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I need help completing Your Fast Goals Part 1 and Part 2and Part 3 TABLES in the uploaded workbook (see below ) . The FAST

I need help completing Your Fast Goals Part 1 and Part 2and Part 3 TABLES in the uploaded workbook (see below ) . The FAST GOALS identified for us by the program are below:


1. Career

2. Apprenticeship

3. Workplace

4. Maths and or English

5.Personal development

What i need to do is to complete the following headings (strategies, resources, evidence and evaluation of impact) linked to achieve each goal listed above. I have started completing some boxes but struggling with it overall. This is a healthcare leadership and management course. I have uploaded the entire workbook just to give an insight about my profession and what is expected from the activity in the workbook. Thank you

SLA Rosalind Franklin - Individual Stretch and Challenge Plan

The purpose of this document is to support you to take your learning on the apprenticeship further by aiming for the highest grade you can achieve and supporting you to reach your aspirations and goals.

What grade are you aiming for at EPA?

Assessment Method 1 - Strategic business proposal, presentation with questioning

Assessment Method 2 - Professional discussion underpinned by a portfolio of evidence

Overall Grading

Grade: Pass

Grade: Distinction

Grade: Distinction

Grades are either Fail, Pass or Distinction

See the assessment plan, page 17, for full details:

st0480_senior_leader_l7_ap-for-publication_20012021.pdf (

Starting points

Every apprentice joining Arden undertakes initial assessments in English and maths but also in the form of a skill scan you completed at onboarding. This was to assess your baseline starting point on joining the programme which then helps us to shape your delivery and personalise the curriculum. We will review your learning against the KSBs every 6 months to track progress and look at where you feel you need more support and where you can be challenged to go further!

We'd love to get to know more about you, why you've joined the programme, what your current role is and ultimately what are your next steps and future aspirations. Please complete the sections below in readiness for our meeting. Only you and I will view this document and it will be stored securely in your Bud profile under the activity called 'Stretch and Challenge Plan.'

Apprentice Name


Senior Leader L7 HealthCare - Rosalind Franklin


East London Foundation Trust

Job role

Out of Hours Matron

Employment/Career/Progression Objectives

What is your motivation for completing this apprenticeship? How will this Apprenticeship help you in your current role?

To be able to develop my knowledge, attitudes, behaviour, and skills so that I can lead a positive innovation and a more positive transformation within the health care settings I currently work in.

About Your Current Role - link to skill scan

Think back to completion of the skill scan at onboarding. Look at appendix 1 for the full list of KSBs and comment below on areas where you have scored 1 - 3 and make a note of support you may need to gain exposure to those areas of the standard in the workplace. Who will need to be involved in supporting you? Your line manager or a workplace mentor?

  • See excel spreadsheet.

My senior colleagues, my line manager and colleagues. Following my skill scan completion where I have scored myself 1-3. I will identify the teams / department that I will need to shadow to gain exposure, insight, knowledge, and skills. E.g I will shadow finance team in my organisation to gain an in-depth knowledge about budget. I have listed in my skill scans my senior colleagues that I will be able to shadow to support me to gain exposure to the areas of the standard in the workplace.

What about those areas you feel more confident with? These are quick wins for you to be focusing on building your workplace evidence for. What are these areas?

Throughout my academic and professional journey, I've consistently demonstrated my strong communication skills. I've delivered presentations, engaged in group discussions, and communicated complex ideas effectively to diverse audiences. My ability to clearly convey information and actively listen to others has been crucial in my leadership role and in my interactions with colleagues. I understand the importance of collaboration, and my adaptability and willingness to collaborate have enabled me to thrive within diverse teams.

I will continue to develop on my skills, knowledge daily, get feedback from colleagues & patients and I will regularly reflect.

About Your Initial Assessment
Assessment Date Result Recommendation/ area to develop
Math 7/6/23 2.8
English 7/6/23 1.6 Spelling, Punctuation and Grammar
About the Support You Need

Outline details of any additional support you will require whilst on the apprenticeship programme. This could include support from our Inclusion team, support with time management or maybe support with Harvard Referencing and academic writing if you've not been in education for a while. This section will help your coach to shape you learning plan and guide you in the right direction to meet your aspirational grade!

I currently have not identified any support now. However, as the course progresses and I identify any support from Arden, I will notify my coach for the support.

