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I need two outlines using the formate included. Need a quick turn around. Hope that you can help. Guidelines and Outline Template for the Research

I need two outlines using the formate included. Need a quick turn around. Hope that you can help.

image text in transcribed Guidelines and Outline Template for the Research Portfolio The paper should be six to eight pages in length (double-spaced), plus a reference page, and should use a minimum of eight credible sources. Be sure to follow the CSU-Global APA documentation style. For your topic, identify a local or global social problem that can be proven to exist and has potential to be solved. At the top of your outline, include an open-ended research question that asks how the problem can be solved. Example/research question: What would it take to reduce obesity in the United States/Ohio? The research question should be followed by a thesis, which answers the research question by stating a problem, cause, and solution. The thesis can be two sentences long if necessary. Example/thesis: [Problem] Obesity across the U.S. is on the rise [Cause] partly because of the amount of trans fats contained in restaurant food. [Solution] One solution would be to regulate the amount of trans fats restaurants are permitted to include in the food they serve and to require restaurants to clearly indicate the level of trans fats contained within each menu item. NOTE: The sample topic above cannot be used for your project. Topics that should be avoided are those currently being widely debated among media sources. Some topics to avoid include abortion, sex trafficking, gun control, and immigration among others. Each major heading below should be included on your own sentence outline and in your final paper. Use the boldface language for your own outline headings, adapted to fit your topic. *********************** Portfolio Project Outline Ima Sample 1/30/14 [Section I, Introduction: Introduce the social problem you are going to address.] I. Create an opening that generally introduces the problem using a statistic or true narrative example. 1. Provide a compelling true narrative, offer some background, or state a statistic to highlight the problem. 2. Introduce the research question: What would it take to reduce obesity in the United States? C. Close with the thesis. Obesity in the US is on the rise partly due to the amount of trans fats contained in restaurant food. One solution would be to regulate the amount of trans fats restaurants are permitted to include in the food they serve and to require restaurants to clearly indicate the level of trans fats contained within each menu item. [Section II, Problem: Establish proof of the problem, and identify the cause. Use several forms of credible support to prove the problem exists.] II. [Your topic:] _____________in ______________ is __________________________. [Sample topic:] Obesity in the United States is on the rise. 1. Define any potentially unclear terms: Obesity, trans fats, etc. 2. The problem exists. The following statistics show obesity in Ohio is increasing at an alarming rate. C. The following research studies point to trans fats as a significant part of the cause of obesity in the U. S. [Use evidence that is well documented in credible, scholarly sources.] D. The following localational examples bear out what the research indicates. [Section III, Cause: Present one cause and prove its connection to the problem.] III. [Your topic:] ___________________________ is partly responsible for the current problem. [Sample topic:] The amount of trans fats in restaurant foods is partly responsible for the current obesity rates 1. Refer to scholarly and primary research, and provide true examples to prove this is actually the cause of the problem. 2. Address opposition. 3. Provide more support for your claim here. [Section IV: Introduce the solution and offer credible support for how it should be carried out.] IV. [Your topic:] One potential solution could be ___________________________________ . [Sample topic:] One potential solution to the obesity crisis could be to regulate trans fats in restaurant food. 1. Based on credible sources, the solution can be implemented. 2. The solution has been tried successfully elsewhere. (If it has been tried, present the evidence here. If not, offer other reasons why you feel confident the solution will work.) C. Regulating trans fats begins by enacting legislation. 1. Explain how funding will be obtained. 2. Explain other steps for carrying out the solution. D. Address opposition. [Section V: Conclude the paper beginning with a restatement of the thesis.] V. [Your topic:] __________________________ is a problem, partly because of________________________, and _________________________ is a logical way to address it. [Sample topic:] Clearly, obesity in the United States is a problem, at least partially due to high levels of trans fats in foods, and improving the quality of restaurant food is a logical way to begin to address it. 1. Summarize the main points of the paper. 2. One possible way to end is by providing a call to actionsomething that inspires the reader to do something and gives him or her direction for how to add a voice to the cause. 