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i need an accounting expert to do these problems for me in 5 hrs. will tip 40 ONLY experts no new trails. Customer_Number Invoice_Number 795401

i need an accounting expert to do these problems for me in 5 hrs. will tip 40

ONLY experts no new trails.

image text in transcribed Customer_Number Invoice_Number 795401 206300 795401 207137 516372 211206 784647 212297 501657 212824 230575 213052 836004 213184 836004 213194 812465 213227 836004 213240 65003 213248 478604 213256 262001 213264 65003 213277 262001 213290 262001 213293 262001 213294 262001 213295 65003 213296 641464 213297 262001 213299 925007 213304 376005 213309 925007 213317 925007 213318 501657 213325 501657 213326 501657 213327 501657 213328 925007 213342 641464 213350 641464 213351 65003 213354 376005 213355 925007 213357 925007 213358 925007 213369 925007 213370 376005 213377 65003 213385 65003 213386 65003 213387 501657 213390 501657 213391 501657 213392 501657 213398 65003 213406 65003 213409 65003 213411 Amount 225.87 180.92 1,610.87 737.36 1,524.32 8.85 1,469.77 2,151.72 3,582.98 475.99 874.97 251.81 892.80 1,280.20 1,666.32 998.19 810.12 3,567.34 945.40 665.28 1,215.54 614.78 931.55 2,180.04 1,418.09 4,426.14 945.40 3,633.40 1,030.43 662.11 1,234.30 1,849.65 1,189.11 374.71 2,972.78 2,363.49 2,906.72 945.40 886.84 540.19 418.27 1,189.11 5,549.19 1,382.46 1,465.30 473.04 615.64 3,152.46 1,465.42 65003 230575 376005 501657 501657 501657 641464 376005 376005 262001 925007 262001 262001 925007 65003 65003 641464 65003 65003 925007 65003 297397 501657 65003 65003 65003 65003 65003 925007 376005 812465 812465 376005 925007 925007 176437 176437 258024 258024 51593 925007 501657 869033 65003 65003 925007 376005 376005 65003 65003 213412 213418 213420 213423 213424 213425 213430 213432 213433 213436 213438 213439 213440 213442 213444 213446 213448 213449 213450 213457 213474 213476 213508 213510 213511 213512 213514 213515 213517 213522 213531 213532 213537 213542 213558 213562 213564 213565 213566 213567 213569 213572 213580 213591 213593 213594 213595 213596 213597 213598 1,771.46 206.69 25.62 146.80 146.80 92.18 924.82 518.01 683.06 1,189.11 1,189.11 1,189.11 348.56 741.39 2,576.41 615.64 1,255.17 1,755.52 1,189.11 1,189.11 1,783.67 3,303.09 431.79 209.13 4,954.64 2,801.20 2,069.13 2,378.22 784.21 531.40 1,189.11 945.40 592.42 945.40 1,189.11 1,519.32 1,519.32 810.26 303.99 1,189.11 1,189.11 54.66 699.91 1,124.77 2,397.31 621.00 516.30 483.61 1,981.62 1,397.12 811002 811002 641464 938010 230575 925007 262001 262001 376005 376005 811002 925007 277097 376005 301037 516372 516372 562270 56016 56016 501657 811002 811002 65003 65003 65003 516372 516372 516372 878035 878035 812465 641464 65003 478604 478604 516372 516372 811002 811002 811002 811002 925007 925007 176437 516372 925007 925007 376005 262001 213607 213608 213611 213622 213633 213644 213646 213647 213650 213651 213655 213656 213661 213662 213666 213672 213672 213673 213674 213675 213676 213680 213681 213685 213690 213691 213695 213697 213698 213699 213700 213702 213704 213707 213711 213712 213714 213715 213716 213717 213718 213719 213721 213722 213727 213728 213730 213731 213734 213736 1,189.11 452.56 614.78 1,332.47 51.39 1,189.11 865.10 1,192.80 435.20 392.24 32.09 698.58 461.08 636.17 1,321.24 24.46 58.35 54.54 1,070.92 736.74 1,449.53 191.22 843.45 1,919.58 1,321.24 1,685.10 253.70 466.48 1,260.52 378.45 742.75 1,321.24 614.78 1,189.11 836.74 147.37 1,959.28 1,260.52 1,479.17 1,189.11 318.82 979.59 1,189.11 1,431.74 945.40 10.90 1,189.11 997.91 316.16 1,255.17 262001 516372 516372 938010 938010 938010 516372 501657 516372 516372 516372 925007 811002 811002 176437 811002 811002 811002 516372 501657 641464 641464 925007 811002 811002 518008 513574 516372 778088 641464 641464 516372 811002 811002 262001 518008 262001 518008 262001 262001 262001 202028 516372 513574 329169 65003 516372 836004 836004 518008 213737 213738 213739 213746 213747 213748 213753 213755 213765 213766 213767 213771 213776 213777 213778 213783 213786 213787 213791 213799 213804 213805 213808 213814 213815 213816 213818 213820 213823 213825 213826 213829 213832 213833 213837 213839 213840 213841 213846 213847 213848 213849 213850 213851 213852 213853 213854 213855 213856 213857 892.87 1,783.67 1,102.97 503.26 924.87 682.79 128.41 18.58 628.44 1,897.33 332.01 3,030.71 1,189.11 755.27 574.95 458.56 55.02 1,453.36 250.70 4.64 2,047.92 840.36 1,189.11 1,176.85 1,189.11 1,156.64 40.24 47.34 580.87 1,189.11 693.03 1,260.39 617.41 1,050.44 590.96 610.38 2,044.82 525.97 612.15 1,387.30 717.27 513.94 313.27 51.36 608.90 619.94 1,020.14 376.22 435.49 664.66 376005 501657 516372 811002 518008 262001 262001 65003 65003 176437 501657 501657 501657 501657 501657 836004 376005 501657 501657 222006 113236 65003 65003 222006 516372 262001 65003 262001 262001 262001 925007 262001 262001 230575 262001 176437 65003 262001 262001 925007 925007 925007 262001 