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I need help to complete the task. Attached in uncompelete report based on this organization. The attached instruction will give you direction and the

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I need help to complete the task. Attached in uncompelete report based on this organization. The attached instruction will give you direction and the excelsheet protfolio will provide the financial health of the organization. I want you to compelet the report and the financial narative analysis.

image text in transcribed ICM Annual Report 2015 ICM Food & Clothing Bank Tel Telephone: 602-254- Address: 501 S. 9th Ave, Phoenix, AZ 85007 7450 Fax Fax: 602-257-1837 Website: Email: Table of Contents Contents Letter from the CEO______________________________________________1 MONITORING & EVALUATION_____________________________________4 VOLUNTEERS' IMPACT___________________________________________5 FINANCES_____________________________________________________6 SOURCE OF REVENUE___________________________________________8 RISK MANAGEMENT_____________________________________________9 THANK YOU___________________________________________________11 1 Providing an immediate response to basic human needs in Maricopa County Almost 24,000 families with 107,940 family members given clothing & household items Letter from the CEO Dear friends and supporters This past year at ICM Food and Clothing Bank was marked by a commitment to serve the needy and underserved population in the Phoenix area. Our reach and impact are greater than ever, having mobilized 200 volunteers to participate in the food and cloth distributions to 120,000 beneficiaries monthly. Our health services continue to be an integral part of the ICM experience, we are offering a comprehensive medical checkup through our mobile medical volunteers. Our operation is running smoothly with the help of our volunteers, this year In 2014, our volunteers donated 23, 924 of their valuable ours to ICM, this is equivalent to 9 full time average wage employees and it would have cost ICM $ 215,316 per year. This humble and generous volunteer's contribution saved ICM 94.5 % of $3.5 million. We are grateful to your financial and in kind donations, our number of individual beneficiaries grew from 111, 850 in 2015 to 135, 707 in FY 2017. we have used 94 cents of every dollar donated to support our mission driven services. Looking forward, we continue to collaborate with several social services organizations to support the elderly, unemployment, the homeless and underserved population. We finally be thankful to you and our donors for the caring about humanity and basic human needs. Lilian V. Riziq Chef Executive Officer 2016/2017 YEARS IN REVIEW 23,924 volunteer hours donated to ICM 20,800 children given clothing & shoes 114,434 Individuals served with emergency food boxes INTRODUCTION ICM Food and Clothing Bank is a 501 (c) 3 nonprofit organization focusing on assisting economically disadvantaged population, it was founded in mid 1960 by John van Hengel and his companions, they were members of the St. Vincent DePaul Society of St. Mary's Catholic Church in downtown Phoenix. They started by using their own pocket money to provide emergency assistance to those who were in need through a food bank. The food bank grew rapidly creating St Mary's Food Bank. Soon a board of directors were elected and made the decision to incorporate a clothing program to the initiative. Later, other faith based organizations joined together to help the disadvantage population and the operation expanded. To accommodate operations the church purchased a warehouse, which now serves as the headquarter for the ICM. The mission of the ICM is to assist economically disadvantage populations. The services of the organization are mostly provided by volunteers. We aid beyond feeding and clothing the very poor. By providing hope and dignity for the individuals, we can promote self-sufficiency through educating our beneficiaries on living sustainable lives. Today, ICM Food and Clothing Bank opens six days a week to provide immediate response to basic human needs. Services including, food boxes, nutrition for children and clothes to the needy. Most of the benefiters are those who were dropped from the government food stamp system, the homeless, the elderly and families with children. In collaboration with Cathedral Health Services, ICM started providing free medical screening and services once a month serving 80 individuals through the mobile medical clinic. All the medical staff are volunteers including, doctors