I need answer in c++!please
15.36 LAB: Find student with highest GPA Complete the Course class by implementing the FindstudenthighestGpa( member function which returns the Student object with the highest GPA in the course. Assume that no two students have the same highest GPA Given classest - Class Course represents a course, which contains a vector of Stwdent objects as a course rostet, (Type your codein here) - Class Student tepresents a classroom student, which has three private data members first name, last name, and GPA (Hint: GetGPA() returns a student's GPA) Note. For testing purposes, different student values will be used. Ex. For the following students Henry Nquyon 3,5 Brenda 5 tern 2,0 Lyenda fobison 3.2 Sonya iking 3.9 the output is Top atudent: Sonya king (GPA: 3.9) 15.361: LAB: Find student with highest GPA Curtent file: Course.cpp - Load default template. itinclude % y. void courser addstudent (Student : s) 0 roster. posh back(s); 0.) 10 File is makelud as read only Qurrent file: Course.h * Fieis marked as read only Current fle: main.cpp - int main( ) course course: string trame: string Lnaes: string Epa; Il Exaipple students for testing course. Adds tudent (Student "Henry", "ugigen", 3.5)); course.Adastudent (student " "llenda?, "Stern", 2,0)): course.Addstudent (student "(ynda", "Kobison", 3.2)); course, Addastudent (Student ("sonya", "King", 3.9)); 5 student student - course., Indstudentulghestopa(); return of Ele is marked as teod only Curent fite: Studenth - Alnclude sstring? using namespace std; If class representing a student 8 class 5 tudent public: Student(steing first, string last, double gaa); double GetcPs() i. string cottast() string Getfirst (; Drivate: string first: // f frst none string last: // cost noter 1it double bas: // grode point average 19 20 33. anditia file le mikied as read only Oviment file Stusint cTP = I If staident rlam censtruetar 4 stubentistedent (strine tirst, strine lint, asale get) (. 1e double student rimetgan() if. 11 return crap; i) 1 i) i4 it iting studentiroetiast () 1 . is. 1 retien Iast? is string studentiontfirsti) 19 metum tirnt