262001 501657 501657 501657 811002 797352 925007 213858 213859 213862 213863 213865 213867 213868 213870 213871 213872 213875 213876 213881 213882 213883 213885 213888 213891 213892 213893 213894 213896 213897 213899 213900 213901 213904 213905 213906 213907 213908 213909 213914 213920 213922 213923 213925 213926 213927 213929 213930 213933 213934 213935 213936 213937 213938 213939 213940 213941 754.35 396.37 548.05 1,831.65 362.31 384.01 722.44 519.20 1,313.05 1,203.07 339.33 924.82 60.94 109.96 36.70 382.17 1,235.80 1,189.03 2,133.37 810.33 681.93 1,149.50 1,494.13 676.19 361.33 1,759.73 1,253.86 504.64 886.02 476.02 1,135.76 1,475.34 18.58 24.86 220.21 575.94 1,108.74 307.99 450.67 1,189.11 945.40 1,189.11 226.56 1,189.11 256.80 1,189.11 810.12 448.43 920.05 693.03 535189 811002 262001 262001 836004 97627 516372 222006 811002 516372 516372 797352 925007 65003 376005 202028 262001 376005 518008 925007 925007 359310 925007 925007 811002 925007 925007 65003 65003 65003 65003 65003 65003 262001 176437 925007 925007 262001 516372 516372 516372 516372 811002 811002 516372 811002 925007 925007 65003 65003 213943 213946 213947 213948 213950 213955 213956 213959 213960 213961 213964 213965 213967 213968 213969 213970 213971 213973 213974 213975 213976 213977 213981 213982 213983 213984 213985 213986 213987 213988 213989 213990 213991 213992 213993 213994 213995 213996 213997 213998 213999 214000 214001 214002 214003 214004 214005 214006 214007 214008 599.50 734.02 810.30 498.04 993.78 1,301.83 1,163.57 858.72 1,237.07 32.09 851.90 160.63 2,105.37 1,954.88 407.58 385.23 146.80 871.33 333.16 717.88 665.76 600.98 528.30 1,159.72 1,382.76 481.94 1,974.31 156.26 633.80 1,321.24 734.96 278.84 1,189.11 1,064.55 3,085.20 637.76 945.40 974.49 1,098.29 522.26 712.92 467.58 1,010.14 753.06 520.87 587.09 663.03 1,431.26 1,731.31 2,888.41 297397 297397 516372 516372 925007 925007 264629 297397 262001 914508 65003 65003 65003 65003 297397 65003 65003 641464 641464 262001 262001 262001 262001 262001 262001 516372 297397 207275 262001 262001 811002 222006 516372 222006 376005 65003 376005 925007 925007 65003 444413 262001 925007 925007 564291 512328 65003 516372 65003 925007 214009 214010 214011 214013 214016 214017 214018 214019 214020 214021 214022 214023 214024 214025 214026 214028 214029 214030 214031 214032 214033 214034 214035 214036 214037 214038 214039 214040 214041 214042 214043 214044 214045 214046 214047 214048 214049 214052 214053 214054 214055 214056 214057 214058 214059 214060 214061 214062 214063 214064 699.95 220.21 1,885.82 48.92 661.46 8.92 97.84 436.30 377.37 546.02 3,303.09 1,529.14 1,578.54 638.74 3,038.84 738.10 414.27 665.28 357.77 487.98 1,189.11 1,143.27 209.13 1,717.61 128.38 1,057.82 580.01 1,546.15 739.48 331.83 565.42 390.50 1,122.34 325.98 315.37 407.77 897.45 23.67 26.91 1,926.94 880.18 32.09 334.61 297.78 982.00 1,753.75 2,625.01 762.31 663.68 517.85 222006 376005 65003 264629 65003 262001 297397 65003 262001 836004 925007 503458 778088 262001 518008 65003 519311 811002 925007 65003 262001 516372 297397 262001 925007 641464 641464 812465 262001 262001 65003 297397 262001 815062 262001 81559 65003 419449 516372 516372 820025 376005 641464 65003 65003 641464 65003 262001 262001 641464 214065 214066 214067 214068 214070 214072 214073 214074 214075 214076 214077 214078 214079 214080 214081 214082 214084 214085 214086 214088 214091 214092 214093 214094 214095 214096 214097 214098 214099 214100 214101 214102 214103 214104 214105 214106 214107 214108 214109 214110 214111 214112 214113 214114 214121 214123 214124 214125 214126 214127 446.08 611.28 810.37 146.76 437.18 410.71 729.45 816.60 343.33 462.00 26.91 475.73 348.37 652.08 550.52 685.41 434.44 97.84 692.01 13.08 32.09 140.56 48.92 36.70 3,393.87 2,548.03 991.13 575.54 674.58 380.87 2,430.80 1,648.46 658.08 331.90 1,719.64 1,779.07 332.99 1,468.61 324.70 660.63 454.93 654.36 1,652.83 9.76 29.40 1,587.12 862.84 792.55 128.36 767.77 925007 65003 641464 641464 549479 561669 925007 516372 516372 297397 65003 222006 516372 516372 811002 516372 516372 297397 262001 262001 925007 262001 518008 811002 504356 962353 241370 262001 561669 262001 516372 516372 262001 284354 297397 925007 811002 811002 811002 501657 516372 501657 559491 176437 811002 811002 262001 65003 65003 812465 214128 214129 214132 214133 214134 214135 214136 214137 214138 214139 214140 214141 214143 214144 214145 214146 214147 214148 214149 214151 214152 214153 214154 214155 214156 214157 214158 214159 214160 214161 214162 214163 214164 214165 214166 214167 214168 214169 214170 214171 214172 214173 214174 214175 214176 214177 214178 214180 214185 214186 2,035.20 116.72 27.86 55.73 2,192.94 384.88 357.87 1,020.48 810.32 48.92 703.03 2,487.30 264.19 1,170.01 1,173.90 73.01 1,056.10 1,128.84 903.51 418.49 1,723.45 510.17 624.38 3,409.82 1,641.41 1,915.57 822.08 401.58 137.16 622.27 906.15 152.86 364.40 1,296.71 932.24 397.78 644.27 702.04 997.91 1,379.87 1,040.07 