and nurses. MONITORING & EVALUATION The result of the services provided to the poor is huge with over 150,000 families we served with food monthly. Most of our beneficiaries are people who were dropped out of the State food stamped program as well as the homeless. Frequency Use of the Food Boxes 6 to 11 month ; 9% Once a month ; 23% 2 t 5 month; 14% Every month ; 55% According to Cronkite News website, 21,000 individuals lost access to the government's nutrition services this year and those who are still receiving the benefits, gets $120 USD on a monthly basis to buy food, the question remains is, is this amount enough for their nutrition needs?. IMC exist to fill the gap and provide basic human needs to those who depends on their services, the organization opens six days a week and most of their services is consisting of food boxes, cereals for children and clothes provided by volunteers to the underserved population. Most families and specially the elderly integrated our services into their food mechanism to fight hunger. VOLUNTEERS' IMPACT Our monitoring and Evaluation result provided evidence that the total values of volunteer's hours were equivalents to $586,272 annually, volunteer contribution was gr, they have made a significant difference in our services FINANCES Statement of Financial Position Statement of Financial Position As of January 31st ASSETS Cash 236,350 Building 250,000 Computers 30,000 Pledge Receivable 15,000 Total Assets 531,350 LIABILITIES Deferred Revenue Mortgage Cash Payable Total liabilities 50,000 250,000 1,350 301,350 NET ASSETS Change in Net Assets 236,650 Total Net Assets 531,530 Total Liabilities &Net Assets 531,350 ORGANIZATIONAL HEALTH ANALYSIS SOURCE OF REVENUE Revenue 2015 1% 5% 1% 0% 1% 1% 89% 3% In-kind Congregational Individual Special Event Civic/Corporate Government grants Investment income Other income Increase of 6% of revenue comparing to prior year Revenue 2014 10% 3% 1% 1% 2% 0% 0% 82% In-kind Congregational Individual Special Event Civic/Corporate Government grants Investment income Other income 97% of our revenue goes to programs while 3% only goes to management Expenses 2015 0% 3% 3% 20% 74% Food Bank Clothing bank Direct Assistance Mangement & General Fundraising Expenses 2014 1% 3% 3% 14% 79% Food Bank Clothing bank Direct Assistance Mangement & General Fundraising 97% of revenue goes to program with decrease in expenses by 5% RISK MANAGEMENT ICM Food and Clothing Bank deals with food and the main concern is the mishandling or improper storage of the food that might damage the food and cause food poisoning. Household Accessing ICM Food & Clothing Bank THANK YOU Accounts Accounts Receivable Accumulated Depreciation Cash and Equivalents Contributions Current Assets Current Liabilities Depreciation InKind Expenses LongTerm Liabilities Net Assets Net Income Total Revenue Operating Expenses Operating Revenue Fundraising Expenses Program Expenses Total Expenses 2015 2014 ### 361,105 321,316 86,861 150,082 4,700,672 4,339,957 867,332 972,837 16,848 20,414 39,789 31,421 4,231,616 3,583,024 ### 850,484 952,423 4,700,672 4,339,957 4,700,672 4,339,957 4,802,611 4,169,646 531,206 555,201 120,582 108,292 4,557,050 3,935,690 4,802,611 4,169,646 1 Does the organization have enough cash to cover its operations? Name of the Ratio Result Accepted Result Analysis Current Ration 2015 51.4798195632 2014 47.6553835603 Between 2 to 4 2 Does the organization have enough cash to cover its operations? Name of the Ratio Days' Cash 2015 2014 Result 59.68 98.67 Accepted result Analysis The organization can operate for 54 day on the current available 3 Does the organization have the 'ability to pay its immediate liabilities/debts that are due in the nex twelve months? Name of the Ratio Result Days' Receivables 2015 2014 0 0 Accepted Result According to the handout sheet lower is better Analysis The organization donates food and clothing and provide services for free and not based on fees. 4 How much of the organization's funds are being spent on programmatic activities? Name of the Ration Result Accepted result Program Efficiency 2015 2014 95% 94% We allocated 94% of the funds to program each year Analysisi The organization spend 94% of its revenue on program 5 How much does the organization spend to raise funds? Name of the Ration Fundraising Efficiency 2015 2014 Result 0.025652077 0.024952321 Accepted result It's acceptable because we are spending less than a dol generate a dollar Analysis The organization spent less than a $1 to generate a $1in contribution 6 Has the organization borrowed a lot of money? Name of the Ratio Debt to