About Your Aspirations/next steps/progression

What are your future career aspirations once you have completed your Apprenticeship? What is your ultimate destination? Promotion, wage rise, different role, further study?

Studying the Level 7 Diploma in Strategic Management and Leadership Practice and Chartered Manager status, will help me accelerate my career to the next level. This course will give me the opportunity to become an effective and reflective learner, encouraging the development of transferable skills relevant to the attainment of individual goals. This includes skills in self-assessment, reflection, awareness, and management, as well as personal development planning and communication.

Studying this course, I will be able to bring immediate positive and productive changes to my team(s), organisations, services, and service users in areas such as increasing staff morale, improving service user experience, effective service redesign, reduction of waste, and more efficient use of resources.

By the end of this course, I will be looking at progression into a senior role. As I am currently a band 8a, I will be aiming at applying for a band 8b role with my knowledge, skills and experience and definitely, increased wage.

About Your Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats - link to a SWOT document

Using your completed SWOT analysis as a starting point:

What strengths are you looking to further develop?

Team Working & Development


Team Working & Development

Organisational Values

Driving Change & Risk Management

What weaknesses are you looking to turn in to strengths?

An understanding about budget

Understanding of KPI


Finance, Workforce, Planning & Procurement

What opportunities are you looking to take advantage of?

Studying the Senior Leader Apprenticeship with NHS Leadership Academy Rosalind Franklin Award provides me with the knowledge, skills, attitudes, and behaviours necessary to lead positive transformational change across my organisation and the health and care sector. It also instils all the qualities required for me as a leader to successfully improve patient, health, and service outcomes. The course is also endorsed by Skills for Health and Skills for Care, a recognition of the exceptional quality of the course's teaching, training, and development. I will also have free membership to the Institute of Health and Social Care Management (IHSCM), providing access to events, conferences, workshops, and networks, as well as opportunities for mentoring and coaching.

How do you plan to manage the potential impact of the threats?


Following completion of your SWOT analysis, we will now look to set you some goals to help you reach your aspirational grade at EPA and to support with your progression. Take a look at the action plan coming up and fill this using your reflections in this document above. Remember to include actions around any requirements for exposure to new tasks at work to support with meeting the KSBs and to stretch and challenge you in the workplace. It's advisable you speak to your line manager or workplace mentor to set these actions.

To support you further, work with your coach and have a look at some of the fantastic support on offer within Arden University!

Arden Futures

Log into Arden Futures:Arden University using this link and sign in. If you've not already registered, then you can do so from this page.

Choose 'Search' and 'Events'

Take a look at the events on offer.

These are Zoom workshops on everything from 'ready for promotion, how can you prove it?' To, 'Does networking feel scary and overwhelming'?

Review this wealth of resource to support you with your FAST goals. Work with your coach to choose the best ones for you and make a note on your plan in the 'resources' section to set attending these events as an action.

From the main page, you can also book an appointment to discuss career planning, one to one, with one of our experts. Choose the 'Appointment' tab on the home page.

In the 'Pathways' tab, you will find all you need to develop the skills and knowledge to succeed in your career through guided workflows, feedback and support provided by universities and leading employers.

Under pathways, choose the 'Category' tab and 'Personal Development' to support with the following areas:

  • Teamwork
  • Building resilience
  • Personal skills
  • Interpersonal skills
  • Ethics, diversity and sustainability
  • Critical thinking
  • Digital proficiency
  • Adaptability/flexibility

Under each of these you'll find videos, activities, quizzes, reading and much more! Work with your coach to build these sessions into your stretch and challenge plan, in the 'Resources' section.

You and your coach can discuss this action plan at appropriate meetings, assessing progress and including details into your review meetings and coach led sessions, where appropriate. The next time we will fully review your progress against each target and against the KSBs is at your next 6-monthly reviewmeeting.

Your Fast Goals Part 1

Goals to be set at the start of the apprenticeship and in response to the SWOT analysis, naturally occurring workplace evidence and grade and career aspirations - these are longer term goals for the duration of the apprenticeship and possibly beyond


Must be frequently discussed, achievable, specific, and timely.


What strategies or actions need to be put in place so that you can achieve the goal?


What resources are needed to implement the strategies?

Evidence and evaluation of impact

List evidence of the strategies being implemented, and the goal being achieved. Evaluate the process; what worked well, what was the impact and what could be done better?