803.05 3,856.88 2,031.66 1,114.98 945.40 366.65 648.74 9.17 611.53 264629 516372 516372 518008 376005 376005 65003 65003 65003 811002 925007 962353 641464 925007 176437 262001 811002 516372 516372 65003 811002 641464 811002 262001 176437 925007 925007 925007 811002 513574 65003 925007 925007 516372 518008 516372 925007 376005 65003 65003 925007 202028 262001 65003 262001 811002 297397 176437 176437 641464 214187 214188 214189 214191 214192 214193 214194 214196 214197 214198 214199 214200 214201 214202 214207 214208 214209 214210 214211 214212 214213 214214 214215 214216 214217 214218 214219 214220 214221 214229 214233 214234 214235 214236 214237 214238 214239 214240 214241 214242 214243 214244 214245 214246 214247 214248 214251 214252 214253 214254 146.76 935.34 1,415.67 415.89 324.91 526.05 1,621.97 2,180.62 343.67 13.74 655.10 24.46 525.22 870.96 586.98 682.09 603.64 312.50 308.57 367.01 624.53 1,208.18 797.43 906.38 880.82 933.80 1,495.75 672.48 466.38 15.64 298.74 623.77 918.98 1,379.43 446.09 439.33 339.55 453.85 1,197.67 908.77 1,088.53 868.57 114.92 938.15 1,088.38 1,229.18 769.27 775.57 463.63 629.33 641464 231494 925007 925007 65003 938010 65003 65003 516372 562270 562270 562270 65003 65003 516372 925007 811002 262001 925007 518008 925007 925007 925007 925007 262001 262001 65003 994403 250402 250402 620304 620304 784647 784647 641464 641464 739622 90398 90398 65003 262001 836004 65003 516372 516372 262001 925007 925007 444413 925007 214255 214256 214257 214258 214259 214261 214262 214263 214264 214267 214269 214271 214277 214278 214279 214280 214281 214282 214283 214284 214285 214286 214287 214288 214289 214290 214291 214292 214293 214294 214295 214296 214298 214299 214300 214301 214302 214303 214304 214305 214306 214307 214308 214309 214310 214311 214312 214313 214314 214315 840.27 1,518.91 2,432.30 1,866.17 894.50 1,215.66 1,430.00 1,303.05 1,462.04 51.42 31.60 60.00 1,316.03 508.46 668.92 1,089.40 220.21 392.41 647.91 1,030.31 568.14 1,839.33 604.56 584.97 607.42 639.85 579.36 573.75 573.74 27.86 573.75 440.24 648.36 18.32 658.15 1,226.17 579.36 579.36 55.02 293.16 571.38 871.55 620.79 718.66 685.30 372.30 959.91 546.01 579.36 735.05 925007 176437 925007 925007 65003 564291 564291 925007 641464 925007 820025 65003 869033 778088 778088 925007 65003 512328 65003 925007 812465 641464 501657 501657 925007 516372 376005 376005 811002 811002 812465 297397 811002 297397 297397 925007 501657 501657 242605 242605 65003 65003 264629 925007 925007 207275 207275 65003 262001 262001 214316 214317 214318 214319 214320 214321 214322 214323 214324 214325 214326 214327 214328 214329 214330 214331 214332 214333 214334 214335 214337 214338 214339 214340 214341 214349 214358 214359 214360 214361 214363 214364 214365 214366 214367 214368 214369 214370 214371 214372 214373 214374 214376 214377 214378 214379 214380 214381 214382 214383 341.03 663.76 696.89 146.80 573.75 584.97 65.42 494.16 1,191.15 440.87 407.77 540.24 362.92 213.60 640.61 882.84 691.94 1,101.89 590.58 720.02 554.02 605.75 594.36 607.54 579.36 66.06 1,006.08 514.62 347.90 573.74 652.48 579.36 834.50 280.91 539.96 18.94 433.93 495.08 539.96 997.09 570.93 73.40 97.84 561.90 111.96 1,654.41 478.12 486.56 821.23 184.77 262001 463451 925007 516372 516372 641464 262001 516372 516372 222006 214384 214385 214386 214387 214388 214392 214393 13065X 13452X 43614X 839.29 335.55 808.20 737.74 6.66 46.77 605.34 303.81 66.06 539.97 IDEA Problem 3 There is technical assistance available for the educational version of IDEA, please contact technical support: 1888-641-2800 Option#4 or email the help desk at Go back and work through the samples in the IDEA Manual, Section 2-Accounts Receivable up to the section on the History Log for this week. NOTE: the page numbers will vary depending on the manual you are using due to operating system differences in your computers. Hint: Staying actively involved while completing the tutorial assignment will help you to complete the IDEA problems more efficiently. Please submit your answers to the following problems to your instructor in a Word document. You may need to take a screen shot of your results and copy them into the Word document to upload if asked to perform any analysis using the software Problem 3a You are going to import the file called Ames_AR into the IDEA program. Hint: Be sure to check the box so that the first row is the field names. Open the file and answer the following: How many records are in this database? List 2 ways to obtain this information. Close the file Problem 3b Reopen the file called Ames_AR. Answer the following: What is the average amount of the invoices in this file? Hint: Use Field Statistics in the Properties window. Print screen the results to submit in with your answer for this problem. Hint: click back on Data in the Prosperities Window to go back to the original data set. The company has a policy that invoices over $5,000 need approval by two managers. You want to