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I need the importance of cost baseline for the following project: 1. Project Purpose/Background Toronto has a long-standing tradition of welcoming immigrants, and it is

I need the importance of cost baseline for the following project:

1. Project Purpose/Background Toronto has a long-standing tradition of welcoming immigrants, and it is recognized as one of Canada's most diverse cities. Currently, immigrants constitute approximately 46.6% of Toronto's population, making it one of the cities with the highest proportion of foreign-born residents in the world. With a population of 6,732,000, Toronto is one of Canada's most populous cities. It is home to a variety of ethnicities, including Caucasians, Asians, Latin Americans, Blacks, and Aboriginal people (Toronto, Canada Metro Area Population 1950-2023, 2023). This diversity has contributed to the city's multicultural fabric.

The population of Toronto continues to grow due to ongoing immigration from around the world. Recent statistics from Statistics Canada indicate that the city experienced a remarkable increase of +138,240 individuals between July 1, 2021, and July 1, 2022, in terms of its population in sub-provincial areas. Toronto is home to so many different cultures such as Indian, Greek, Italian, Chinese and Turkish. As a result of Toronto's diverse population, there is a growing demand for diverse culinary experiences. Many immigrants in Toronto prefer to prepare their traditional dishes at home but face difficulties in finding the required ingredients in local markets. This creates an opportunity for businesses like Think Delicious to bridge the gap by providing immigrants with access to the ingredients they need to recreate their favorite dishes. Additionally, Think Delicious aims to cater to individuals who wish to explore and savor flavors from various countries. Moreover, Toronto's history of immigration has fostered a multicultural environment, with a significant immigrant population. This diversity has led to an increased demand for traditional ingredients and diverse culinary experiences, creating the opportunity for the project called Think Delicious to cater to these needs.


The objective of the Think Delicious Project is to create a website that simplifies grocery shopping by delivering ingredients directly to customers' homes. By offering a comprehensive solution that includes ingredient collection and recipe guidance, the project aims to support individuals in discovering new flavors, experimenting with diverse cuisines, and enhancing their cooking skills. Our project is an emerging online grocery site with personalized grocery lists, aspiring to become a leading provider of online grocery delivery services, specifically catering to the needs of the immigrant population in Toronto. It strives to offer affordable and high-quality ingredients, with a particular focus on immigrants.

As a start-up venture, Think Delicious initially plans to operate with just two personnel during its first year: a computer programmer and a developer consultant. However, the company envisions significant growth, with the goal of employing more than 60 individuals within the next five years. These positions will include roles such as operations manager, executive assistant, customer relations officer, accounting administrator, accounting assistant, HR administrator, marketing lead, marketing staff, legal consultant, and approximately 50 delivery drivers.

The project is expected to be completed within a one-year timeframe, with a budget of 200K. Through partnerships with existing food delivery websites, the online grocery store will be developed within six months and operational within one year.

To sum up, Think Delicious aims to serve as a comprehensive solution to address the challenges of limited accessibility and product diversity for potential customers seeking a wide range of products, including specialty items, unique ingredients, and local delicacies, along with ingredient collection and recipe guidance. Customers will have the convenience of making purchases from the comfort of their own homes on an online platform. Essentially, Think Delicious brings the essence of 3

one's hometown directly to their doorstep. 2. Strategic Alignment In catering to the grocery and recipe needs of our diverse immigrant customers in Toronto, our project's strategic alignment will involve ensuring that our efforts and goals are in harmony with the overall strategic objectives of our online grocery shop. In other words, our focus will be on aligning our project's purpose, objectives, and outcomes with the broader mission and vision of this shop. The strategic alignment for this online grocery store would include but not limited to several key aspects such as the target market, value proposition, customer experience, partnerships, growth and sustainability. In elaborating on the target market, one of the grocery store's main strategies is to provide to the grocery and recipe needs of the diverse immigrants in Toronto. Their cultural preferences, dietary needs, desired requirements would be understood by us, and as such we will tailor our products and services to meet them accordingly. Furthermore, our grocery store will strive to deliver a value proposition with regards to our products and services that will be highly appreciated by our target market. A variety of ingredients and recipes that are not only convenient but also relevant culturally will be offered, ensuring that our diverse customers find the right products they need in order to cook dishes of their home countries. Also, memorable customer experience of our patrons will be prioritized; this aligns with our shops focus on customer satisfaction. This will be attained via a user friendly web interface or website design coupled with efficient order processing and delivery, and a responsive customer support helpline. Again,Strategic partnerships and alliances with immigrant communities, relevant organizations, and local supplies will be sought to ensure that our services reach a larger customer 4