Coach comments and date goal achieved


Goal setting

Able to develop a plan.


Working place




Writing down my goal I intend to achieve.

To also check that my goal is feasible.

My goal should relate to my career and the direction I want to go.

By creating a clear timeframe for accomplishing every goal identified.

Staffing levels


Maths and/or English
Personal Development e.g. overcoming barriers to learning, developing confidence, communication, resilience, time management, flexibility, work life balance

Always proofread your work/ email before you send.

Be brief and specific in your communications.

Treat everybody equally and with Respect as part of the British Values.

Always seek for support and help

Set realistic goals and targets throughout theyear.

Build positive relationships and be always professional.

Regularly communicate between patients, carers, and relatives.

Build a safe environment with honestly and transparency.

Always maintain a positive attitudes and smile.


Team meetings

Regular supervision



Ongoing reflection

Annual leave

Attending meetings, conference, and seminars.


Add here any other goals

6 Monthly Check In

fill this section prior to your booked tripartite review

In your 6 monthly progress review, you and your coach will review your learning progress against the KSBs built into the review and will also evaluate your progress against your first goal setting action plan.

Before you meet with your coach for the 6 monthly check in, review the KSBs found in appendix 1 and consider where you would grade yourself for competency in readiness for completing the skill scan element of the tripartite review. You may want to discuss the scores with your line manager before the review to ascertain their views on your learning progress, alternatively, this can be completed during the actual review with your line manager.

Progress with apprenticeship

The diagram below shows you your Senior Leader programme structure. You are now about here

The expectation is that you have eight pieces of evidence in your portfolio and are around 44% through portfolio completion. Please note below your actual completion towards your portfolio.

Consider your progress, do you need to amend your goals to take account of your noted progress above? If relevant, what support do you need to catch up? How can Arden stretch you further where you are forging on ahead? Are you happy with your academic grades? What grade are you aiming for overall? What support can your employer give to stretch you at work and to ensure you are EPA ready in around 9 months' time?

Achievements to date:

Use this space to document any key achievements to date such as promotion, new projects, contributions, awards, nominations, etc

Coming up is the second of your action plan documents to set FAST goals. your original goals need amending? Have you manged to achieve and sign any off? Do you need to roll actions over and set others to support?

To support you further, work with your coach and have a look at some of the fantastic support on offer within Arden University!

Study Skills

Log into ILearn and take a look at the Study Skill section.

iLearn - Arden University: Log in to the site (

The study skills area is your portal for accessing resources and support to help you to develop your skills in areas such as reading, presentation skills, critical thinking, academic writing, referencing and getting started to generate ideas. These skills are essential to your ability to succeed not only on your apprenticeship programme, but also in the workplace too. The modules and skills workshops will help you to effectively write that important report for you boss, take clear and concise meetings notes you can actually read when you come back to them and will support your numeracy skills by helping you to read and interpret graphs and charts correctly and support you with calculations for your budget reporting. The modules will also help you get the best grades you can and are an essential part of your learning journey with Arden.

Not only that, but there's an option in the Study Skills area to book an appointment with an academic skills tutor. This is a one-to-one meeting where they can offer you advice and guidance on all things academic from referencing to structuring your assignments and how to proofread.

Email the team for more information and speak to your coach. Now you've looked at the wealth of support available through Study Skills, work with your coach to build these sessions into your second goal action plan, in the 'Resources' section coming up on the next page to really boost your progress!

Your Fast Goals Part 2

Review the goals set in part 1 and complete the action plan in response to feedback from naturally occurring workplace evidence, apprenticeship activities and career aspirations


Must be Frequently discussed, achievable, specific and timely


What strategies or actions need to be put in place so that you can achieve the goal?


What resources are needed to implement the strategies?

Evidence and Evaluation of impact

List evidence of the strategies being implemented and the goal being achieved. Evaluate the process; what worked well, what was the impact and what could be done better?

Coach comments and date goal achieved

Maths and/or English
Personal Development e.g. overcoming barriers to learning, developing confidence, communication, resilience, time management, flexibility, work life balance

9 Month Check In

fill this section prior to your booked tripartite review

In your 9 month progress review, you and your coach will review your learning progress against the KSBs built into the review and will also evaluate your progress against your first goal setting action plan.