quickly find all of the invoices in this database that are over $5,000 to check to make sure the approvals are in place. Hint: Use Criteria in the Properties window. In the Equation box create an expression that should read AMOUNT>5000 Print screen the results to submit in with your answer for this problem. o How many invoices are over $5,000 that you need to check? Problem 3c Print the history log for this problem Hint: Use History in the Properties window and be sure to expand all sections by clicking on the + sign. Print screen the results to submit in with your answer for this problem. IDEA Problem 4 There is technical assistance available for the educational version of IDEA, please contact technical support: 1888-641-2800 Option#4 or email the help desk at Go back and work through the samples in the IDEA Manual, Section 2-Accounts Receivable up to the section on the History Log for this week. NOTE: the page numbers will vary depending on the manual you are using due to operating system differences in your computers. Hint: Staying actively involved while completing the tutorial assignment will help you to complete the IDEA problems more efficiently. Please submit your answers to the following problems to your instructor in a Word document. You may need to take a screen shot of your results and copy them into the Word document to upload if asked to perform any analysis using the software Import and open the file called Ames_Inventory. Problem 4a You want to see if anything looks out of line with inventory. With the Ames_Inventory file open, Create an expression in the criteria section to determine if and inventory items have a quantity on hand less than 0. Hint: Since this activity is asking for a numeric calculation the field must also be numeric to perform this operation. To check the field status, right-click on the first number in the database under QTY_ON_HAND and select field manipulation. Change the field type from Character to Numeric and make sure the decimal places are at 0 then click ok. Create your expression using Criteria similar to what you did in problem 3 to display the results. Print screen the results to submit in with your answer for this problem. How many items did you find less than 0? Why do you think the quantity on hand would be less than 0? Problem 4b Clear the criteria. Hint: Right-click Criteria in the Properties window and select clear. You now want to check to make sure the unit cost UNIT_COST is less than the unit market price UNIT_MKT. Hint: This activity is asking for a numeric calculation so be sure the field types are correct, if not be sure to adjust the fields. Remember the decimal places would be 2 in this case. Print screen the results to submit in with your answer for this problem. How many items did you find where the unit cost was more than the unit market price? Why do you think the cost would be less than the market price? Problem 4c Print the history log for this problem Hint: Use History in the Properties window and be sure to expand all sections by clicking on the + sign. Print screen the results to submit in with your answer for this problem. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Submit your answers to Problems 3 and 4 in the same Word document. Be sure to label your answers clearly with the problem numbers and clearly identify the print screens of your results. Customer_Number Invoice_Number 795401 206300 795401 207137 516372 211206 784647 212297 501657 212824 230575 213052 836004 213184 836004 213194 812465 213227 836004 213240 65003 213248 478604 213256 262001 213264 65003 213277 262001 213290 262001 213293 262001 213294 262001 213295 65003 213296 641464 213297 262001 213299 925007 213304 376005 213309 925007 213317 925007 213318 501657 213325 501657 213326 501657 213327 501657 213328 925007 213342 641464 213350 641464 213351 65003 213354 376005 213355 925007 213357 925007 213358 925007 213369 925007 213370 376005 213377 65003 213385 65003 213386 65003 213387 501657 213390 501657 213391 501657 213392 501657 213398 65003 213406 65003 213409 65003 213411 Amount 225.87 180.92 1,610.87 737.36 1,524.32 8.85 1,469.77 2,151.72 3,582.98 475.99 874.97 251.81 892.80 1,280.20 1,666.32 998.19 810.12 3,567.34 945.40 665.28 1,215.54 614.78 931.55 2,180.04 1,418.09 4,426.14 945.40 3,633.40 1,030.43 662.11 1,234.30 1,849.65 1,189.11 374.71 2,972.78 2,363.49 2,906.72 945.40 886.84 540.19 418.27 1,189.11 5,549.19 1,382.46 1,465.30 473.04 615.64 3,152.46 1,465.42 65003 230575 376005 501657 501657 501657 641464 376005 376005 262001 925007 262001 262001 925007 65003 65003 641464 65003 65003 925007 65003 297397 501657 65003 65003 65003 65003 65003 925007 376005 812465 812465 376005 925007 925007 176437 176437 258024 258024 51593 925007 501657 869033 65003 65003 925007 376005 376005 65003 65003 213412 213418 213420 213423 213424 213425 213430 213432 213433 213436 213438 213439 213440 213442 213444 213446 213448 213449 213450 213457 213474 