Net Assets 2014 0 2015 0 Result Accepted Result Analysis Lower is better The organization did not borrow a lot of money Name of the Ratio Cash flow to total debt 2015 2014 4,700,674.36 4,339,958.54 The organization has no long term libilities 7 How old is the organization's equipment? Does it need to be replaced soon? Nane of the Ration Result Accepted Result Accounting Age of Property, Plant and Equipment ( 2014 2015 9.0754982533 10.2261544827 The age is less than previouse year, higher means older Analysis The organization is keeping its assest current 8 How much 'margin' did the organization generate? Name of the Ratio Operating Margin 2014 2015 Result 531,197 555,193 Accepted Result Higher the better Analysis We are able to produce surplus which could be drawn on if need Ration Concerns Slide improve from prviouse year ` Cash Concerns A decrease in number of days from previouse year, yet enough days can be met with cash in hand. r 54 day on the current cash s that are due in the next ceivables Concerns Since we are chariatble organizaton, most of the services are free of charge. lower is better and clothing and provide ther on fees. tivities? Concerns No to program each year its revenue on programs Comment No spending less than a dollar to n a $1 to generate a $1in Comment No w a lot of money rm libilities n? Plant and Equipment ( years) Concerns No ear, higher means older ssest current No Concerns uld be drawn on if needed in future years Revenue Amount In-kind Congregational Individual Special Event Civic/Corporate Government grants Investment income Other income 4,184,659 27,412 157,613 25,811 226,705 57,625 (4,538) 25,385 Total Revenue 4,700,672 Percentage 0.890225695 0.005831507 0.033529887 0.005490917 0.048228211 0.012258886 -0.000965394 0.005400292 Revenue 50% 0% 0% 1% 2% Revenue Diversification 44% 50% 0% 0% 0% 1% 2%0%2% In-kind Congregational Individual Special Event Civic/Corporate Government grants Investment income Other income Total Revenue Revenue Revenue 2015 Amount In-kind Congregational Individual Special Event Civic/Corporate Government grants Investment income Other income 4,184,659 27,412 157,613 25,811 226,705 57,625 (4,538) 25,385 Total Revenue 4,700,672 Expenses 2015 Expenses Amount Food Bank 3,575,774 Clothing bank 963,572 Direct Assistance 17,704 Mangement & Gene 124,979 Fundraising 120,582 Total Expenses Revenue 2015 Percentage 4,802,611 89% 1% 3% 1% 5% 1% 0% 1% Percentage 74% 20% 0% 3% 3% 3% 5% 1%0%1% 1%1% 89% Expenses 2015 20% 0% 3% 3% 74% Revenue 2015 3% 5% 1%0%1% %1% % 89% Revenue 2014 Revenue In-kind In-kind Congregational Congregational Individual Individual Special Event Special Event Civic/Corporate Civic/Corporate Government grants Government grants Investment income Investment income Other income Other income Total Revenue Expenses 2015 3% 3% 74% Food Bank Clothing bank Direct Assistance Mangement & General Fundraising Amount Percentage 3569161 82% 39128 1% 128011 3% 435840 10% 45117 1% 96357 2% 17757 0% 8586 0% 4,339,957 Expenses 2014 Percentage Expenses Amount Food Bank 3,313,270 79% Clothing bank 595,292 14% Direct Assistance 27,128 1% Mangement & General 125,664 3% Fundraising 108,292 3% Total Expenses 4,169,646 Revenue 2014 10% 3% 1% 1% 2%0%0% 82% In-kind Congregational Individual Special Event Civic/Corporate Government grants Investment income Other income Expenses 2014 1% 14% 3% 3% 79% Food Bank Clothing bank Direct Assistance Mangement & General Fundraising Based on 2013 Audited Financial Statements downloaded from Where to Look 1.The first sentence of the letter says something other than \"We have audited....\" 2. A sentence that qualifies the auditors' opinion, usually occurring somewhere in the third or fourth paragraph. The sentence may say something like \"except for...\" or \"it was not possible to....\" 3. The presence of the words \"going concern\" toward the end of the letter. Opinion Letter Opinion letter, thrid pragraphor later Opinion letter, thrid pragraph or later 4. The difference between the end of the fiscal year and the date of the letter is more than 90 days. the Audit Report date and the opion letter date 5. The difference between the end of the fiscal year and the date of the letter is more than 120 days. the Audit Report date and the opion letter date 6. Asset imbalance Statement of Financial position 7. Deficits; more expenses than Statement of Activities revenue 8. Related party transactions Cash Flow 9. High interest rates charged on short-term borrowing Cash Flow Notes to financial 10. Lawsuits against the agency statement -footnotes Reading Partners (provide any explanations here) s