base. These partnerships will enlighten us further about the needs of our target market. Lastly, our project will align with our online shop's growth objectives and long-term sustainability goals. To promote this business growth, we will put an emphasis on innovation, scalability, and continuous improvement. We will also adopt sustainable practices to reduce our environmental impact. In conclusion, the strategic alignment of this project mainly involves targeting the immigrant population in Toronto, providing affordable and culturally relevant products, forging and fostering partnerships and networks, and driving growth.

3. Project Scope The scope of the project is to develop and launch the Think Delicious online grocery platform within a 6-month time frame and with a budget of 200k. The platform will provide customers with a user-friendly website, allowing them to browse a wide selection of fresh ingredients and meal kits. Customers will be able to place orders online, customize their meal choices, and schedule convenient delivery options. The platform will incorporate secure payment processing and offer customer support for any inquiries or issues. The project will focus on delivering a high-quality, scalable platform that meets customer expectations and regulatory requirements.

a. Final Deliverable The final deliverable for the Think Delicious project would be a fully functional and user-friendly online grocery platform that offers the following features:

A comprehensive and easy-to-navigate website that showcases a wide variety of ingredients from different cuisines. An integrated search and filtering system to help


customers find specific ingredients quickly.

Detailed product information, including descriptions, images, nutritional facts, and any relevant allergen information. Recipe guidance and recommendations to inspire customers and help them discover new dishes. A secure and convenient online shopping cart for customers to add items and proceed to checkout.

Flexible delivery options, including same-day or scheduled deliveries, to accommodate customers' preferences.

Efficient inventory management to ensure accurate stock availability and prevent out-of-stock situations. Seamless payment processing and secure handling of customer data. Responsive customer support and feedback mechanisms to address inquiries and concerns.

The business case's final output is a comprehensive paper that offers the opportunity and reason to establish the Think Delicious online grocery shop. It gives a comprehensive review of the continuing situation, analyzes the problem/opportunity, and explains the organization's benefits and implications. The document finishes with a recommendation for Think Delicious implementation and requests acceptance from relevant parties.

Success Criteria By delivering a convenient and safe online grocery service, the project hopes to reach a high level of satisfaction among customers. Customer comments, ratings, and reviews will be employed to assess success, with a goal to gain at least 90% positive feedback within the first year of operation. The project should provide steady and growing revenue over time. Success will be measured by tracking monthly sales and working for a minimum of 10% year-over-year revenue growth.


The objective of the initiative is to improve processes such as inventory management, order fulfillment, and delivery. Key performance indicators such as order accuracy, on-time delivery, and inventory turnover will be evaluated to gauge success, with a goal of at least 95% accuracy and 90% on-time delivery. The project intends to gain a major market share in the online grocery delivery sector, with a particular focus on Toronto's immigrant population. The success of the organization will be assessed by tracking market share percentage and aiming for a minimum of 5% market share within the first two years of operation.

The objective of the initiative is to develop Think Delicious as a reliable and well-known brand in the online grocery industry, particularly in the niche market of supplying authentic ingredients for a variety of cuisines. Brand awareness surveys, social media connection, and positive media coverage will be used to gauge success, with a goal of reaching at least 70% brand recognition among the target population during the first year.

The success criteria characterized above offer measurable indicators for evaluating the Think Delicious online grocery store's performance and impact. Regular monitoring and evaluation against these criteria will allow the project team to track progress and make the necessary modifications to ensure the predicted objectives are met

b. Project Customer(s) The primary customers for the Think Delicious online grocery platform project are:

Residents of GTA (Toronto): The project aims to cater to the diverse population of Toronto, particularly those with an interest in international cuisines. This includes individuals from different cultural backgrounds and those looking to explore new ingredients and flavors.


Immigrant population: The platform aims to provide a convenient solution for immigrants who may find it challenging to source specific ingredients from their home countries in local grocery stores.