213476 213508 213510 213511 213512 213514 213515 213517 213522 213531 213532 213537 213542 213558 213562 213564 213565 213566 213567 213569 213572 213580 213591 213593 213594 213595 213596 213597 213598 1,771.46 206.69 25.62 146.80 146.80 92.18 924.82 518.01 683.06 1,189.11 1,189.11 1,189.11 348.56 741.39 2,576.41 615.64 1,255.17 1,755.52 1,189.11 1,189.11 1,783.67 3,303.09 431.79 209.13 4,954.64 2,801.20 2,069.13 2,378.22 784.21 531.40 1,189.11 945.40 592.42 945.40 1,189.11 1,519.32 1,519.32 810.26 303.99 1,189.11 1,189.11 54.66 699.91 1,124.77 2,397.31 621.00 516.30 483.61 1,981.62 1,397.12 811002 811002 641464 938010 230575 925007 262001 262001 376005 376005 811002 925007 277097 376005 301037 516372 516372 562270 56016 56016 501657 811002 811002 65003 65003 65003 516372 516372 516372 878035 878035 812465 641464 65003 478604 478604 516372 516372 811002 811002 811002 811002 925007 925007 176437 516372 925007 925007 376005 262001 213607 213608 213611 213622 213633 213644 213646 213647 213650 213651 213655 213656 213661 213662 213666 213672 213672 213673 213674 213675 213676 213680 213681 213685 213690 213691 213695 213697 213698 213699 213700 213702 213704 213707 213711 213712 213714 213715 213716 213717 213718 213719 213721 213722 213727 213728 213730 213731 213734 213736 1,189.11 452.56 614.78 1,332.47 51.39 1,189.11 865.10 1,192.80 435.20 392.24 32.09 698.58 461.08 636.17 1,321.24 24.46 58.35 54.54 1,070.92 736.74 1,449.53 191.22 843.45 1,919.58 1,321.24 1,685.10 253.70 466.48 1,260.52 378.45 742.75 1,321.24 614.78 1,189.11 836.74 147.37 1,959.28 1,260.52 1,479.17 1,189.11 318.82 979.59 1,189.11 1,431.74 945.40 10.90 1,189.11 997.91 316.16 1,255.17 262001 516372 516372 938010 938010 938010 516372 501657 516372 516372 516372 925007 811002 811002 176437 811002 811002 811002 516372 501657 641464 641464 925007 811002 811002 518008 513574 516372 778088 641464 641464 516372 811002 811002 262001 518008 262001 518008 262001 262001 262001 202028 516372 513574 329169 65003 516372 836004 836004 518008 213737 213738 213739 213746 213747 213748 213753 213755 213765 213766 213767 213771 213776 213777 213778 213783 213786 213787 213791 213799 213804 213805 213808 213814 213815 213816 213818 213820 213823 213825 213826 213829 213832 213833 213837 213839 213840 213841 213846 213847 213848 213849 213850 213851 213852 213853 213854 213855 213856 213857 892.87 1,783.67 1,102.97 503.26 924.87 682.79 128.41 18.58 628.44 1,897.33 332.01 3,030.71 1,189.11 755.27 574.95 458.56 55.02 1,453.36 250.70 4.64 2,047.92 840.36 1,189.11 1,176.85 1,189.11 1,156.64 40.24 47.34 580.87 1,189.11 693.03 1,260.39 617.41 1,050.44 590.96 610.38 2,044.82 525.97 612.15 1,387.30 717.27 513.94 313.27 51.36 608.90 619.94 1,020.14 376.22 435.49 664.66 376005 501657 516372 811002 518008 262001 262001 65003 65003 176437 501657 501657 501657 501657 501657 836004 376005 501657 501657 222006 113236 65003 65003 222006 516372 262001 65003 262001 262001 262001 925007 262001 262001 230575 262001 176437 65003 262001 262001 925007 925007 925007 262001 262001 501657 501657 501657 811002 797352 925007 213858 213859 213862 213863 213865 213867 213868 213870 213871 213872 213875 213876 213881 213882 213883 213885 213888 213891 213892 213893 213894 213896 213897 213899 213900 213901 213904 213905 213906 213907 213908 213909 213914 213920 213922 213923 213925 213926 213927 213929 213930 213933 213934 213935 213936 213937 213938 213939 213940 213941 754.35 396.37 548.05 1,831.65 362.31 384.01 722.44 519.20 1,313.05 1,203.07 339.33 924.82 60.94 109.96 36.70 382.17 1,235.80 1,189.03 2,133.37 810.33 681.93 1,149.50 1,494.13 676.19 361.33 1,759.73 1,253.86 504.64 886.02 476.02 1,135.76 1,475.34 18.58 24.86 220.21 575.94 1,108.74 307.99 450.67 1,189.11 945.40 1,189.11 226.56 1,189.11 256.80 1,189.11 810.12 448.43 920.05 693.03 535189 811002 262001 262001 836004 97627 516372 222006 811002 516372 516372 797352 925007 65003 376005 202028 262001 376005 518008 925007 925007 359310 925007 925007 811002 925007 925007 65003 65003 65003 65003 65003 65003 262001 176437 925007 925007 262001 516372 516372 516372 516372 811002 811002 516372 811002 925007 925007 65003 65003 213943 213946 213947 213948 213950 213955 213956 213959 213960 213961 213964 213965 213967 213968 213969 213970 213971 213973 213974 213975 213976 213977 213981 213982 213983 213984 213985 213986 213987 213988 213989 213990 213991 213992 213993 213994 213995 213996 213997 213998 213999 214000 214001 214002 214003 214004 214005 214006 214007 214008 599.50 734.02 810.30 498.04 993.78 1,301.83 1,163.57 858.72 1,237.07 32.09 851.90 160.63 2,105.37 1,954.88 407.58 385.23 146.80 871.33 333.16 717.88 665.76 600.98 528.30 1,159.72 1,382.76 481.94 1,974.31 156.26 633.80 1,321.24 734.96 278.84 1,189.11 1,064.55 3,085.20 637.76 945.40 974.49 1,098.29 522.26 712.92 467.58 1,010.14 753.06 520.87 587.09 663.03 1,431.26 1,731.31 2,888.41 297397 297397 516372 516372 925007 925007 264629 297397 262001 914508 