I have an assignment which is called ACFR Government - Wide and Funds Financial Statements Discussion where, I choose Howard County, MD for my ACFR report can you go through the link I provided below for Howard County, MD and answer the question below and I have send you an sample picture for this assignment can you go through and try to do same format by listing Statement of Cash Flows and Statement of Fiduciary of Howard County, MD using the link I provided below? Link : https://www.howardcountymd.gov/finance/resource/howard-county-annual-comprehensive-financial-report-2023Can you please don't copy the sample picture I attached above just follow the format and research for Howard county, MD.
Statement of Cash flow: This statement shows the enterprise funds such as water utility, wastewater, utility, parking facilities, non major and internal service funds. The cash Flow from operating activities consist of receipts from customers, employees, suppliers which in turn had the net cash of 160,569 for water utility fund, 123,595 wastewater, 13,927 for utility, 52,033 for parking facilities, non major 26,193 which the subtotal would be 376,317. As for internal service funds the amount totaled into 13,158. The statement of the cash Flow strictly demonstrates the flow of how the city of Baltimore transfers out the funds to each department. Statement of Fiduciary: The statement shows assets, investments, liabilities and net position. Each of these components are broken down into different units. Assets consist of Cash cash equivalents which totaled the amount of $143, 758. Investments, there are stocks, bonds, real estate, private equity and hedge fund which also included securities lending collateral, accounts receivable and forward foreign contracts which the amount of total assets is $5,927,813. When it comes to liabilities the total amount is $159,337 and for net positions with restricted pensions, OPEB, and for both totaled the amount of 5,768,476. Moving forward to the Fiduciary Net Position funds has had additional funds such as contributions, investments income and deductions. The contributions showed the employee and employer which had a total of $414,720. The investment income totaled out to be $394,438. The deductions totaled out to be $548,362 which included retirement benefits, health benefits, death benefits and administrative expenses. Work Cited: https:/comptroller.baltimorecity.gov/sites/defa ult/files/comptroller_baltimorecity_gov/attach ments/City%200f%20Baltimore%20Final%20A udited%20Report%20(ACFR%20and%20UGG) %2006-30-2022.pdf