3. Another possible way to end is with an effective, true example of a success story related to the implementation of your solution. Zach Klein, D Age: 35 Education: Bachelor's degree, Ohio State University; law degree, Capital University Employer: Self-employed lawyer Zach Klien is a believer in bringing our community together. His current project he is managing is establishing better relationships between law enforcement and community members. His struggle in his role is his age. Many people believe that a young man as himself lacks the experience needed to bring about change. Traits of a good leader are similar throughout most professions, but community leaders need to establish a unique approach to achieve goals. A professor in Columbus State University released a new study to look into whether or not Columbus is the most dangerous city in Georgia. Crime stories in the Chattahoochee Valley often make residents anxious and worry about the city \"I will work to ensure the city is doing its part to constantly improve police/community relations and the overall safety in all our neighborhoods. We can do this on several fronts, such as continuing our work to increase diversity within our safety forces by examining testing and waiting times for those who apply, as well as initiating further partnerships with Columbus City Schools; advocating for further use of cameras, especially body cameras, for our Division of Police; encouraging and continuing the dialogue between police, neighborhood leaders, the faith community and all city residents.\" This project will explore how Mr. Klein is able to build a project including the stregths of community members. It will explore how he is able to maximize individuals strengths and balancing the needs of control within the groups. He will have to ensure that members are working as a team and everyone is pitching in. This project is one of many challenges and Mr. Klein will have to practice stewardship and be accountable to the community. Having a strong team from as early as the planning stage will allow ample time to think forward, recruit, and mentor new leaders. Running head: IMPROVING LOW MEDIAN INCOME COMMUNITIES Improving Low Median Income Communities Johnnie Newsome CSU Global December 15,2016 1 IMPROVING LOW MEDIAN INCOME COMMUNITIES 2 Introduction What would it take to improve the living standards in a low median income in the community? Low and medium income to a community is characterized by be poor nutrition, people would have little or no preventive healthcare as well as little chances for high school education. There has been an inverse relationship between income and physical quantities of housing (Rangan, Quelch & Herrero, 2007). I realized that most broken families which have low incomes tend to share homes with relatives. The second discovery is that the people who had higher income of $4000 and above visited the physicians more time than the low income families. Sudden population of growth in the city would mean more in children from low income communities are less likely to go to school. Despite the large numbers of working married women, the less the husband's income the more likely the mothers will work. I realized that poor and overcrowded housing and pressure affect the community adversely (Kazis, & Miller, 2001). Resolutions How can such problems be solved? I can reasonably say that large universities and the student populations have impacts on the overall statistical makeup. However, they are not the only growing factor. Large communities with high birth rates and large numbers of children would have a low income. This requires a clear approach. I would establish affordable housing to the low income families. These houses rent would be reasonably adequate and will not cost much so as to help the households meet other basic needs and sustain their families. Therefore, to curb some of the issues arising in the poor communities I would create jobs. This means I will invest in job creation strategies like renovation of abandoned building, IMPROVING LOW MEDIAN INCOME COMMUNITIES 3 infrastructure and new energy resources. Secondly, I would work on increasing the the limit for minimum wage. For instance, in the 1960s, one working parent was enough to be above the median income percent. They had a minimum wage of $10.86 per hour indexed to inflation compared to today's $7.25 per hour. Thirdly, I would ensure increased income tax credit for childless workers. This would be like an investment with long term dividends. Families that required EITC assistance reveled higher graduation and have some higher potential earnings. Fourthly, I would support the pay equity. In this I would ensure equal pay for equal task. This is because I realized that female full time workers are paid less than their men counterparts. I would also close the gender wage gap which is aimed at cutting poverty for the working women and their families. Fifthly, I would provide paid leave and paid sick days to low income earners. The US is a advanced country but is going against the norm and not including pay for sick and medical leave. Other countries less developed understand that employees get sick and should not have to come into work sick instead of losing income. Sixthly, I will invent work schedules. I realized that low wage and hourly jobs have unpredictable work schedules which keep on shifting. These everchanging schedules affects the families. They even make accessing a child care difficult since the employees are uncertain about their family incomes. I would ensure there is a no changing work schedule which would allow employees to request for a change as well as providing a balance between work and family. Also, I would invest in affordable, childcare programs in the workplace and affordable afterschool programs. On average, low income families spend as high as one-third of their incomes on daycares since they want to work. Boosting the investment will help many struggling IMPROVING LOW MEDIAN INCOME COMMUNITIES 4 families to access daycare. Also, I will come up with programs to help kids in low income communities go through higher education. Conclusion In conclusion, it is possible to dramatically cut poverty. For instance, in U.S, new civil rights protection has helped to reduce the poverty rate by half (Kazis, & Miller, 2001). The most recent history, states that have raised the minimum wage have illustrated policies which have combated wage stagnation. Therefore, there is need to build a platform that would ensure increased economic security, growth opportunities