6 2.0 83.8 901 713 97 616 26.3 100.8 5 14. 3,139 703 ,436 17.9 32.8 14.3 2 (millions, except per share data) (unaudited) Sales Other revenue Total revenue Cost of sales Selling, general and administrative expenses Depreciation and amortization (exclusive of depreciation included in cost of sales) Operating income Net interest expense Net other (income) /expense Earnings from continuing operations before income taxes Provision for income taxes Net earnings from continuing operations Discontinued operations, net of tax Net earnings Basic earnings per share Continuing operations Discontinued operations Net earnings per share Diluted earnings per share Continuing operations Discontinued operations Net earnings per share Weighted average common shares outstanding Basic Diluted Antidilutive shares 2,662 530 2,132 7 2,139 195 706 8 714 $ $ 622 14.8 % $ 2,447 $ 14.4 % $ $ 18.2% $ $ 18.5 % 1.38 0.02 1.40 1.17 0.01 1.18 4.75 0.02 .77 4.01 0.01 4.02 S S 18.5 % S 4 $ 18.6% S S 18.2 % S 18.5 % .37 0.02 1.39 1.16 0.01 1.17 4.71 $ 0.02 4.74 $ 3.98 0.01 3.99 $ $ 18.5% $ 18.7% 509. 7 514. 8 5 25.9 5 31.2 (3.1)% (3.1)% 512.5 516.8 531.5 536.2 (3.6% (3.69% $ 0.64 3.1% $ 1.96 $ 1.90 3.2% Dividends declared per share $ 0.66 Note: Per share amounts may not foot due to rounding. TARGET CORPORATION Consolidated Statements of Financial Position 6,032 November 2 F ebruary 2 November 3. (millions, except footnotes) (unaudited) 2019 2019 2018 Assets Cash and cash equivalents S 969 $ 1,556 S 825 Inventory 11,396 9,497 12,393 Other current assets 1,440 1,466 1,421 Total current assets 13,805 12,519 14,639 Property and equipment Land 6,040 6,064 6,069 Buildings and improvements 30,467 29,240 29,090 Fixtures and equipment 5,912 5,784 Computer hardware and software 2,636 2,544 2,660 Construction-in-progress 298 460 384 Accumulated depreciation (19.089) (18,687) (18,380) Property and equipment, net 26,384 25,533 25,607 Operating lease assets 2,151 1,965 1.965 1,997 Other noncurrent assets 1,4011,273 1,329 Total assets $ 43,741 $ 41,290 S 43,572 Liabilities and shareholders' investment Accounts payable S 11,258 S 9,761 $ 11,959 Accrued and other current liabilities 4,191 4 ,201 4,096 Current portion of long-term debt and other borrowings 1.159 1,052 1,535 Total current liabilities 16,608 15,014 17,590 Long-term debt and other borrowings 10,513 10,223 10,104 Noncurrent operating lease liabilities 2,208 2,004 2,046 Deferred income taxes 1,215 972 970 Other noncurrent liabilities 1,652 1,780 1,782 Total noncurrent liabilities 15,588 14.979 14,902 Shareholders' investment Common stock 42 43 Additional paid-in capital 6,006 6,042 5,867 Retained earnings 6,017 5,884 Accumulated other comprehensive loss (773) (805) (714) Total shareholders' investment 11,545 1 1,297 11,080 Total liabilities and shareholders' investment S 43,741 $ 41,290 S 43,572 Common Stock Authorized 6,000,000,000 shares, S0.0833 par value; 506,677,740, 517,761,600 and 521,810,597 shares issued and outstanding at November 2, 2019, February 2, 2019, and November 3, 2018, respectively. 