Food enthusiasts: The project targets individuals passionate about cooking, seeking high-quality ingredients, and experimenting with various recipes.

Busy individuals: The online platform appeals to those with limited time for grocery shopping, offering a time-saving solution for their ingredient needs.

The business case's final result is a valuable resource for the project customer, who in this case is an organization or stakeholders considering the deployment of the Think Delicious online grocery shop. The final outcome would be utilized in the ways that follow by the project customer:

Alignment of Stakeholders: The end result assists stakeholders in aligning through providing a clear and thorough understanding of the project's goals, objectives, and anticipated outcomes. It assures that all stakeholders are on the same page and can make informed choices based on an understanding of the merits of the project.

Decision-Making: The business case provides accurate information and analysis to back up decision-making on the online grocery store's implementation. It provides the opportunity, explains the investment, and discusses the project's prospective advantages and impacts. This information can be utilized by the task's customer to assess the feasibility and desirability of progressing with the project.

Project Planning: The final deliverable serves as a basis for project planning. It


includes critical milestones, times, and specifications needed for the construction of the online grocery store. This information can be used by the project customer to create a detailed project plan, allocate roles, and set realistic expectations for the project team.

Resource Allocation: The business case describes the resources required for the successful implementation of the online grocery store, including financial, human, and technological resources. This information may be implemented by the project client to appropriately allocate resources and ensure that the necessary assistance is available for the completion of the project.

Communication and Approval: The business case is utilized to present the project proposal to important stakeholders to get their approval. The project customer may utilize the final deliverable to articulate the project's value proposition, benefits, and projected results, obtaining approval and funding from decision-makers.

In a nutshell the project customer uses the business case's final product to make informed choices, align stakeholders, allocate resources, plan the project, and communicate the project proposal for approval. It is an essential document that guides the execution of the Think Delicious online grocery look and ensures that all stakeholders share an unambiguous understanding of the project's aims and expected outcomes.

c. Project Decision Criteria Here are some project decision criteria that can be applied to the Think Delicious project:

Cost: Evaluate the project's budget and ensure that it remains within the allocated financial resources.


Time: Monitor and adhere to the project schedule, meeting key milestones and delivering the final platform within the specified timeline.

Quality: Ensure the platform meets high-quality standards in terms of design, functionality, user experience, and security.

Customer Satisfaction: Gather feedback from customers regarding their experience with the platform, including ease of use, availability of ingredients, and delivery service.

Performance Metrics: Track and analyze key metrics such as website traffic, number of orders, average order value, customer retention rate, and revenue generated.

Stakeholder Alignment: Ensure that the project aligns with the expectations and goals of key stakeholders, such as investors, management, and target customer groups.

Scalability: Design and build the platform with scalability in mind, allowing for future growth and expansion to serve a larger customer base or potentially enter new markets.


4. Assumptions Market Demand: Assumption that there is sufficient demand for an online grocery platform offering a wide range of fresh ingredients and meal kits.

Availability of Suppliers: Assumption that reliable and diverse suppliers can be identified and partnered with to ensure a steady supply of quality ingredients.

Technological Infrastructure: Assumption that the necessary technology infrastructure, including servers, hosting, and e-commerce platforms, is available and can support the anticipated website traffic and transactions.

Internet Connectivity: Assumption that customers have reliable internet access and the ability to place orders online.

Competitive Landscape: Assumption that the online grocery market is not saturated with similar platforms and that there is room for Think Delicious to differentiate and attract customers.

Regulatory Compliance: Assumption that the platform can meet all relevant legal and regulatory requirements, such as food safety, data protection, and online payment security.

Customer Adoption: Assumption that customers will embrace the convenience of online grocery shopping and be willing to switch from traditional brick-and-mortar stores to the Think Delicious platform.

Marketing Effectiveness: Assumption that marketing efforts, such as digital advertising, social media campaigns, and partnerships, will effectively reach the target audience and generate sufficient customer interest and engagement.