and improved living standards. IMPROVING LOW MEDIAN INCOME COMMUNITIES 5 References Kazis, R., & Miller, M.S. (2001). Low-wage workers in the new economy. Washington, D.C: Urban Institute Press. Rangan, V.K., Quelch, J.A., & Herrero, G. (2007). Business Solutions for the Global Poor: Creating Social and Economic Value. Hoboken: John Wiley & Sons. United States., National Institute of Education (U.S.), Educational Resources Information Center (U.S.), & National Library of Education (U.S.). (1975). Resources in education. Washington, D.C: Dept. of Health, Education, and Welfare, National Institute of Education. Running head: IMPROVING LOW MEDIAN INCOME COMMUNITIES Week 3- Annotated Bibliography Johnnie Newsome CSU Global ENG 102 Composition 2 Peter Kunze December 26,2016 1 IMPROVING LOW MEDIAN INCOME COMMUNITIES 2 The portfolio project I am working on is how median income for the El Paso area affects the community. The importance of median incomes for households and families is it allows them to understand how their income compares to others in the community. Median income is also a great indicator of the community they may consider moving into. Middle class incomes are lower than previous years because of the lack of positions in the workforce. With the restricting growth the median income is not equal due to corporate greed but data shows it is the lack of people working. Communities needs to focus on creating jobs and getting individuals within the communities to work those jobs. This will lessen the financial pressure on middle class. Annotated Bibliography DeNavas-Walt, C. (2010). Income, poverty, and health insurance coverage in the United States. DIANE Publishing. This material provides data on coverage for health insurance, income levels and poverty based on data collected in 2010 and earlier information gathered from the U.S. Census Bureau. Data explains the definition and value of understanding what median income is, and how it impacts households, communities, states and the United States as a whole. The analysis covers how different races fall into the data sets and what races have a higher rate of poverty. Data measures income and earning summaries by selected characteristics including race, household size, age, region, residence and per caita income. This book breaks down how incomes is measured including additional information on cost of living adjustments, median income levels by occupation, gender, household size, region and race. IMPROVING LOW MEDIAN INCOME COMMUNITIES 3 Kazis, R., & Miller, M.S. (2001). Low-wage workers in the new economy. Washington, D.C: Urban Institute Press. This book provides a deep understanding into how low-wage workers impact the economy. Paying particular attention to the policies that combated wage stagnation. This text highlights how lack of employer-sponsored benefits including retirement, sick leave, paternity leave and health insurance is characterized in low wage working within the United States. This work also explained how hard working Americans are struggling to fight their way out of poverty levels. McCarty, N., Poole, K. T., & Rosenthal, H. (2016). Polarized America: The dance of ideology and unequal riches. mit Press. This book supports how immigration affects the income levels in communities. Diving into how American politics hinders Americans for gaining a complete understanding of income levels by excluding or including data that impacts the overall bottom line of results. Throughout the material references are made supporting variables defining what poverty is, how it affects communities and how certain groups of Americans do not have the same government services that assist in rising above the poverty levels. Finally, addressing how voting the right parties into political office will determine a rise or fall of income levels. Pizzolato, J. E., & Olson, A. B. (2016). Poverty and Knowing: Exploring Epistemological Development in Welfare-to-Work Community College Students. The Review of Higher Education, 39(4), 571-596. IMPROVING LOW MEDIAN INCOME COMMUNITIES 4 This work is a qualitative study that was conducted through one complete year. The information investigated how poverty influences epistemological development through socialization and the experience of intergenerational poverty. The results uses data collected from the US Census Bureau and concludes that the rise of poverty in the US is expected to continue rising which will result in lower levels of academic achievement, self-concept, career aspirations and health insurance coverage. Rangan, V.K., Quelch, J.A., & Herrero, G. (2007). Business Solutions for the Global Poor: Creating Social and Economic Value. Hoboken: John Wiley & Sons. This study conducted in 2007 provides an analysist that uncovers the relationships between income and the ability to obtain adequate housing. It was determined that that based on the results of surveys and analysis families without two active incomes tend to share homes with extended families. The material provides an understanding to \"who are the poor\Running head: IMPROVING LOW MEDIAN INCOME COMMUNITIES Annotated Bibliography Lidel Cordero CSU Global ENG 102 Composition 2 Peter Kunze December 24, 2016 1 IMPROVING LOW MEDIAN INCOME COMMUNITIES 2 Annotated Bibliography Enhancing diversity in law enforcement is very critical. A diverse task force is defined not only in terms of gender and the race but also in terms of characteristics such as religion, sexual orientation, in terms of gender, the language, the background and the experiences. Enhancing diversity is important as it helps in improving the way the community perceives the city authorities as just transparent and accountable[Smi03]. In fact diversity helps to build trust within the community. Through diversity, the community is able to support the integrity of democracy. According to research, more diversity help the law enforcement agencies