i. ii. iv. V. vi. vii. Using the text and JPEG provided, compile a report with the heading "Revenue Sources and Expenditures of a USA Charity in one year, 2016". The title of the report, your name and your University number should be at the top of the document, centred, in bold and in Arial font 16. The JPEG showing Revenue Sources and Expenditures should be inserted at the end of the report, centred and filling as much width as possible of the A4 page and remaining in proportion. The report and the chart should all appear on the one page. The whole of the body of your report, should be in Arial font 12 and justified, credit will be given for using this as a Normal Style. Highlight all percentages in one colour and all totals in $ in another colour. Add a second page about the work of UNICEF the UN children's charity in a country of your choice, this can be taken from the internet, but should be correctly referenced and include headings, images or graphics. (correctly referenced). This page should be in be in Arial font 12, section headers and layout are up to you. Insert a table of Contents as a new first page and this must include all the headings, subheadings and section headings from the two pages. Add page numbers to the document where you feel appropriate. Save the finished document three-page document as a Word.docx document. Upload the word document to the relevant Turnitin submission. Send a PDF version of the file via outlook following correct e-mail etiquette to your tutor explaining what the email is about. viii. ix. X. xi. xii. i. ii. iv. V. vi. vii. Using the text and JPEG provided, compile a report with the heading "Revenue Sources and Expenditures of a USA Charity in one year, 2016". The title of the report, your name and your University number should be at the top of the document, centred, in bold and in Arial font 16. The JPEG showing Revenue Sources and Expenditures should be inserted at the end of the report, centred and filling as much width as possible of the A4 page and remaining in proportion. The report and the chart should all appear on the one page. The whole of the body of your report, should be in Arial font 12 and justified, credit will be given for using this as a Normal Style. Highlight all percentages in one colour and all totals in $ in another colour. Add a second page about the work of UNICEF the UN children's charity in a country of your choice, this can be taken from the internet, but should be correctly referenced and include headings, images or graphics. (correctly referenced). This page should be in be in Arial font 12, section headers and layout are up to you. Insert a table of Contents as a new first page and this must include all the headings, subheadings and section headings from the two pages. Add page numbers to the document where you feel appropriate. Save the finished document three-page document as a Word.docx document. Upload the word document to the relevant Turnitin submission. Send a PDF version of the file via outlook following correct e-mail etiquette to your tutor explaining what the email is about. viii. ix. X. xi. xii