Before you meet with your coach for the 9 month check in, review the KSBs found in appendix 1 and consider where you would grade yourself for competency in readiness for completing the skill scan element of the tripartite review. You may want to discuss the scores with your line manager before the review to ascertain their views on your learning progress, alternatively, this can be completed during the actual review with your line manager. You can see your last scores here added at the 6-monthly milestone check, what distance have you travelled against your weaker areas, where are you a highflyer who needs to be challenged further?

Progress with apprenticeship

The diagram below shows you your Senior Leader programme structure. You are now about here

The expectation is that you now have 13 pieces of evidence out of the required 18 in your portfolio and are around 72% through portfolio completion. Please note below your actual completion towards your portfolio.

This is now the final element of your stretch and challenge plan. As you did at the 6-monthly check, consider your progress, do you need to amend your goals to take account of your noted progress above? If relevant, what support do you need to catch up? How can Arden stretch you further where you are forging on ahead? Are you happy with your academic grades? What grade are you aiming for overall? What support can your employer give to stretch you at work and to ensure you are EPA ready in around 6 months' time?

Achievements to date:

Use this space to document any key achievements to date such as promotion, new projects, contributions, awards, nominations, etc

Coming up is the third and final of your action plan documents to set FAST goals. Do the goals set 6 months ago need amending? Have you manged to achieve and sign any off? Do you need to roll actions over and set others to support?

To support you further, work with your coach and have a look at some of the fantastic support on offer with our End Point Assessment Organisation, CMI!


The Chartered Management Institute (CMI) works with business and education to inspire people to become skilled, confident and successful managers and leaders.

Whether you're at the start of your career, an ambitious high-flyer, a dedicated manager looking to sharpen your skills, or an entrepreneur looking to make an impact, CMI has all the resources and support you need - as an apprentice at Arden, you have automatic membership with CMI.

There is a wealth of support available to you. Recap on your goals set and take a look at CMI's website for more amazing resources to help you achieve your targets.

Resources and Benefits | Membership - CMI (

There's only around 6 months left to your EPA, assessed by CMI. They offer drop-in sessions where you can go along and talk to their experts for top tips on what you need to do to achieve your aspirational grade you set at the start of your programme.

They'll also offer advice on how to showcase your best work for the assessment day and how to improve your workplace evidence - your line manager can go along too for any questions they may have.

Check out the link below to book onto their sessions.

EPADropIns-Calendar-2023.pdf (

Now you've looked at the wealth of support available through CMI, work with your coach to build these sessions into your third and final goal action plan, in the 'Resources' section coming up on the next page to really boost your progress through to EPA and beyond!

Your Fast Goals Part 3

Review the goals set in part 2 and complete the action plan in response to feedback from naturally occurring workplace evidence, apprenticeship activities and career aspirations


Must be frequently discussed, achievable, specific and timely


What strategies or actions need to be put in place so that you can achieve the goal?


What resources are needed to implement the strategies?

Evidence and Evaluation of impact

List evidence of the strategies being implemented and the goal being achieved. Evaluate the process; what worked well, what was the impact and what could be done better?

Coach comments and date goal achieved

Maths and/or English
Personal Development e.g. overcoming barriers to learning, developing confidence, communication, resilience, time management, flexibility, work life balance

Final Milestone Check

fill this section prior to your booked tripartite review

You have now reached your final milestone check at around the 12-month mark of your programme. In your 12-month progress review, you and your coach will review your learning progress against the KSBs built into the review and will also evaluate your progress against your Part 3 action plan.

Before you meet with your coach for this final milestone check, review the KSBs found in appendix 1 and consider where you would grade yourself for competency in readiness for completing the skill scan element of the tripartite review. You may want to discuss the scores with your line manager before the review to ascertain their views on your learning progress, alternatively, this can be completed during the actual review with your line manager. You can see your last scores here added at the 6 and 9 monthly milestone checks. Are you now confident and competent to progress to EPA?

Progress with apprenticeship

The diagram below shows you your Senior Leader programme structure. You are now about here

The expectation is that you now have all eighteen pieces of evidence in your portfolio, you are writing or ready to submit your strategic business proposal scoping document and are around 100% through portfolio completion. Please note below your actual completion towards your portfolio.