65003 65003 65003 65003 297397 65003 65003 641464 641464 262001 262001 262001 262001 262001 262001 516372 297397 207275 262001 262001 811002 222006 516372 222006 376005 65003 376005 925007 925007 65003 444413 262001 925007 925007 564291 512328 65003 516372 65003 925007 214009 214010 214011 214013 214016 214017 214018 214019 214020 214021 214022 214023 214024 214025 214026 214028 214029 214030 214031 214032 214033 214034 214035 214036 214037 214038 214039 214040 214041 214042 214043 214044 214045 214046 214047 214048 214049 214052 214053 214054 214055 214056 214057 214058 214059 214060 214061 214062 214063 214064 699.95 220.21 1,885.82 48.92 661.46 8.92 97.84 436.30 377.37 546.02 3,303.09 1,529.14 1,578.54 638.74 3,038.84 738.10 414.27 665.28 357.77 487.98 1,189.11 1,143.27 209.13 1,717.61 128.38 1,057.82 580.01 1,546.15 739.48 331.83 565.42 390.50 1,122.34 325.98 315.37 407.77 897.45 23.67 26.91 1,926.94 880.18 32.09 334.61 297.78 982.00 1,753.75 2,625.01 762.31 663.68 517.85 222006 376005 65003 264629 65003 262001 297397 65003 262001 836004 925007 503458 778088 262001 518008 65003 519311 811002 925007 65003 262001 516372 297397 262001 925007 641464 641464 812465 262001 262001 65003 297397 262001 815062 262001 81559 65003 419449 516372 516372 820025 376005 641464 65003 65003 641464 65003 262001 262001 641464 214065 214066 214067 214068 214070 214072 214073 214074 214075 214076 214077 214078 214079 214080 214081 214082 214084 214085 214086 214088 214091 214092 214093 214094 214095 214096 214097 214098 214099 214100 214101 214102 214103 214104 214105 214106 214107 214108 214109 214110 214111 214112 214113 214114 214121 214123 214124 214125 214126 214127 446.08 611.28 810.37 146.76 437.18 410.71 729.45 816.60 343.33 462.00 26.91 475.73 348.37 652.08 550.52 685.41 434.44 97.84 692.01 13.08 32.09 140.56 48.92 36.70 3,393.87 2,548.03 991.13 575.54 674.58 380.87 2,430.80 1,648.46 658.08 331.90 1,719.64 1,779.07 332.99 1,468.61 324.70 660.63 454.93 654.36 1,652.83 9.76 29.40 1,587.12 862.84 792.55 128.36 767.77 925007 65003 641464 641464 549479 561669 925007 516372 516372 297397 65003 222006 516372 516372 811002 516372 516372 297397 262001 262001 925007 262001 518008 811002 504356 962353 241370 262001 561669 262001 516372 516372 262001 284354 297397 925007 811002 811002 811002 501657 516372 501657 559491 176437 811002 811002 262001 65003 65003 812465 214128 214129 214132 214133 214134 214135 214136 214137 214138 214139 214140 214141 214143 214144 214145 214146 214147 214148 214149 214151 214152 214153 214154 214155 214156 214157 214158 214159 214160 214161 214162 214163 214164 214165 214166 214167 214168 214169 214170 214171 214172 214173 214174 214175 214176 214177 214178 214180 214185 214186 2,035.20 116.72 27.86 55.73 2,192.94 384.88 357.87 1,020.48 810.32 48.92 703.03 2,487.30 264.19 1,170.01 1,173.90 73.01 1,056.10 1,128.84 903.51 418.49 1,723.45 510.17 624.38 3,409.82 1,641.41 1,915.57 822.08 401.58 137.16 622.27 906.15 152.86 364.40 1,296.71 932.24 397.78 644.27 702.04 997.91 1,379.87 1,040.07 803.05 3,856.88 2,031.66 1,114.98 945.40 366.65 648.74 9.17 611.53 264629 516372 516372 518008 376005 376005 65003 65003 65003 811002 925007 962353 641464 925007 176437 262001 811002 516372 516372 65003 811002 641464 811002 262001 176437 925007 925007 925007 811002 513574 65003 925007 925007 516372 518008 516372 925007 376005 65003 65003 925007 202028 262001 65003 262001 811002 297397 176437 176437 641464 214187 214188 214189 214191 214192 214193 214194 214196 214197 214198 214199 214200 214201 214202 214207 214208 214209 214210 214211 214212 214213 214214 214215 214216 214217 214218 214219 214220 214221 214229 214233 214234 214235 214236 214237 214238 214239 214240 214241 214242 214243 214244 214245 214246 214247 214248 214251 214252 214253 214254 146.76 935.34 1,415.67 415.89 324.91 526.05 1,621.97 2,180.62 343.67 13.74 655.10 24.46 525.22 870.96 586.98 682.09 603.64 312.50 308.57 367.01 624.53 1,208.18 797.43 906.38 880.82 933.80 1,495.75 672.48 466.38 15.64 298.74 623.77 918.98 1,379.43 446.09 439.33 339.55 453.85 1,197.67 908.77 1,088.53 868.57 114.92 938.15 1,088.38 1,229.18 769.27 775.57 463.63 629.33 641464 231494 925007 925007 65003 938010 65003 65003 516372 562270 562270 562270 65003 65003 516372 925007 811002 262001 925007 518008 925007 925007 925007 925007 262001 262001 65003 994403 250402 250402 620304 620304 784647 784647 641464 641464 739622 90398 90398 65003 262001 836004 65003 516372 516372 262001 925007 925007 444413 925007 214255 214256 214257 214258 214259 214261 214262 214263 214264 214267 214269 214271 214277 214278 214279 214280 214281 214282 214283 214284 214285 214286 214287 214288 214289 214290 214291 214292 214293 214294 214295 214296 214298 214299 214300 214301 214302 214303 214304 214305 214306 214307 214308 214309 214310 214311 214312 214313 214314 214315 840.27 1,518.91 2,432.30 1,866.17 894.50 1,215.66 1,430.00 1,303.05 1,462.04 51.42 31.60 60.00 1,316.03 