5. Constraints In catering to the immigrants in Toronto via the online grocery shop, there are several constraints that need to be considered and addressed in the Project Charter. These constraints are factors that may limit our project's execution and will be taken into account during planning and implementation. Some of these constraints are budget constraint, time constraint, resource constraint, stakeholders constraint, technological constraint, legal and regulatory constraint. Firstly, there is a budget constraint, and this defines the financial boundaries within which this project needs to be executed. Managing the costs effectively, and ensuring that the project activities stay within the approved budget will be paramount, and adhere to. Also another constraint is the availability and distribution of resources. The resources include infrastructure, technology, human resources, and stock. It is important to determine the required resources, plan for their allocation, and guarantee their availability throughout the project's lifecycle. Furthermore, there will be a time limit, also known as a set schedule or completion deadline, for the project. Delivering the desired results within the specified period will largely depend on an effective project schedule management. Another significant constraint is managing the demands and expectations of the numerous stakeholders, including consumers, suppliers, employees, and regulatory authorities. Throughout the project, it is important to understand and address their demands, concerns, and interests. Furthermore the project must comply with relevant laws, regulations, and industry standards in Toronto. Adhering to legal requirements related to food safety, e-commerce, data privacy, and other applicable areas is crucial to operating within legal boundaries. Lastly, technological capabilities and limitations pose a constraint for the project. This may involve factors such as the availability of suitable e-commerce platforms, integration with payment 12

gateways, and data security measures. Assessing technological requirements and working within available constraints is important. In conclusion, these constraints will influence the project's scope, schedule, resource allocation, stakeholder management, legal compliance and technology usage, and it is important to recognize these constraints, plan accordingly, and address them throughout the project's lifecycle to ensure its successful execution.

6. Project Resources (Major Stakeholder(s)) Stakeholder/Title Role in Project Customers The people who live in Toronto and are curious about trying new foods and preparing them at home would be the main stakeholders. They would gain from the convenience of a one-stop shop for recipe assistance and ingredient sourcing, which would save them time and effort.

Project team members people who will manage and coordinate within the project

tasks to start the project up.

Project consultants people who will work with this project temporarily such as

programmers, data entry clerks etc.

Grocery store suppliers in GTA

Grocery stores and suppliers who provide the necessary ingredients could count as stakeholders, depending on Think Delicious' sourcing approach. Creating alliances with neighborhood retailers or wholesalers could guarantee a


consistent supply of various ingredients.

Immigrant Communities By giving immigrant communities in Toronto a platform to demonstrate their culinary heritage, the project might have a positive effect on them. ThinkDelicious may aid in the preservation of cultural traditions and the advancement of the varied cuisines of many ethnic groups by providing genuine ingredients.

Legal Consultant Advising on negotiation, assisting in identifying and mitigating legal risks associated with the project. conduct risk assessments, analyze potential liabilities, and provide recommendations to minimize legal exposure.

Government Agency The project could be of interest to government organizations that promote small businesses in the area, encourage cultural diversity, or deal with concerns related to food accessibility. To assure the success of Think Delicious, they can offer resources, subsidies, or regulatory support.


7. Budget

Particulars Estimated Budget (in CAD)

Website Development-Labor (Programmer and Developer Consultant)


Website Development-Domain and Shopify


Marketing (Marketing Lead to leverage benefits to prospective customers prior to deployment)


Legal Services (Legal Consultant for Vendor or Supplier Agreement)


Permits 400.84

Miscellaneous 20,226.56 TOTAL BUDGET 200,000.00 Table 1. Estimated budget for the development of the Think Delicious website

The experts involved in the project are as follows: (1) Programmer, (2) Developer Consultant, (3) Marketing Lead, and (4) Legal Consultant to streamline development. According to Salaries | Indeed (2023), here is the current hourly rate of the experts mentioned in Table 1, please refer to Table 2. Marketing and legal services are imperative in this stage, since the Think 15

Delicious is a neophyte in the e-commerce arena. The Think Delicious must establish their presence to ensure customers will avail the services the online grocery store has to offer. Moreover, getting vendors and suppliers are pertinent to the completion of the Think Delicious, thus, legal consultant is required for the agreements between Think Delicious and the prospective vendors/suppliers. This is to ensure that all parties are on the same page before the integration to the website and the consequent deployment. The miscellaneous expense item will serve as a contingency fund to cover unforeseen expenses during the development.