43 6,270 Preferred Stock Authorized 5,000,000 shares, $0.01 par value; no shares were issued or outstanding during any period presented. INSTRUCTIONS 1.) Using the data provided: -Target's 2019 3rd Quarter Earnings Report (the financial statements are on page 6 and 7) 2.) Prepare the following in excel: 7.) A comparison of 2019 and 2108 Net Earnings/A comparison of 2019 and 2018 Balance sheet (bar graph) 2.) Pie Chart - Revenues and Expenses 2019 and 2018 3.) Pie Chart - Total Assets and Total Liabilities 2019 ONLY 4.) Pie Chart Property and Equipment line items for 2019 ONLY For number 1 name the tab "At a glance" For number 2 name the tab Net Earnings Detail For number 3 name the tab Balance Sheet Detail For number 4 name the tab PPE Detail" I just want to clarify the homework assignment. For net earnings do a comparison for the nine months ended. As far as the balance sheet goes only do a comparison for November 2019/2018. Yes you will have to create an excel document to create the request charts. When it comes to the balance sheet create a sheet for total assets/liabilities/equity for each year. If you have any questions please feel free to contact me. Target Corporation Reports Third Quarter 2019 Earnings - Page 6 of TARGET CORPORATION Consolidated Statements of Operations Three Months Ended paded - Nine Months Ende November 2, November 3 November November 2, November 3. 2019 2018 Change 2019 2018 Change 18,414 $ 17,590 47% $ 53,997 $ 51,6994.4% 251 231 8.8 716 680 5.3 17,821 7 4. 5 4,713 52,379 12,935 12,5353.2 37,808 36,400 3.9 11,728 11,347 3.4 (millions, except per share data) (unaudited) Sales Other revenue Total revenue Cost of sales YOY Selling, general and administrative expenses Depreciation and amortization (exclusive of depreciation included in cost of sales) Operating income Net interest expense Net other (income)/expense Earnings from continuing operations before income taxes Provision for income taxes Net earnings from continuing operations Discontinued operations, net of tax Net earnings Basic earnings per share Continuing operations Di 1,717 3,460 359 (38) 1,639 2,993 352 (21) 4.8 15.6 2.0 83.8 1,002 113 (12) 901 195 706 8 1922,3 115 (1.6) (9) 36.5 7 13 26,3 9 7 8 100. 616 5 14. 3.139 3,139 7 03 ,436 2,662 530 2.132 17.9 32.8 14.3 2 447 S 2 ,139 14.4% 138 S 17 18.2% S 4.751 4 .01 18.5% 1,002 113 (12) 8 1 19 15 (9) 22.3 (1.6) 36.5 3,460 359 (38) 2,993 352 (21 15.6 2.0 83.8 901 195 713 97 616 6 622 26,3 1008 14.5 3,139 2 ,662 703 530 2,436 2,132 117 2,447 S 2,139 17.9 32.8 14.3 14.8 % $ 14.4% 18.2% $ 18.5% Operating income Net interest expense Net other (income)/expense Earnings from continuing operations before income taxes Provision for income taxes Net earnings from continuing operations Discontinued operations, net of tax Net earnings Basic earnings per share Continuing operations Discontinued operations Net earnings per share Diluted earnings per share Continuing operations Discontinued operations Net earnings per share Weighted average common shares outstanding Basic Diluted Antidilutive shares 0.02 1.17 0.01 1.1 4.75 $ 0.02 4.77 $ 4.01 0.01 4.02 $ 18.6 % 18.2% S $ 18.5 % 1.37 S 1 0. 020 1.39S .16 .01 17 4.71 0.02 .74 3.98 0.01 3.99 18.5% S 4 $ 18.7 % 509.7 514.8 525.9 531.2 3.19% (3.1) 512.5 531.5 5362 (3.6)% (3.6% S 0.64 3.1% $ 196 $ 1.90 3.2% Dividends declared per share s 066 Note: Per share amounts may not foot due to rounding. TARGET CORPORATION Consolidated Statements of Financial Position November 2, 2019 February 2, 2019 November 3. 