508.46 668.92 1,089.40 220.21 392.41 647.91 1,030.31 568.14 1,839.33 604.56 584.97 607.42 639.85 579.36 573.75 573.74 27.86 573.75 440.24 648.36 18.32 658.15 1,226.17 579.36 579.36 55.02 293.16 571.38 871.55 620.79 718.66 685.30 372.30 959.91 546.01 579.36 735.05 925007 176437 925007 925007 65003 564291 564291 925007 641464 925007 820025 65003 869033 778088 778088 925007 65003 512328 65003 925007 812465 641464 501657 501657 925007 516372 376005 376005 811002 811002 812465 297397 811002 297397 297397 925007 501657 501657 242605 242605 65003 65003 264629 925007 925007 207275 207275 65003 262001 262001 214316 214317 214318 214319 214320 214321 214322 214323 214324 214325 214326 214327 214328 214329 214330 214331 214332 214333 214334 214335 214337 214338 214339 214340 214341 214349 214358 214359 214360 214361 214363 214364 214365 214366 214367 214368 214369 214370 214371 214372 214373 214374 214376 214377 214378 214379 214380 214381 214382 214383 341.03 663.76 696.89 146.80 573.75 584.97 65.42 494.16 1,191.15 440.87 407.77 540.24 362.92 213.60 640.61 882.84 691.94 1,101.89 590.58 720.02 554.02 605.75 594.36 607.54 579.36 66.06 1,006.08 514.62 347.90 573.74 652.48 579.36 834.50 280.91 539.96 18.94 433.93 495.08 539.96 997.09 570.93 73.40 97.84 561.90 111.96 1,654.41 478.12 486.56 821.23 184.77 262001 463451 925007 516372 516372 641464 262001 516372 516372 222006 214384 214385 214386 214387 214388 214392 214393 13065X 13452X 43614X 839.29 335.55 808.20 737.74 6.66 46.77 605.34 303.81 66.06 539.97 Prod_No Prod_Description 52530155 CEDAR STRAPPING PER/FT 52210545 2X3 2&B PER LINEAL 80100818 1/2" 90 DEGREE ELBOW COP 80126308 1/2" CPVC PIPE STRAP 52770015 2X8 2&B PER LINEAL 80102918 1/2" TEE COPPER TO COP 80126058 1/2" CPVC MALE ADAPTER 80101018 1/2" 45 DEGREE ELBOW COP 90010011 HOSE HANGER 24128712 NEOLITE SKATE GUARDS 30321663 SCREW DRIVER 1/8 X 4 SL 90509561 PLASTIC WATERING CAN 30322303 SCREW DRIVER NO.3 PHILL 90504061 54" EDGING TURF 30321683 SCREW DRIVER 1/4 X 6 SL 80126008 1/2" CPVC PLASTIC PIPE 24128812 COOPER SPORTS BAG 90501551 20" LEAF RAKE 80106218 1/2" GATE VALVE COPPER 80123968 REDVGING TY 3"X3"X1" 80123438 ADAPTER FIBERCAST 3"X4" 80124518 DRAINAGE TY 3" 80938748 CHROME ANGLE 1/2X3/8 COM 80938998 CHROME ST 1/2"X 3/8"COMP 30412903 8 PC METRIC HEX KEYS 10631140 CAKE PAN 24121332 MOUTH GUARD 52484435 PLYWOOD 4X8X 1/4 REJECT 10631190 LOAF PAN 24128932 NOSE & MOUTH GUARD 93788411 1" GARDEN HOSE 10311990 DIET SCALE 10134420 VEGETABLE STEAMER 30303413 8 OZ BALL PEIN HAMMER 30324803 ARC JOINT PLIERS 6" 23973042 MORA ICE DRILL EXTN 52504005 5/16 SHEATHING 90508191 PISTOL GRIP NOZZLE 60221676 PNEUMATIC DOOR CLOSER 1.8E+008 Y FITTING 4" 30303403 12 OZ BALL PEIN HAMMER 90507841 25' VINYL HOSE 52484405 PLYWOOD 4X8X 1/4 GIS 10207220 NAPKIN & RELISH HOLDER 90501541 24" LEAF RAKE 80123938 NEOPRENE ROOF FLASH 3" 10551340 DISH DRAINER 24112162 CURLING SLIDERS 52484415 PLYWOOD 4X8X 1/2 GIS Unit_Cost 0.03 0.01 0.19 0.24 0.31 0.29 0.33 0.37 0.43 1.01 0.73 0.63 1.22 1.37 1.47 2.41 3.10 1.83 2.30 2.68 2.79 2.79 2.99 2.99 2.48 3.09 2.80 2.88 3.10 3.49 1.40 2.98 3.12 3.90 3.99 3.32 3.94 1.63 2.10 3.21 4.12 2.88 4.88 3.22 3.00 4.14 6.56 5.18 5.20 Unit_MktQty_On_Hand 0.04 71,000 0.09 1,000 0.29 1,100 0.39 1,250 0.40 10,000 0.44 1,500 0.49 860 0.50 1,200 0.99 300 1.19 450 1.69 1,478 1.98 112 2.29 587 2.49 610 2.59 1,248 2.79 9,600 2.95 170 2.99 800 2.99 1,300 3.02 420 3.12 530 3.12 610 3.12 700 3.12 450 3.49 248 3.59 140 3.70 345 3.79 118 3.79 36 3.85 300 3.98 186 3.99 290 3.99 50 4.69 1,248 4.69 625 4.80 75 4.80 5,000 4.99 815 4.99 205 5.09 1,390 5.29 536 5.49 40 5.69 500 5.79 212 5.99 212 5.99 210 5.99 412 6.49 310 6.63 600 Inv_Cost 2,130.00 10.00 209.00 300.00 31,000.00 435.00 283.80 444.00 129.00 454.50 1,078.94 70.56 716.14 835.70 1,834.56 23,136.00 527.00 1,464.00 2,990.00 1,125.60 1,478.70 1,701.90 2,093.00 1,345.50 615.04 432.60 966.00 339.84 111.60 1,047.00 260.40 864.20 156.00 4,867.20 2,493.75 249.00 19,700.00 1,328.45 430.50 4,461.90 2,208.32 115.20 2,440.00 682.64 636.00 869.40 2,702.72 1,605.80 3,120.00 30030323 LONG NOSE PLIERS 7" 24195262 SNOWSHOE HARNESS 10803760 7 PC KITCHEN TOOL SET 40225934 MASONRY DRILL SET 24130572 BANANA PEEL SLIDER 30934423 DIAGONAL CUTTING PLIERS 24139372 WAX KIT 23946372 TEHO ROD AND REEL 60100356 BATH LOCK SET ALUMINUM 10102710 ALUMINUM TEAPOT 8 CUP 52208805 PANELLING PINE 4X8 52484425 PLYWOOD 4X8X 3/4 GIS 60100316 BATH LOCK SET BRASS 80102628 R161D TUBING 1/2" -12' 40240284 FORMICA CUTTING BIT 90501051 11" SPADING FORK 90507851 50' VINYL HOSE 90509981 IMPULSE SPRINKLER 70104177 LATEX SEMI-GLOSS LILAC 70104327 LATEX SEMI-GLOSS YELLOW 70104347 LATEX SEMI-GLOSS ORANGE 70104377 LATEX SEMI-GLOSS GREEN 70104397 LATEX SEMI-GLOSS CARAMEL 70104657 LATEX SEMI-GLOSS PINK 70104677 LATEX SEMI-GLOSS APRICOT 40240884 ADJ EDGE GUIDE 60100336 BATH LOCK SET COPPER 52204515 PANELLING BIRCH 4X8 24100312 COOPER HOCKEY HELMET 90509931 OSCILLATING SPRINKLER 90506331 5 PIECE GARDEN