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I need to know what was used to get the amounts in the highlighted areas. Branson Company received its bank statement for the month ending

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I need to know what was used to get the amounts in the highlighted areas.

Branson Company received its bank statement for the month ending May 31, 2022, and reconciled the statement balance to the May 31,2022 balance in the Cash account. The reconciled balance was determined to be $36.400. The reconciliation recognized the following items: 1. A deposit made on May 31 for $22,700 was included in the Cash account balance but not in the bank statement balance. 2 Checks issued but not returned with the bank statement were Number 673 for $4,550 and Number 687 for $9,700. 3. Bank service charges shown as a deduction on the bank statement were $110. 4. Interest credited to Branson Company's account but not recorded on the company's books amounted to $88. 5. Returned with the bank statement was a "debit memo" stating that a customer's check for $3,240 that had been deposited on May 23 had been returned because the customer's account was overdrawn. 6. During a review of the checks that were returned with the bank statement, it was noted that the amount of check Number 681 was $680 but that in the company's records supporting the Cash account balance, the check had been erroneously recorded in the amount of $68. Required: Prepare the Bank reconciliation statement for the month ending May 31, 2022. Note: Totol the entrles of the some occount together, when entering In the bank reconelllation statement

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