I. PROBLEM: 1. SPECIFICATION of an ORDER_PROCESSING database: Consider the following set of data requirements for an ORDER_PROCESSING COMPANY in which orders for items are placed by customers and shipped from warehouses. - The order processing DB has customers, each identified by a unique customer number, first and last name, city, and ZIP code. - Each warehouse of the company is identified by a unique warehouse number, city, where it is located, and ZIP code. Each warehouse ships one or more orders. The ship date when an CS 41101 Assignment 1 order is shipped from a warehouse is recorded. Assume that an order can be shipped from several warehouses. - Each item listed in an order is identified by a unique item number, an item name, and unit price. - Each order is placed by a customer and is given a unique order number. Each order contains specified quantities of one or more items. The total dollar amount of an order is recorded. Each order has an order date, when an order was placed; and a date of receipt. Make the conceptual design of the ORDER_PROCESSING database. This includes (1) The Initial Conceptual Design (ICD) and (2) The design of the ER schema for it. I.e., when designing the ER schema make the imitial conceptual design and the necessary refinements after that. Specify the key attributes of each entity type and structural constraints (both cardinality ratios and total/partial participation) on each relationship type. Note any unspecified requirements, and make appropriate assumptions, if needed, to make the specification complete. Create and upload under the Assignment 1 link in BB ONE file that needs to include all the following 4 items: - (10 pts) The initial conceptual design of your ER schema (for reference, you may see the ICD of the COMPANY database, p. 9-10 in the notes for Ch. 7). - Two ER diagrams of your ER schema resulted after all the design refinements have been completed: - (80pts) ER diagram with structural constraints using 1,M,N (written in next to a relationship type rhombus) for cardinality ratio and double and single lines for total and partial participation. - (10 pts) Another ER diagram version, where the structural constraints are expressed using the alternative =(min,max ) notation (as on p. 22 in the notes for Ch.7 ). - (10 pts) Include also the role names of each entity type participating in relationship into this version of the ER diagram. - Assumptions for any unspecified data requirements, if needed / made. - (8 points) Write down short answer to the following: Main point of this Assignment in terms of the ER data model