TOOL SET 40225014 6 PC WOODBORIN SET 40226054 12 PC PILOT BIT SET 10155170 4 PC CANISTER SET 52204525 PANELLING ROSEWOOD 4X8 90504761 6" EDGE TRIMMER 30303343 STRAIGHT CLAW HAMMER 60112276 MATCHING DOOR KNOCKERBLK 10155150 STEP-ON CAN 60221496 WHITE ENAMEL GRILL 60221506 BLACK ENAMEL GRILL 24104312 SNOW-JET MOBILE 24133112 HOCKEY NET SET 40224984 ROUTER BOX 10119040 BLANCHER 10155160 1 SHELF BREADBOX 23903712 FISH N FILLET BOARD 24144812 TRUNK SKI CARRIER 34255003 PARKER PROPANE KIT (7PC) 30324883 ARC JOINT PLIERS 16" 5.00 5.07 3.21 5.10 5.30 4.98 5.94 6.43 6.00 5.99 6.12 7.12 6.10 7.00 7.40 4.82 5.12 5.12 6.87 6.87 6.87 6.87 6.87 6.87 6.87 6.90 8.70 7.94 8.42 5.84 6.80 8.70 8.70 7.05 9.40 6.17 8.83 9.40 8.40 8.40 8.40 12.10 10.60 8.80 8.00 9.93 10.73 10.73 8.40 9.40 6.98 6.98 6.99 6.99 7.50 7.79 7.95 7.95 7.98 7.99 8.00 8.60 8.98 8.99 9.69 9.99 9.99 9.99 9.99 9.99 9.99 9.99 9.99 9.99 9.99 9.99 9.99 10.00 10.95 10.98 10.98 10.98 10.98 10.99 12.00 12.98 12.98 12.98 12.99 12.99 12.99 13.50 13.95 13.98 13.99 13.99 14.95 14.95 14.98 14.98 412 140 48 450 90 624 235 110 55 144 108 314 40 5,300 140 714 30 900 1,480 2,420 870 1,870 460 1,500 1,290 380 210 412 95 3,840 408 870 740 96 364 914 735 90 132 312 262 12 200 190 56 120 110 875 2,060.00 709.80 154.08 2,295.00 477.00 3,107.52 1,395.90 707.30 330.00 862.56 660.96 2,235.68 244.00 37,100.00 1,036.00 3,441.48 153.60 4,608.00 10,167.60 16,625.40 5,976.90 12,846.90 3,160.20 10,305.00 8,862.30 2,622.00 1,827.00 3,271.28 799.90 22,425.60 2,774.40 7,569.00 6,438.00 676.80 3,421.60 5,639.38 6,490.05 846.00 1,108.80 2,620.80 2,200.80 145.20 2,120.00 1,520.00 556.08 1,287.60 1,180.30 8,225.00 60100306 CYLINDRICAL LOCK SET BLK 60112296 LION DOOR KNOCKER BR 30412553 6 PC OPEN END WRENCH SET 10226620 CAKE DECORATING SET 90507811 50' RUBBER HOSE 30302903 4 PC CHISEL SET 30309373 HEAVY DUTY BRACE 60200306 CYLINDRICAL LOCK SET BR 24108612 ESKIMO TOBOGGAN 6FT 90669611 3 CU FT WHEELBARROW 30412753 6 PC BOX END WRENCH SET 24106512 HOCKEY PANTS 40247034 SET OF 6 ROTARY CUTTERS 60112356 MATCHING DOOR KNOCKER BR 40270354 MOLDING HEAD GUARD 10310890 MINCER 40241754 STEEL ROUTER TABLE 1.3E+008 #4 SMOOTH PLANE 80102618 1/2" SOFT TUBING 30'COIL 30414283 METRIC SOCKET SET 11 PC 40241314 ROUT-A-FORM PANTOGRAPH 80935298 HYDROMOULD SWING-SPOUT 24140032 MENS SNOSHOES 24188432 LADIES FIGURE SKATES 60102066 CLASSIC ENTRANCE SET BLK 60102106 CAPE COD ENTR SET BLK 60102116 CAPE COD ENTR SET BR 90599912 18" BUSHWACKER TRIMMER 10135060 192 OZ DUTCH OVEN 40240664 SHAPENER FOR 1/4" BITS 60102086 COLONIAL ENTRANCE SET BR 80512778 COMPACT DOUBLE BOWEL SNK 40276054 21 PC MONO-CUTTER SET 52720305 1X8 SHIPLAP PER MFBM 52720615 2X4 RANDOM PER MFBM 40277154 ADJUSTABLE DADO 80435438 DUAL LEVER FAUCET-NO-SPR 90069591 4 CU FT WHEELBARROW 30302303 MITRE BOX 21" 60102096 SEVILLE ENTRANCE SET BR 10311800 PASTA NOODLE MAKER 80935428 DUAL LEVER FAUCET -SPRAY 30414313 METRIC TOOL SET 3/8" DR 10102840 PRESSURE COOKER 8QT 30364163 TAP & DIE SET 41 PIECES 40243224 2 SP ROTARY SANDER 90081001 SUPER CALLUM LEAF MULCH 40220074 3/8" COMPACT DRILL PRESS 40232194 12 SP AUTO SCROLLER SAW 60217066 ALUMINUM DOOR 11.20 11.20 11.53 10.80 8.08 10.12 10.12 12.40 15.87 9.00 12.50 14.80 12.40 14.10 14.12 14.14 14.12 14.12 16.80 18.00 18.70 21.12 27.41 28.15 19.90 19.90 21.40 21.40 27.60 29.60 32.08 36.18 36.50 41.00 41.00 36.57 40.24 23.84 41.23 38.70 24.88 44.24 47.00 39.40 49.60 52.80 155.80 62.00 59.60 87.40 14.98 14.98 15.98 15.99 16.98 16.98 16.98 16.98 17.95 17.98 18.49 18.95 18.98 19.98 19.98 19.99 21.98 22.98 23.98 25.98 25.98 27.98 32.95 32.95 32.98 32.98 34.88 34.98 39.98 39.98 44.89 46.98 47.98 50.00 50.00 51.98 51.98 52.98 54.95 54.98 54.99 58.98 59.98 64.98 69.98 74.98 79.50 79.98 89.98 136.99 170 1,904.00 184 2,060.80 700 8,071.00 48 518.40 200 1,616.00 795 8,045.40 842 8,521.04 163 2,021.20 45 714.15 47 423.00 248 3,100.00 125 1,850.00 840 10,416.00 140 1,974.00 55 776.60 86 1,216.04 60 847.20 804 11,352.48 6,000 100,800.00 612 11,016.00 375 7,012.50 47 992.64 75 2,055.75 80 2,252.00 77 1,532.30 210 4,179.00 154 3,295.60 43 920.20 230 6,348.00 135 3,996.00 155 4,972.40 112 4,052.16 120 4,380.00 32 1,312.00 18 738.00 145 5,302.65 93 3,742.32 (8) (190.72) 600 24,738.00 300 11,610.00 64 1,592.32 116 5,131.84 130 6,110.00 400 15,760.00 (12) (595.20) 70 3,696.00 12 1,869.60 140 8,680.00 210 12,516.00 188 16,431.20 90585322 18" REEL MOWER 90584072 22" SELF-PROPELLED MOW 40270324 RADIAL ARM 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807.75 845.06 4,585.52 2,368.75 15,943.20 2,797.20 1,098.90 1,719.14 1,318.80 18,475.92 143,880.00 15,899.76 9,742.50 1,315.06 2,471.25 2,636.00 2,539.46 6,925.80 5,371.52 1,504.14 9,195.40 5,397.30 6,957.95 5,261.76 5,757.60 1,600.00 900.00 7,537.10 4,834.14 (423.84) 32,970.00 16,494.00 3,519.36 6,841.68 7,797.40 25,992.00 (839.76) 5,248.60 954.00 11,197.20 18,895.80 25,754.12 22,879.12 44,098.53 14,999.40

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