2018 $ 969 $ 11,396 1,440 13,805 1,556 9,497 1,466 12,519 825 12,393 1,421 14,639 6,064 2,636 (millions, except footnotes) (unaudited) Assets Cash and cash equivalents Inventory Other current assets Total current assets Property and equipment Land Buildings and improvements Fixtures and equipment Computer hardware and software Construction-in-progress Accumulated depreciation Property and equipment, net Operating lease assets Other noncurrent assets Total assets Liabilities and shareholders' investment Accounts payable Accrued and other current liabilities Current portion of long-term debt and other borrowings Total current liabilities 6,040 30,467 29,240 6,032 5,912 2,544 298 460 (19,089) (18,687) 26,384 25,533 2,1511 ,965 1,4011 ,273 43,741 $ 41,290 6,069 29,090 5,784 2,660 384 (18,380) 25,607 1.997 1,329 43,572 S 11,258 S 4.191 1.1591 16,608 9,761 $ 4,201 ,052 15,014 11,959 4,096 1,535 17.590 Total assets $ 43,741 $ 41,290 $ 43,572 Liabilities and shareholders' investment Accounts payable $ 11,258 $ 9,761 S 11,959 Accrued and other current liabilities 4,1914 ,201 4,096 Current portion of long-term debt and other borrowings 1,159 1,052 1,535 Total current liabilities 16,608 15,014 17,590 Long-term debt and other borrowings 10,513 10,223 1 0,104 Noncurrent operating lease liabilities 2,208 2,004 2.046 Deferred income taxes 1,215 972 970 Other noncurrent liabilities 1,652 1,780 1,782 Total noncurrent liabilities 15,588 1 4,979 14,902 Shareholders' investment Common stock 43 Additional paid-in capital 6,006 6,042 Retained earnings 6,270 6,017 5,884 Accumulated other comprehensive loss (773) (805) (714 Total shareholders investment 11,545 1 1,297 11,080 Total liabilities and shareholders' investment S 43,741 $ 41,290 S 43,572 Common Stock Authorized 6,000,000,000 shares, 50.0833 par value: 506,677,740, $17.761,600 and 521,810.597 shares issued and outstanding at November 2, 2019, February 2, 2019, and November 3, 2018, respectively. 43 5,867 Preferred Stock Authorized 5,000,000 shares. So 01 par value no shares were issued or outstanding during any period presented INSTRUCTIONS 1.) Using the data provided: -Target's 2019 3rd Quarter Earnings Report (the financial statements are on page 6 and 7) 2.) Prepare the following in excel: 1.) A comparison of 2019 and 2108 Net Earnings/A comparison of 2019 and 2018 Balance sheet (bar graph) 2.) Pie Chart - Revenues and Expenses 2019 and 2018 3.) Pie Chart - Total Assets and Total Liabilities 2019 ONLY 4.) Pie Chart - Property and Equipment line items for 2019 ONLY For number 1 name the tab "At a glance" For number 2 name the tab Net Earnings Detail" For number 3 name the tab "Balance Sheet Detail" For number 4 name the tab "PPE Detail Consolidated Statements of Operations Three Months Ended November 2, November 3, 2019 2018 $ 18,414 $ 17,590 251 231 18,665 17,821 12,935 12,535 4,153 3,937 Change 4.7% 8.8 4.7 3.2 5.5 Nine Months Ended November 2, November 3 2019 2018 $ 53,997 $ 51,699 716 680 54,713 52,379 37,808 36,400 11,728 11,347 Change 4.4 % 5.3 4.5 3.9 3.4 1 575 1,002 113 (12) 530 819 115 (9) 5 8. 22.3 (1.6) 36.5 ,717 3,460 359 (38) 1,639 2,993 352 (21) 4.8 15.6 2.0 83.8 901 713 97 616 26.3 100.8 5 14. 3,139 703 ,436 17.9 32.8 14.3 2 (millions, except per share data) (unaudited) Sales Other revenue Total revenue Cost of sales Selling, general and administrative expenses Depreciation and amortization (exclusive of depreciation included in cost of sales) Operating income Net interest expense Net other (income) /expense Earnings from continuing operations before income taxes Provision for income taxes Net earnings from continuing operations Discontinued operations, net of tax Net earnings Basic earnings per share Continuing operations Discontinued operations Net earnings per share Diluted earnings per share Continuing operations Discontinued operations Net earnings per share Weighted average common shares outstanding Basic Diluted Antidilutive shares 2,662 530 2,132 7 2,139 195 706 8 714 $ $ 622 14.8 % $ 2,447 $ 14.4 % $ $ 18.2% $ $ 18.5 % 1.38 0.02 1.40 1.17 0.01 1.18 4.75 0.02 .77 4.01 0.01 4.02 S S 18.5 % S 4 $ 18.6% S S 18.2 % S 18.5 % .37 0.02 1.39 1.16 0.01 1.17 4.71 $ 0.02 4.74 $ 3.98 0.01 3.99 $ $ 18.5% $ 18.7% 509. 