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I need help answering the study questions below? The course is CON 090 Contracting Fundamentals. Thank you in-advance? Question 1 What are the roles of

I need help answering the study questions below? The course is CON 090 Contracting Fundamentals. Thank you in-advance?

Question 1

What are the roles of Congress in the fund appropriation process? Select all

that apply.

D Determining how much should be spent on a given contract.

D Assigning new colors of money.

D Voting on the budget authority.

D Voting on the amount of obligations that can be incurred.

Question 2

Violations of the Anti-deficiency Act can include what types of punishments?

Select all that apply.

D A fine of up to $5,000.

D Suspension from duty without pay.

D A fine of up to the amount of the violation.

D Loss of security clearance.

D Imprisonment of up to 2 years depending on the severity of the violation.

D Removal from office.

Question 3

Which of the below examples is a violation of the Bona-fide Need Rule?

6 The contracting specialist processes a contractual action that results in an

overpayment to a contractor.

6 The contracting specialist process a contractual action without written assurance

from the financial authority that adequate funds are available.

6 The contracting specialist processes a contractual instrument to purchase an

aircraft for the Air Force using funds allocated for the Army.

6 The contracting specialist process a contractual instrument to purchase supplies

in FY14 that are not needed until FY 16, because it's the end of the fiscal year and

there are still FY14 funds remaining.

Question 4

The contracting specialist process a contractual action without written

assurance from the financial authority that adequate funds are available.

This is an example of a violation of which of the following?

(') Appropriations Act

(') Anti-deficiency Act

(') Bona-fide Need Rule

Question 5

A Payment Specialist of the financial management community team has

which of the following responsibilities?

o Managing the money

o Disbursing funds to cover contractor invoices

o Certifying that money is available

o Determining that a contract price is fair and reasonable.

Question 6

Upon acceptance of the product or service, the contractor sends a(n)

____ to DFAS, which makes payments (also called outlays) to the


o Payment

o Copy of the contract

o Invoice

o Purchase Request

Question 7

Which of the following is TRUE regarding a post-award orientation for a

newly awarded contract?

Question 7

Which of the following is TRUE regarding a post-award orientation for a newly awarded contract?

It can serve as substitute for a contractor who did not fully understanding the work requirements when their offer

was submitted.

o It can serve as substitute for a contractor who did not fully understanding the work

requirements when their offer was submitted.

o It can be used to modify, if appropriate under the circumstances, the final

agreement arrived at in competitive discussions leading to contract award.

o Maximum benefits will be realized when orientation is conducted promptly after


o The contracting officer must arrange for an orientation for this type of contract if

requested by the contractor in writing.

Question 8 1

The contracting officer may retain all of the following contract administration

functions, EXCEPTo

Determine the adequacy of the contractor's accounting system.

o Ensure timely notification by the contractor of any anticipated overrun or underrun

of the estimated cost under cost-reimbursement contracts.

o Cause release of shipments from contractor's plants according to the shipping


o Maintain surveillance over contractor compliance with FAR 52.222-50, Combating

Trafficking in Persons


Question 9

Which of the following is TRUE regarding production surveillance?

o It is performed on contractors that only have Criticality Designator C contracts.

o It is a substitute for inspection and acceptance activities.

It can be used to modify, if appropriate under the circumstances, the final agreement arrived at in competitive

discussions leading to contract award.

Maximum benefits will be realized when orientation is conducted promptly after award.

The contracting officer must arrange for an orientation for this type of contract if requested by the contractor in writing.

Question 9

Which of the following is TRUE regarding production surveillance?

It is performed on contractors that only have Criticality Designator C contracts.

It is a substitute for inspection and acceptance activities.

It involves Government review and analysis of Contractor performance plans, schedules, controls, and industrial


It makes the Government responsible for timely performance.

o It involves Government review and analysis of Contractor performance plans,

schedules, controls, and industrial processes.

o It makes the Government responsible for timely performance.

Question 10

Failure to adhere to contract terms concerning subcontracting goals is an

example of what type of contractor performance problem?

o Compliance

o Schedule

o Quality

o Cost

Question 11

Generally, contractors are held liable for the loss of Government-furnished

special test equipment under which of the following types of contracts?

o Time-and-material contracts

o Cost-reimbursement contracts

o Negotiated fixed-price contracts awarded on a basis other than certified cost or

pricing data

o None of these

Question 12

Scenario: Currier Corporation has been issued a letter contract by the Navy with a ceiling of $175,000. The

contract contains all required FAR and DFARS clauses. After award, Currier decides to subcontract part of

the work to Lunsford Corporation. The subcontract will be cost-plus fixed-fee with a value of $50,000.

