i need al sloution 1,2,3,4,5,6,7
1. conam assemble a group of candidates and use a range of techniques over a concentrated perind (one or two days) with the aim of providing a more comprehensive and balanced view of the suitablity of individual to a managerial position. 2. Cognitive abtity test b. Interview c. Assessment centers d. Background check 2. All of the followings are objectives of HRM excent: a. To ensure a good working atmosphere and enployment stablity by having proper facilities and working conditions: b. To improve the human assets by providing appropriate training programs on a continual basis c. To ensure individuals and groups have the rifht opportanities to develop and grow with the organization. d. To have a department that specifically focuses on staff issues 3. All of the following are component of the job description exrept: a. Job summary b. Personal data c. Mininsum requirement d. Duties and responsibitities 4. A for example, sbould cover areas such as epennesc conscientioumess eutrowension. agreeableness, and emotional stobility to determine a candidate's quallication for the role. a. psychology test b. personality test c. honesty test d. ability test 5. work fewer hours than core employees and recelise far fewer emplogee benefits, thus providing substantial sivings to employers. a. Contract workers b. Subcontractors c. Part-time employees d. Outsourcing 6. Regarding performance apprnisal -assess characteristics that contribute to an individual's personality, such as creativity, Friendliness to the customer and confidence. a. Trait-based appraisals b. Behavioral based appraisal c. Management by objectives d. Outcome based appraisal 7. assumes that work can be broken down into simple, repetitive tasks that maximize efficiency. a. Work simplification b. Job enlargement c. Job enrichment d. Team based job design