to be more open in initiating cultural and systemic changes and to adopt a more responsive approach to the community they serve[Jon01]. Jones, T., & Newburn, T. (2001). Widening access: Improving police relations with hard to reach groups. Home Office, Policing and Reducing Crime Unit, Research, Development and Statistics Directorate. Over the past few years the parameters of policing have been at the forefront of many community discussions. The focus of this study is to determine good practices in maintaining and encouraging police and community relationships. The telephone study reached out to over 43 police departments and the members of their communities. The study revealed the conflicting or similar community and police perspectives. The aim is to allow and understanding of each perspective to allow better relationships. Prenzler, T., & Porter, L. (2016). Improving police behavior and police-community relations through innovative responses to complaints. Accountability of policing, 49-68. IMPROVING LOW MEDIAN INCOME COMMUNITIES 3 Police officers are involved with constant conflict and need continued education of decision making, strategies, community relations, and insight. This study took two police departments and observe a pilot programs on conflict resolution. This study will assist in reducing violence and enhance the presence of law enforcement. There are a variety of approaches discussed and observed in this research that will provide insight to communities and departments to strengthen relationships. Ruggs, E. N., Hebl, M. R., Rabelo, V. C., Weaver, K. B., Kovacs, J., & Kemp, A. S. (2016). Baltimore Is Burning: Can IO Psychologists Help Extinguish the Flames?. Industrial and Organizational Psychology, 1-23 Policing in the media is under considerable public scrutiny. This article looks at how racial bias impacts citizens interactions and what Industrial and Organization Psychology can remedy the conflict. This controversial issue takes into account that some officers may not want to be involved in interventions as well as community members may see interventions as an attack. The reading provides perspectives that will strengthen the understanding of what sparks conflicts, and to understand the need and effect to attune policies for needed changes. Smith, B. W. (2003). The impact of diversity in law enforcement agencies on the communities. Management Journal The goal of develop and increased understanding of diversity in policing communities. This research includes data the reveals when community leaders are involved with hiring practices and policies of officers and include and understanding of how a diverse police force can better service similar communities it greatly increases relations and lessens conflicts. Policing with education alone on the diversity of the communities is sometimes not enough to prove IMPROVING LOW MEDIAN INCOME COMMUNITIES 4 significant results. Incorporation of officers that are similar to the members of the communities they are policing causes a natural relationship and understanding of the diverse backgrounds. Shade, A. (2017). Diversity is the question, not the answer. The ISME Journal, 11(1), 1-6. How do communities with sizable minority presence be protected by police departments that are mostly white and still feel safe? There are many high profile deaths of African American suspects that may have been deferred with more minority representation in the departments. The hypothesis is purposed that increasing minorities within the police departments will decrease conflicts between officers and members within the communities they serve. The results gives a clear picture of the risk of violence against police and how implementing varying requirements in diversity education will greatly reduce risk. Assignment Option #2: Speculating about Causes and Proposing Solutions for a National or Global Social Issue Explore a national or global social issue in your area, at least one of its causes, and a potential solution. For your topic, the social issue should be a problem that can be proven to exist and has potential to be solved. Begin by stating a thesis that defines the problem, identifies and evaluates at least one aspect of the cause, and offers one potential solution. These three pointsproblem, cause, and solutionwill be used as level I headings for the major parts of the body content. Requirements: The paper should be 6-8 pages in length (double-spaced), plus a reference page, and should use a minimum of eight credible sources. The CSU-Global Library is an excellent place to search for credible, scholarly sources. Document and citation formatting should be in conformity with the CSUGlobal Guide to Writing and APA Requirements. Example/research question: What would it take to reduce obesity in United States/Ohio? The research question should be followed by a thesis, which answers the research question by stating a problem, cause, and solution. The thesis can be two sentences long if necessary. Example/thesis: [Problem] Obesity across the U.S. is on the rise [Cause] partly due to the amount of trans fats contained in restaurant food. [Solution] One solution would be to regulate the amount of trans fats restaurants are permitted to include in the food they serve and to require restaurants to clearly indicate the level of trans fats contained within each menu item. NOTE: The sample topic above cannot be used for your project. Topics that should be avoided are those currently being widely debated among media sources. Some topics to avoid include abortion, sex trafficking, gun control, and immigration among others. Click on the attached document to review a sample Portfolio Project Outline that may be used as a template or to inform the structure and outline for your project. This outline will be subject to discussion at the second Live Classroom for the course

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