Currier does not have an approved purchasing system.

Question: Pursuant to the FAR and DFARS clauses in the contract, which of the following is TRUE regarding

the subcontract to Lunsford?

Currier need not provide advance notification nor request consent to subcontract.

Currier must provide advance notification, but need not request consent to


Currier need not provide advance notification, but must request consent to subcontract.

Currier must provide advance notification and request consent to subcontract.

Question 13

Scenario: The Elsesser Corporation is performing a cost-plus fixed-fee research and development contract for

the Navy valued at $1 million. The contract contains all required FAR and DFARS clauses. The contract requires

Elsesser Corporation to deliver four prototypes by 3 February 2014. Elsesser delivers the prototypes on 29

January 2014 and the Government accepts them. On 18 February 2014, the Government end user informs the

contracting officer that three of the four prototypes are defective and will need to be repaired. On 3 March

2014, the contracting officer requests that Elsesser repair or replace the defective prototypes at no cost to the

Government. Elsesser refuses, claiming that they are not liable because the Government already accepted the

prototypes. However, they would be willing to repair or replace the prototypes for an additional cost and fee.

The delivery of the defective prototypes was not due to fraud, lack of good faith, or willful misconduct on the

part of the contractor, or mismanagement of contractor employees.

they would be willing to repair or replace the prototypes for an additional

cost and fee.

The delivery of the defective prototypes was not due to fraud, lack of good

faith, or willful misconduct on the part of the contractor, or mismanagement

of contractor employees.

Question: Pursuant to the FAR and DFARS clauses in the contract, which

of the following is TRUE?

o The Govemment must reimburse Elsesser for its allowable costs of repairing or

replacing the prototypes, but does not have to pay any additional fee.

o The Govemment must reimburse Elsesser for its allowable costs of repairing or

replacing the prototypes and will have to pay an additional fee.

o The Govemment must make an equitable adjustment to the contract price.

o Elsesser must repair or replace the prototypes at no cost to the Govemment.

Question 14

Which of the following statements is true regarding documentation of

performance information?

o Performance information is publicly available information about a contractor's

ability to perform.

o Performance information is relevant information, for future source selection

purposes, regarding a contractor's actions under previously awarded contracts.

o Performance information is documented in order to support the application of

liquidated damages.

o Performance information is all negative information related to a contractor's

performance on a contract

Question: Pursuant to the FAR and DFARS clauses in the contract, which of the following is TRUE?

The Government must reimburse Elsesser for its allowable costs of repairing or replacing the prototypes, but does not

have to pay any additional fee.

The Government must reimburse Elsesser for its allowable costs of repairing or replacing the prototypes and will have to

pay an additional fee.

The Government must make an equitable adjustment to the contract price.

Elsesser must repair or replace the prototypes at no cost to the Government

Question 15

The following is an example of a unilateral contract modification:

o A contract modification issued by the contractor

o An administrative change that does not affect the contract price

o A contract modification signed by the Contracting Officer and the contractor

o A negotiated change that results in a supplemental agreement

Question 16

Bilateral modifications are always used to do which of the following?

o Exercise contract options

o Issue contract termination notices.

o Definitize letter contracts.

o Suspend work

Question 17

The Government's policy pertaining to contract modifications is to:

o Ensure they are used to document changes that have already occurred on the


o Ensure they are priced before their execution if this can be done w~ hout adversely

affecting the interest of the Government.

Question 17

The Government's policy pertaining to contract modifications is to:

Ensure they are used to document changes that have already occurred on the contract.

Ensure they are priced before their execution if this can be done without adversely affecting the interest of the


Be issued within 10 days of a change being identified.

o Be issued within 10 days of a change being identified.

o Be executed by either the Contracting Officer or the Contracting Officer's


Question 18

Constructive changes often arise as a result of (select all that apply):

3 pts

D Acceleration of contract performance to finish sooner than the contract schedule

D Disagreement over contract requirements

D Defective or improperly interpreted specifications and misleading information

D Negotiations related to defined changes.

D Enforcement of contract terms and conditions.

Question 19 1 pts

The Contracting Officer can use the authority of the "Changes" clause to

issue a change order. Which of the following is true regarding these orders?

D They may be used by the CO as long as proper notice is provided to all sureties.

D They may be used to make unilateral changes in the method of shipment or

packing or place of delivery.

D They can be used to increase the quantity of items required under the contract.

D They may be issued under commercial item contracts.

Be executed by either the Contracting Officer or the Contracting Officer's Representative.