downloaded from Flag or No Flag ICM Food & Clothign Bank Volunteer Contributions 1 Total number of hours contributed by volunteers 2 Average number og hours of one full time paid staf 3 Full time equivalents of volunteer hours 4 Full time equivalents for paid staf 5 Total full time equivalents total number of hours for paid staf 6 Percentage of volunteer resources to total human resources 7 Total number of hours contributed by volunteers 8 Average hourly rate estimated for for the value of activities performed by volunteers 9 Dollar vale of volunteer hours 10 Total revenue 11 Total resources 12 Percentage of total volunteer resources to total inputs Volunteer FTE Hours to Total Human Resource Hours Volunteer FTE Hours Paid Staf FTE Hours In-kind Congregational Individual Special Event Civic/Corporate Government grants Investment income Other income Dollar value of volunteer hours 2015 24,909 Volunteer FTE Hours to Total Human Resource Hours Chart Title 2,080 12 16 28 33,280 43% 57% Volunteer FTE Hours Paid Staf FTE Hours 43% 24,909 22.83 568,672 4,700,672 5,269,344 11% Total Resources including FTE Volunteer Contribution C 0% 24,909 33,280 4,184,659 27,412 157,613 25,811 226,705 57,625 (4,538) 25,385 568,672 4% 0%11% 1% 0% 3% 1% 79% In-kind Congre Individ Special Civic/C Govern Investm Other i Dollar v er Contribution Chart Title In-kind Congregational Individual Special Event Civic/Corporate Government grants Investment income Other income Dollar value of volunteer hours Name of Nonprofi Risk Management Template Mission Strategic Initiative To alleviate the social and economic distress of people by providing food and clothes Food bank A change of clothes Shampoo, soap and other toiletries Food stamp sign-up Nutrition bags for small children Free medical care on-site Name of Nonprofit Risk Management Template Risks Strategic Risk Un Adequate food storage led to food poisoning Operational Risk Poor food hygiene practices of handlers Financial Risk Government grant withheld Legal/Compliance Risk Federal law violation fit Risk Reponses Develop or update food safety management systems Develop educational programs targeted at improving the attitude of food handlers and licensing and regular inspections Follow proceduers to remove the held on the grant Compliance with all federal laws THANK YOU NOTE This ection is entended to thank donors, contributors and volunteers MONITORING & EVALUATION I added this section because I think its important for the organization to monitor the progress of its services. Whi e progress of its services. While evaluation is to judge weather the organization has reached its goals and delevereed what e s goals and delevereed what expected according to its original plan. Subject Where information is located on Form 990 Fiscal year Top right Number of board members Part ( 1) line 3 Number of employees part (1) line 5 Number of volunteers Part (1) line 6 Total revenues for the year Total revenues for the prior year Was there a significant diversion of assets during the year? Did the organization provide a copy of the Form 990 to all members of its governing body before filing? Does the organization have a written whistleblower policy? Salary of executive director Value of non-cash contributions Description of non-cash contributions Amount of Unrelated Business Income Net surplus or deficit Unrestricted net assets Temporarily restricted net assets Number of students tutored Mission Part (1) line 12 Part (1) line 12 $ Part 6 section A line 5 Part 6 Section B line 11 A part 6 section B line 13 Part 7 Section A column D Part A Box 1A line G Schedule M part (1) Part 3 Section B line 10 B Part (1) line 19 Part 10 line 27 Part 10 line 29 Sechedule I part III colunm B Part 3 line 1 Result 2014 13 16 200 $4,699,581 $4,306,537 No Yes Yes $75,000 4,186,659 Clothing and Food 0 ($97,400) $639,643 0 210,273 Assits economicly disatvantage populations 1 2 3 Mission: Vision Number of employees: Number of volunteers Types of volunteers: Names of all programs 2 3 4 Year organization was started/founded Geographic area(s) served Names expertise of executive team (consider categorizing by specialty) Accounts Holly Adams Brittany Hall Lilian Riziq CM's mission is "Providing an immediate response for basic huma 16 200 At our \"front counter\" where clients apply for help Interviewing clients one-on-one to determine their specific needs Working the \"client boutique\" where clients choose clothing for the family Working in the \"pantry\" where food boxes are made up Supervising children in \"Love Corner\" while parents meet with interviewers Sorting and