I have no idea how to code the functions. Please teach me how
Codio Project File Edit Find View Tools Education Help Node version Project Index (static) Configure. BFEDELL variable-leng... X 5. 5. Challen... X 1 # Get the filepath from the command line Collapse Data formats import sys P= sys . argv [1] F= sys . argv [2] 6 = sys . argv [3] 5. 5. Challenge: variable length records B= sys . argv [4] 8 # Variable Length Record 10 # 11 # Our Helper functions: Load the pipe-delimited file P . It is organized with 3 fields on each 12 # line: firstname | lastname |birthday. 13 # 14 Search for the firstname F and lastname L , replacing the birthday 15 # with B . Write the file back out in the same pipe-delimited format. 16 Loads the file at filepath 17 # Returns a 2d array with the data Check It! 18 # 19 def load2dArrayFromFile (filepath) : 20 # Your code goes here: 21 X LAST RUN on 10/10/2020, 9:17:54 AM 22 # Program Output 23 # Searches the 2d array 'records' for firstname, lastname. 24 # Returns the index of the record or -1 if no record exists There is an error is your program. 25 # 26 def findIndex (records, firstname, lastname) : 27 # Your code goes here: Sorry: IndentationError: expected an 28 indented block (variable-length. py, line 29 # Sets the birthday of the record at the given index 30 # Returns: nothing 26) 31 def setBirthday (records, index, newBirthday) : 32 # Your code goes here: 33 34 # Convert the 2d array back into a string 35 # Return the text of the 2d array 36 def makeTextFrom2dArray (records) : 37 # Your code goes here: Next 38 39 # 40 41 Our main code body, where we call our functions. 42 # 43 44 46% (28:0) Python Type here to search 09:18 0/10/2020 21 U / IV/LULUC Codio Project Edit Find View Tools Education Help Node version Project Index (static) Configure. BFEDELL variable-leng.. X 5. 5. Challen... X def load2dArrayFromFile (filepath) : 20 # Your code goes here: Collapse Data formats 21 22 # 23 24 # Searches the 2d array 'records' for firstname, lastname. # Returns the index of the record or -1 if no record exists 5. 5. Challenge: variable length records 25 # 26 def findIndex (records, firstname, lastname) : 27 # Your code goes here: Variable Length Record 28 29 # Sets the birthday of the record at the given index Load the pipe-delimited file P . It is organized with 3 fields on each 30 # Returns: nothing line: firstname | lastname | birthday. 31 def setBirthday (records, index, newBirthday) : 32 # Your code goes here: Search for the firstname F and lastname L , replacing the birthday 33 with B . Write the file back out in the same pipe-delimited format. 34 # Convert the 2d array back into a string 35 # Return the text of the 2d array Check It! 36 def makeTextFrom2dArray (records) : 37 # Your code goes here: 38 X LAST RUN on 10/10/2020, 9:17:54 AM 39 40 Program Output 41 Our main code body, where we call our functions. 42 43 # # # # There is an error is your program. # 44 45 # Load our records from the file into a 2d array Sorry: IndentationError: expected an 46 records= load2dArrayFromFile (P) indented block (variable-length. py, line 47 48 # Find out which index, if any, has the name we are hunting 26 ) 49 indexWeAreHunting= findIndex (records, F, L) 50 51 # Set the birthday record to the one we were passed 52 setBirthday (records, indexWeAreHunting, B) 53 54 # Convert the records into a text string 55 output= makeTextFrom2dArray (records) Next 56 57 # Your code goes here 58 # write the text string out to the file 59 found = re. findall(F + ' *' + L + ' *', input_data) 60 input_data = input_data. replace(birthday, B) 46% (28:0) Python Type here to search 09:19 10/10/2020 721