Personnel Number Hourly Rate ($/hr)

Programmer 1 44.58

Developer Consultant 1 35.72

Customer Relations Officer 1 20.01

Marketing Lead 1 21.64

Legal Consultant 1 39.29

Table 2. List of experts with corresponding hourly monetary rates

In addition, permits and domain/Shopify costs are vital to ensure the website is legal and functional. The permit usually cost around $400.84 (Grocery, Variety & Other Retail Food Stores, 2017), while the latter cost around $3,118.00 (Shopify, 2023). All in all, the cost estimates are based on the current pricing this year, 2023.


8. Schedule Milestones Task No. Task Name/Description Predecessor Duration Start date End date

1 Project Initiation June 15, 2023 June 15, 2023 1.1 Analysis scope 1 day June 15, 2023 June 15, 2023 1.2 Identify resource 1.1 2 days June 16, 2023 June 19, 2023 1.3 Complete charter 1.2 5 days June 20, 2023 June 27, 2023 2 Business planning 10 days June 15, 2023 June 29, 2023 3 Requirement 3.1 Gathering requirements 2 25 days June 30, 2023 August 3, 2023 3.2 Complete BRD 3.1 10 days August 4, 2023 August 18, 2023 3.3 Requirement Complete 3.1, 3.2 0 day 4 Sourcing and Supplier Partnerships 4.1 Identify partnership and supplier with local

2 5 days June 30, 2023 June 30, 2023

4.2 Prince negotiation, quality standard and delivery term with supplier

4.1 25 days July 3, 2023 July 11, 2023

5 Technology development 5.1 Design and prepare information

3.3 20 days August 21, 2023 September 15, 2023

5.2 Create website, domain and enter information

5.1 5 days September 18, 2023

September 22, 2023

5.3 Migrate data (product picture and information)

5.2 10 days September 25, 2023

October 6, 2023

5.4 Perform SIT 5.3 5 days October 10, 2023

October 24, 2023


5.5 Perform UAT 5.4 5 days October 25, 2023

October 31, 2023 5.6 Resolve defects 5.4 10 days November 1, 2023

November 14, 2023

5.7 Development complete 5.1,5.2,5.3, 5.4,5.5,5.6 0 day

6 Implementation 6.1 Go live 5.7 1 day November 15, 2023

November 15, 2023 6.2 Execute PAT 6.1 2 day November 16, 2023

November 17, 2023

6.3 Gain Sign - off 6.2 0 day

Following this schedule project milestone, the deliverable and deadline will be :

1. Project initiation deliverable : Complete charter should be done on June 27, 2023 2. Business Plan deliverable : Business Plan should be done on June 29, 2023 3. Requirement deliverable : Complete Requirement should be done on August 18, 2023 4. Sourcing and Supplier Partnerships deliverable : Price Negotiation, quality standard and delivery term with supplier should be done on July 11, 2023 5. Technology development deliverable : Complete Development should be done on November 14, 2023 6. Implementation deliverable : Gain Sign-Off should be done on November 17, 2023


9. Risks Ambiguous Requirements: There might be unclear requirements in developing the online grocery store, resulting in scope creep or gold plating. Thus, to minimize this risk, the specifications of the website shall be clearly defined from the outset. Budget and time: With respect to the estimated budget and time of completion, this could affect the development. Thus, the project can utilize Subject Matter Experts (SMEs) and historical data to minimize discrepancies in the estimates. Technical expertise: Developing websites entails technical knowledge regarding various frameworks and technologies. Technical difficulties, compatibility problems, or integration difficulties can appear during the development phase. Early detection of potential technical issues and a competent development team can mitigate this. Security breach: Websites are susceptible to security concerns such as hacking attempts, data breaches, and malware infestations. The danger of security breaches can be reduced by implementing robust security measures, performing frequent security audits, and adhering to best practices. User Experience (UX) and Usability: Creating a website that offers a positive user experience and is simple to use is essential. User annoyance, low engagement, and high bounce rates can result from neglecting to prioritize usability and user experience. These dangers can be reduced by doing user testing and integrating suggestions during the development phase. Performance and Scalability: As websites expand, they must be able to manage more traffic and perform well. Insufficient server resources, inefficient coding, or improper optimization might cause website crashes or slow-loading pages. These risks can be controlled by considering performance optimization methods and scalability needs early on. Stakeholders' interest: It's essential to manage expectations and maintain alignment with 19

stakeholders, including clients, designers, developers, and other team members. Ineffective communication or unclear channels can result in misunderstandings, delays, and unsatisfactory results.

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