I need to write sketch on paper to use it for complete the workbook solution with reference and financial functions in Excel 2016 spreadsheet.help me
Please ,I was waiting for so long and I sent this assignment to the second time
Thank you
l he purpose of this lab is to expand your problem solving skills to include Reference and Financial functions. In the in-lab assignment you will be required to solve a large problem directly from-the-data. This will require your knoledge of spreadsheet design as well as all of the other skills you have acquired thus far in the course. There is no one right way to do this, however some ways make it easier than others to u te information and create multiple what-if scenarios Pre-Lab Assignment-to be completed before coming to lab Designing a workbook solution: design your own unique workbook that will effectively convey the informat You will be starting your analysis or theX-Mart Remodeling problem. Part of this exercise is to ion requested. workbook The entire assignment is meant o reinforce both your spreadsheet design sKills and ultimately ctions, financial functions and charts. It is expected that your workbook design will be unique and as such you are expected NOT to confer with other students on your workbook design. Complet During the in-lab assignment you will be executing this design by implementing it during design implementation, reinforce your knowledge the fottowing as part of your pre-lab assignment Create a sketch on paper (or if you're ambitious in PowerPoint) which you will bring to ch should include the layout that you want your workbook to for the different calculations Note: you are NOT allowed to bring in already started workbooks, the file must b lab and take and some ideas of which-functions you woul created during the in-lab portion of the lab and we will be checking time stamps on files - files started prior to your lab session will be given a zero. provided when you get into the lab. ways to produce the type of output described in the problem. And since time is limited in Base your design on the problem description listed below. The actual data will be There is no one set way of setting up the spreadsheets though there are easier/harder the lab - a good design will insure your completion during lab class!! X-Mart Remodeling - The Problem Description: Make sure to read the entire problem description before you set up your sketch! The real numbers will be provided during the in-lab, XX has beeri substituted for all values Congratulations, you've just started your new job as financial analyst for.amid-size grocery store company operating on the east coast, X-Mart. X-Mart is currently in the process of remodeling their existing stores to better keep up with the competition and rece trends. One of the first projects you'd like to tackle is to assist X-Mart in this process by creating a workbook that can quickly and easily estimate the cost for remodeling of an existing store. do this youd tke to setup an estimating workbook that outlines inputs and costs for three of the most common remodeling options-low, medium and high Pre-lab 5 l he purpose of this lab is to expand your problem solving skills to include Reference and Financial functions. In the in-lab assignment you will be required to solve a large problem directly from-the-data. This will require your knoledge of spreadsheet design as well as all of the other skills you have acquired thus far in the course. There is no one right way to do this, however some ways make it easier than others to u te information and create multiple what-if scenarios Pre-Lab Assignment-to be completed before coming to lab Designing a workbook solution: design your own unique workbook that will effectively convey the informat You will be starting your analysis or theX-Mart Remodeling problem. Part of this exercise is to ion requested. workbook The entire assignment is meant o reinforce both your spreadsheet design sKills and ultimately ctions, financial functions and charts. It is expected that your workbook design will be unique and as such you are expected NOT to confer with other students on your workbook design. Complet During the in-lab assignment you will be executing this design by implementing it during design implementation, reinforce your knowledge the fottowing as part of your pre-lab assignment Create a sketch on paper (or if you're ambitious in PowerPoint) which you will bring to ch should include the layout that you want your workbook to for the different calculations Note: you are NOT allowed to bring in already started workbooks, the file must b lab and take and some ideas of which-functions you woul created during the in-lab portion of the lab and we will be checking time stamps on files - files started prior to your lab session will be given a zero. provided when you get into the lab. ways to produce the type of output described in the problem. And since time is limited in Base your design on the problem description listed below. The actual data will be There is no one set way of setting up the spreadsheets though there are easier/harder the lab - a good design will insure your completion during lab class!! X-Mart Remodeling - The Problem Description: Make sure to read the entire problem description before you set up your sketch! The real numbers will be provided during the in-lab, XX has beeri substituted for all values Congratulations, you've just started your new job as financial analyst for.amid-size grocery store company operating on the east coast, X-Mart. X-Mart is currently in the process of remodeling their existing stores to better keep up with the competition and rece trends. One of the first projects you'd like to tackle is to assist X-Mart in this process by creating a workbook that can quickly and easily estimate the cost for remodeling of an existing store. do this youd tke to setup an estimating workbook that outlines inputs and costs for three of the most common remodeling options-low, medium and high Pre-lab 5