Achievements to date:

Use this space to document any key achievements to date such as promotion, new projects, contributions, awards, nominations, etc

Work with your coach to review all the actions you set in your Part 3 action plan. Have you managed to sign everything off? Is there further work needed to attain your aspirational grade? What more can Arden or your employer do to support you through to successful completion and onto the destination you aspire for?

Appendix 1

These Knowledge, skills and behaviours statements have come directly from the Apprenticeship Standard. Use this section to support you to prepare for each milestone tripartite review meeting to self-assess what you've learnt since your last review by rating yourself on each of the learning outcomes below. 1 is low, 10 is high. You can see your progress as you move through each milestone check. These scores will also be added to Bud in the review.


Sub Section



6 Month Score

9 Month Score

12 Month Score


Driving Change & Risk Management


How to shape organisational mission, culture and values



Innovation; the impact of disruptive technologies (mechanisms that challenge traditional business methods and practices); drivers of change and new ways of working across infrastructure, processes, people and culture and sustainability



Competitive strategies and entrepreneurialism, approaches to effective decision making, and the use of big data and insight to implement and manage change



Crisis and risk management strategies



Lead change in their area of responsibility, To create an environment for innovation and creativity



Lead and respond in a crisis situation using risk management techniques



Act as a Sponsor/Ambassador, championing projects and transformation of services across organisational boundaries such as those impacted by sustainability and the UK Net Carbon Zero by 2050 target



Work collaboratively enabling empowerment and delegation


Organisational Values


Organisation structures; business modelling; diversity; global and horizon scanning perspectives; governance and accountability; technological and policy implications



Ethics and values-based leadership theories and principles



The external social and political environment and use of diplomacy with diverse groups of internal and external stakeholders



Approaches to developing a Corporate Social Responsibility programme



The organisation's developing communications strategy and its link to their area of responsibility



Use horizon scanning and conceptualisation to deliver high performance strategies focusing on growth/sustainable outcomes



Challenge strategies and operations in terms of ethics, responsibility, sustainability, resource allocation and business continuity/risk management



Apply principles relating to Corporate Social Responsibility, Governance and Regulatory compliance



Oversee development and monitoring of financial strategies and setting of organisational budgets based on Key Performance Indicators (KPIs), and challenge financial assumptions underpinning strategies



Shape and manage the communications strategy for their area of responsibility




New market strategies, changing customer demands and trend analysis



Working with board and other company leadership structures



Working with corporate leadership structures, for example, the markets it operates in, roles and responsibilities, who its stakeholders are and what they require from the organisation and the sustainability agenda



Set strategic direction and gain support for it from key stakeholders



Manage relationships across multiple and diverse stakeholders


Methodologies & Analysis


Systems thinking, knowledge/data management, research methodologies and programme management



Financial strategies, for example scenarios, modelling and identifying trends, application of economic theory to decision-making, and how to evaluate financial and non- financial information such as the implications of sustainable approaches



Financial governance and legal requirements, and procurement strategies



Undertake research, and critically analyse and integrate complex information



Uses financial data to allocate resources



Curious and innovative - exploring areas of ambiguity and complexity and finding creative solutions


Team Working & Development


Organisational/team dynamics and how to build engagement and develop high performance, agile and collaborative cultures.



Coaching and mentoring techniques



Establish the value of ideas and change initiatives and driving continuous improvement



Give and receive feedback at all levels, building confidence and developing trust, and enable people to take risks and challenge where appropriate



Enable an open culture and high-performance working environment and set goals and accountabilities for teams and individuals in their area



Lead and influence people, building constructive working relationships across teams, using matrix management where required



Optimise skills of the workforce, balancing people and technical skills and encouraging continual development



Take personal accountability aligned to clear values.



Seek continuous professional development opportunities for self and wider team


Finance, Workforce, Planning & Procurement


Approaches to strategic workforce planning, for example, talent management, learning organisations, group work, workforce design, succession planning, diversity and inclusion



Drive a culture of resilience and support development of new enterprise and opportunities



Oversee procurement, supply chain management and contracts such as consideration of sustainable approaches



To Create an inclusive culture, encouraging diversity and difference and promoting well-being



Value difference and champion diversity




Influencing and negotiating strategies both upwards and outwards



Brand and reputation management



Use personal presence and "storytelling" to articulate and translate vision into operational strategies, demonstrating clarity in thinking



Lead within their area of control/authority, influencing both upwards and outwards, negotiating and using advocacy skills to build reputation and effective collaboration

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