Question 20 1 pts

For a supply contract, which one of the following clauses provides for an

adjustment to the delivery schedule if the contracting officer fails to act

within the time specified in the contract?

o FAR 52.249-8, Default (Fixed-Price Supplies and Services)

o FAR 52.242-17, Government Delay of Work

o FAR 52.242-14, Suspension of Work

o FAR 52.242-15, Stop-Work Order

Question 21

Scenario: Spohn Corporation is performing a cost-plus fixed-fee contract

for services valued at $5 million for the Navy. The contract contains all

required FAR and DFARS clauses. During contract performance, the

contracting officer issues a change order to revise the statement of work.

Within 30 days of receiving the change order, Spohn requests an equitable

adjustment in the estimated cost, fixed fee, and completion schedule due to

his increased performance costs and delays that will result from the

change. Additionally, Spohn's assertion of increased performance costs

and delays are found to be true.

Question: Pursuant to the FAR and DFARS clauses in the contract, which

of the following is accurate?

o The contracting officer is required to adjust the estimated cost of the contract and

the completion schedule, but not the amount of fixed fee.

o The contracting officer is required to adjust the estimated cost of the contract, the

completion schedule, and the amount of fixed fee.

Question 21

Scenario: Spohn Corporation is performing a cost-plus fixed-fee contract for services valued at $5 million for

the Navy. The contract contains all required FAR and DFARS clauses. During contract performance, the

contracting officer issues a change order to revise the statement of work. Within 30 days of receiving the

change order, Spohn requests an equitable adjustment in the estimated cost, fixed fee, and completion

schedule due to his increased performance costs and delays that will result from the change. Additionally,

Spohn's assertion of increased performance costs and delays are found to be true.

Question: Pursuant to the FAR and DFARS clauses in the contract, which of the following is accurate?

The contracting officer is required to adjust the estimated cost of the contract and the completion schedule, but not the

amount of fixed fee.

The contracting officer is required to adjust the estimated cost of the contract, the completion schedule, and the

amount of fixed fee.

The contracting officer is not required to adjust any of the contract terms.

The contracting officer is only required to adjust the estimated cost of the contract.

o The contracting officer is not required to adjust any of the contract terms.

o The contracting officer is only required to adjust the estimated cost of the contract.

Question 22

Scenario: Malloy Corporation is performing a firm-fixed-price contract for

noncommercial supplies valued at $10 million. The contract contains all

required FAR and DFARS clauses. Pursuant to the contract, (1) Malloy

must receive approval by the Government prior to commencing production

and (2) the Government must notify Malloy of its approval or disapproval

within five days of Malloy's request. During contract performance, the

Government takes 30 days to approve Malloy's request. Accordingly,

Malloy submits a claim in a timely manner to the contracting officer for a

schedule extension and a price increase to cover the increase in the cost of

and time required for performance caused by the Government's delay.

Question: Pursuant to the FAR and DFARS clauses included in the

contract, Malloy Corporation would be entitled to which of the following?

6 Time extension and price increase (excluding profit)

6 Time extension only

6 Time extension and price increase (including profit)

6 Price increase (excluding profit) only

6 Price increase (including profit) only

Question 23

Payments for accepted supplies or services are called

Payments made prior to acceptance of supplies or services are called


Question 24

________ are contract financing payments made on the basis of-

(1) Performance measured by objective, quantifiable methods;

(2) Accomplishment of defined events; or

(3) Other quantifiable measures of results.

o Performance based payments

o Advance payments

o Commercial interim payments

o Progress payments

Question 25

Which contract financing method provides for payment prior to the

commencement of work?

o Progress payments based on costs

o Advance payments

Performance-based payments

Commercial interim payments

o Performance-based payments

o Commercial interim payments

Question 26

Scenario: Ridings Corporation is a HUBZone small business concern

performing a firm-fixed-price contract valued at $300,000 for the Marine

Corps. The contract provides for progress payments based on costs at the

customary progress payment rate . The contract contains all required FAR

and DFARS clauses. Ridings is not using any subcontractors. After the

first month of performance , Ridings has incurred $100,000 in costs and has

submitted his first progress payment request.

Question: Pursuant to the terms of the contract, what is the most that the

Government should pay Ridings?

0 $80,000

0 $95 ,000

0 $85,000

0 $90 ,000

Question 27

Which one of the following factors is not considered in determining whether

a contractor's invoiced costs are allowable?

o Allocability

o Terms of the contract

Question 27 1

Which one of the following factors is not considered in determining whether a contractor's invoiced costs are



Terms of the contract

28 The prompt payment act requires the goverment pay contractors in a timely manner. Which of the following true regardin this act.

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