hanging clothing in our sorting room Preparing toiletries for needy families Our major program is the provision of food and clothing to more than 60,000 total individuals per year Children's Corner,In 2008, ICM dedicated a room to the sole purpose of children's clothing, "Children's Corner." children's clothing was difficult to have in stock for families coming for food. Now we try to give at least a piece shoes to each child in the family, up to age 12. In 2010, ICM served more than 16,000 children out of "Children Saturday Assistance Program,We are the only food bank in the area open on Saturday. ICM serves between 90 Most of these clients are working at entry level jobs Monday through Friday, or cannot find a ride to ICM until Sa Saturday of the month, ICM provides a medical clinic with the expert help of Cathedral Health Services. An entir comes and provides health screenings to our clients who are uninsured. Medical Clinic, doctors, nurse practitioners, nurses translators and trained volunteers come together to provide 1985 Maricopa County Accounts Receivable Accumulated Depreciation Cash and Equivalents Contributions Current Assets Current Liabilities Depreciation In-Kind Expenses Long-Term Liabilities Net Assets Net Income Operating Expenses Operating Revenue Program Expenses Total Expenses ICM Food & Clothing Bank 2,015 884,267 361,105 86,861 184 867,332 16,848 39,789 3,349,741 2,014 824,009 321,316 150,082 200,052 972,837 20,414 31,421 3,067,007 850,484 4,700,672 (3,053) 952,423 4,339,957 208,315 4,557,050 4,802,611 3,935,690 4,169,646 NLM 380 - Spring 2016 FINAL ASSIGNMENT INSTRUCTIONS Select a nonprofit organization from the list provided, or another one in conjunction with your instructor. Develop a report showcasing the organization's resource management (financial, in-kind and volunteer hours), and the performance of the organization as guided by its overall mission. To effectively complete this assignment, you will need to have a strong understanding of the course materials and incorporate this knowledge coherently into an 8 to 10 page report plus supporting materials (see below for details) based on the organization you selected in class. The supporting materials will consist of completed worksheets on: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Red flag/yellow flag analysis Ratio/revenue analysis Volunteer value Risk management Form 990 as well as a 6. Rationale worksheet for your two additional sections 7. Reference list if necessary 8. Other materials you feel are relevant. Blank worksheets are available for download from the course Blackboard site. OBJECTIVES 1. Demonstrate comprehension of knowledge gained from the course. 2. Conduct self-directed research to complement course materials. 3. Complete a finished product that can be used as a template for future use. COMPONENTS OF YOUR REPORT 1. COVER PAGE, including name of the organization 2. TABLE OF CONTENTS 1 3. GENERAL INFORMATION 1. Write an introductory letter for the report assuming that you are the Executive Director. This should include the purpose of the report and a summary of your findings. TIP: Write this after you have completed all the other components of the assignment. 2. Provide the mission and vision of the organization, context of the organization, and a summary of its major achievements for the year. 4. RESOURCES RECEIVED AND USED 1. What resources did the organization receive during the fiscal year (3 types - financial, inkind and volunteer), and from what sources? How does this compare to the prior year? 2. What did they do with the resources? How does this compare to the prior year? 3. What was the financial position of the organization in terms of assets, liabilities and net assets at the end of the fiscal year? 5. HEALTH OF THE ORGANIZATION 1. Based on your various analyses in the supporting documents, how healthy is the organization? 2. What risks might the organization be facing? (Refer to at least two.) 6. ADDITIONAL SECTIONS (2) 1. Create two additional sections that you feel are necessary for a report such as this. CONSTRUCTING YOUR REPORT Use the following in your report: i. Narratives (written paragraphs to explain, describe or tell stories) ii. Pictures iii. Graphs iv. Tables v. Quotes For creating your infographics, consider using or Microsoft Excel. RATIONALE WORKSHEET FOR ADDITIONAL SECTIONS A. Section 1 Description of what is included in this section: 2 Why you feel it is important to add: B. Section 2 Description of what is included in this section: Why you feel it is important to add: 3

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