I need help creating the data flow diagram and flow chart for this assignment. It is based on questions a,b,c, and d on the conversion cycle.. Thank you!
scm " Iv ' into Si"Clllc Shawn finding-"AAl'ICI' being shaped the cutting boards l. i must be sanded smooth. 1.'misltiitg--Sanded cutting boards receive a coat of mineral oil to help preserve the wood. ti packinnginished cutting boards are placed in boxes of 12. The boxes are sealed. addressed. and sent to one of the kitchen stores. 'vllitlUU}UU5U]12UTC silk L"'"l"'""" for this company? Determine a logical cost k each process. lriver for 8. LEAN MANUFACTURIINJG PRINCIPLES . . . 7 .' .' I' ' ' " n Write an essay outltmng the LG} leuplu' 01 IL" manufacturing. Internal Control Cases 1. PERFORMANCE WATER PUMPS (CENTRALIZED SYSTEM WITH DISTRIBUTED TERMINALS) Performance Water Pumps (PWP) is a leading man- ufacturer of water pumps with high capacity capabil- ity. These pumps are used in both civil and private disaster situations. PWP's primary market is disaster recovery companies that assist home owners follow- ing basement flooding. They alsosell'to building contractors, municipalities. and rental companies. The company publishes an industry catalog of pumps and other auxiliary equipment, which is dis- tributed to customers and prospective customers. PWP's headquarters and manufacturing facilities are in Leesville. Louisiana where they employ 125 manufacturing and clerical staff. PWP employs a centralized computer system with distributed terminals in the departments. Recently they have been experiencing manufacturing problems and326 l' X H l l l Ttanuctton Cytle'. anrl [3 cost mcttttux. lN l'Wl' has h" oL'xN' H'x' ppm-Mm!" Conversion Cycle il'he current hatch lt'om a matkctine quarter: The k uses this to c the v production lotccast Ul. is production planni process is initiated Xlk'c'lt'd sales l'Ol' lllv' . A ni: attd cottltol clerk . teate a dnrttal l'rodu at'tous hatches ' to he ter. l'rom this schedule" prepares vteeklv the by the produ produced during the quar- ' the system automatically . digital work orders to he used " ctton department. lhe production det the work orders necessary Witt'ltttcttl supervisor from his terminal ' hard-copy move t'cqutstttotts. accesses attd prepares the tickets and materials ri'i'.lnmc llk'lx'L'tS and two L'opi s ol" the purchase I'ClIUNHOHS are distributed to each work center in the production process. Employees suhmit mc two copies ol'tlte material requisitions to storekeeping in exchange for materials and suh-as emhlies. ll' additional raw materials are needed beyond the standard quantity the supervisor issues additional material rcquisitions. Work center employees record their labor time for each batch on hard-copyjoh cards. which they send to cost accounting. As the production is completed in each work center. the tnove ticket is submitted to cost accounting. Finally, upon completion ol'the hatch. the supervisor closes the open work order tile. The storekeeping manager files one copy ol' the material requisition and updates the raw materials inventory tile from the compttter in his olliee. The manager then sends the second copy of the material requisitimt to cost accounting. At the end of the day. the manager prepares a digital journal voueher and posts it to the general ledger control accounts. v ' The cost accounting clerk accesses the 'Lllgllitl work orders and sets up ;1 WIP account lot' Utc lmtch. Throughout the production period. the clerk am) receives mo". tickets, job tickets. and tlttllft'lteltls iequioitimts. which she uses to pt": [Lhiatcslz end of each day the cost muslim: Lu: GtL control What Journal vouachu ant [' . li "fm! vs w v ' vl 'VHP and to re. acaemmto tao veiled i' ' Al . wim, tcr ' . ' c of W'l'P tao Mashed SO" "m 3' '- 't tf ction Schedule ol" MM (mm 3 ME film Wim of the current system. '. h o v I' . 6. (mm 0 MW at! that mm W a. mwmmauwvrbm Little "Man Engines tl ol a range ol'sm . l l;). In: ' all high-una v ate installed in various t equipment. LTI' ntanulltctures ol' small co cial electric generators, * ut, ' H'L'H am] tn 5 leltll'} m'tt illmct'vial tr i" 4 extraction pumps. LI [2 s employs a batch produui , inventory management, pmdw; "rv , . accounting procedures Comlxl or . . . il kw: manual aetwtttes supported bt networked) PC lcchltology Th ing production delays and c hired your firm to review recommendations for impro The batch production prom" IN e-ntailcd and hard-copy sales orderv :' client companies The production p' Control clerk enters the orders into rt: duction Schedule from his dcpartmert it two hard-copy work orders. He sc cost accounting and the other to department. 'lw-t' i. ost me lu i'll'kl'd: ting it. The production department sure" ' xin" : . work order into a PC application. Tl ' matically creates an open vtork c ir '. prints the hard copy move lleiu'lx requisitions. The supervisor distributes the run: 2 two copies of the purchase teqtni " work center involve in the Work center employees exchange to u the material requisttions tor ' other materials needed to etixz'i'tx'ir "' additional parts or mater the standard quatttit). the mt; tional ntaterinl requisititas, "mug "fm ph.) move kik'iNC'L' "AT ' tm ol the ira-Mein. the MW