7 514. 8 5 25.9 5 31.2 (3.1)% (3.1)% 512.5 516.8 531.5 536.2 (3.6% (3.69% $ 0.64 3.1% $ 1.96 $ 1.90 3.2% Dividends declared per share $ 0.66 Note: Per share amounts may not foot due to rounding. TARGET CORPORATION Consolidated Statements of Financial Position 6,032 November 2 F ebruary 2 November 3. (millions, except footnotes) (unaudited) 2019 2019 2018 Assets Cash and cash equivalents S 969 $ 1,556 S 825 Inventory 11,396 9,497 12,393 Other current assets 1,440 1,466 1,421 Total current assets 13,805 12,519 14,639 Property and equipment Land 6,040 6,064 6,069 Buildings and improvements 30,467 29,240 29,090 Fixtures and equipment 5,912 5,784 Computer hardware and software 2,636 2,544 2,660 Construction-in-progress 298 460 384 Accumulated depreciation (19.089) (18,687) (18,380) Property and equipment, net 26,384 25,533 25,607 Operating lease assets 2,151 1,965 1.965 1,997 Other noncurrent assets 1,4011,273 1,329 Total assets $ 43,741 $ 41,290 S 43,572 Liabilities and shareholders' investment Accounts payable S 11,258 S 9,761 $ 11,959 Accrued and other current liabilities 4,191 4 ,201 4,096 Current portion of long-term debt and other borrowings 1.159 1,052 1,535 Total current liabilities 16,608 15,014 17,590 Long-term debt and other borrowings 10,513 10,223 10,104 Noncurrent operating lease liabilities 2,208 2,004 2,046 Deferred income taxes 1,215 972 970 Other noncurrent liabilities 1,652 1,780 1,782 Total noncurrent liabilities 15,588 14.979 14,902 Shareholders' investment Common stock 42 43 Additional paid-in capital 6,006 6,042 5,867 Retained earnings 6,017 5,884 Accumulated other comprehensive loss (773) (805) (714) Total shareholders' investment 11,545 1 1,297 11,080 Total liabilities and shareholders' investment S 43,741 $ 41,290 S 43,572 Common Stock Authorized 6,000,000,000 shares, S0.0833 par value; 506,677,740, 517,761,600 and 521,810,597 shares issued and outstanding at November 2, 2019, February 2, 2019, and November 3, 2018, respectively. 43 6,270 Preferred Stock Authorized 5,000,000 shares, $0.01 par value; no shares were issued or outstanding during any period presented. INSTRUCTIONS 1.) Using the data provided: -Target's 2019 3rd Quarter Earnings Report (the financial statements are on page 6 and 7) 2.) Prepare the following in excel: 7.) A comparison of 2019 and 2108 Net Earnings/A comparison of 2019 and 2018 Balance sheet (bar graph) 2.) Pie Chart - Revenues and Expenses 2019 and 2018 3.) Pie Chart - Total Assets and Total Liabilities 2019 ONLY 4.) Pie Chart Property and Equipment line items for 2019 ONLY For number 1 name the tab "At a glance" For number 2 name the tab Net Earnings Detail For number 3 name the tab Balance Sheet Detail For number 4 name the tab PPE Detail" I just want to clarify the homework assignment. For net earnings do a comparison for the nine months ended. As far as the balance sheet goes only do a comparison for November 2019/2018. Yes you will have to create an excel document to create the request charts. When it comes to the balance sheet create a sheet for total assets/liabilities/equity for each year. If you have any questions please feel free to contact me