i want it on car rental system please
PFIOUECT DESCRIPTION - This is a group project that will be appled to imploment and deal with all PUSQL parts which you were dealing with practicaly. This prowect will cower al PLSOL. topies including - CONTROL STRUCTURES - CUROSRS - STORED PRDCEDURES-FUNCTIONS - EXCEPTION HANDLING - COLLECTIONS - trigGers - sECuritr Infarmarien Sytores Drpartencel Setertier: FMI.1 Y. Cearset t5312-DusaBase2 L.evtarver De. MoMatMitb ATTHA Part : Data Sase Preparatitn (2 inteds) of You are ferfifed th jplenent thtough yout ann bullt in istabase aystam. thal be you have been anked to plex one tran the datababe tables ahoye b. Theti statt to desctibe thin tepte ifto a achent and phymical atrocture waing deNGL Set EEVELOPER Foot. 0 The output of this part in to areate yout bi with al. requifeit tables and atwritutat ard data Eypea and logical ditno. v The cteated ob thould inclute the followingt- 1- At least a relations 2. At least 5 tables with the agpregrate constraints 3. Each table must include 4 attributes including primary key 4 - Each table must contyin 15 deta recordi at leant. Fature L anarsiny in E sar Faculty of Conpotern and Inlarmatiet Terknulete Infermatien Syutema Drparineni Semesiler: Tial1 12 Cearse: tS112- Durallase? Leetart D S. HOWOMED ATTIA LAB EVSTRUCTORE 1. MORLSVED MABHEOT Create a file name Fh/BgL Practical portl that inclurten the fotlewing code A plisql block contains a greeting nap otich displayz nane of yorat databane. 7mplement andther Flifeql block? 1- contains 3 variables for member names 2. contains 3 wariables for member ids 3. contain 1 varlable for db name 4. contain 1 variable for GhOUP NUMBEK name 5. thin block should divelay as follow heto we are 'GROUP NUMBER' AND DB nume' and our members are member 1: 'Var1' member2: Var2' member3: Var3' currect system date mun-dd-yy hh:mmiss Parts : F1/sQL Amplemenfation (9 Gikabes) Includes the following eode * at least 1 different stored proveduren that seloct and updaee data feon your tuhled. - at least 3 tunctiens thut deals with tomesle data to nhoiv isum, arerage, maltiplicatiant from your tablett - to iterate or update. on data retrieved. * Make use of exception handidng as follcun - Icandle predefined errora at leant 2, - Create at leate 3 uater definad exceptiena to handie special cases in your table data. - Doe control btracture to handle booprn (ffori ant If eqthdilinis. * Use 3 asadelactve meraya celdection lo atace data from a difterent tablis and insert. it im a oopy table of each and Fature L miveruity in E.Dpt Yaralty ef Caepaters asd tafermution Toshenleg Indaraatiae Syateres Repartacet Tetenteri F/MII Cearset t5312- Duathare2 Levaren Dr. ModithetD stills * Create at least 4 triggern to handle ang but operat.anne. * Czmace at Ieans ane tolgger to bandie aty Det eperation - Create at least 4 triggers to handle any DML operations. - Create at least one trigger to handle any DDL operation - Create a Log Table for your DB to Trigger any event ( Insert, Udate, delete) and by whom the action made and at any time its attributes as follows: - Date - Time - Username - Action type - Table name that affected - Attribute name that affected - Old value - New value Create a file name PL/SQL Practical part3 (SECURITY) that includes the following code > To Secure your DB create an admin user that can apply all operations > Create a table entry user called t_user that can only create tables > Create a view only user called shadow that can only login and view the DB but can 't perform an transaction PFIOUECT DESCRIPTION - This is a group project that will be appled to imploment and deal with all PUSQL parts which you were dealing with practicaly. This prowect will cower al PLSOL. topies including - CONTROL STRUCTURES - CUROSRS - STORED PRDCEDURES-FUNCTIONS - EXCEPTION HANDLING - COLLECTIONS - trigGers - sECuritr Infarmarien Sytores Drpartencel Setertier: FMI.1 Y. Cearset t5312-DusaBase2 L.evtarver De. MoMatMitb ATTHA Part : Data Sase Preparatitn (2 inteds) of You are ferfifed th jplenent thtough yout ann bullt in istabase aystam. thal be you have been anked to plex one tran the datababe tables ahoye b. Theti statt to desctibe thin tepte ifto a achent and phymical atrocture waing deNGL Set EEVELOPER Foot. 0 The output of this part in to areate yout bi with al. requifeit tables and atwritutat ard data Eypea and logical ditno. v The cteated ob thould inclute the followingt- 1- At least a relations 2. At least 5 tables with the agpregrate constraints 3. Each table must include 4 attributes including primary key 4 - Each table must contyin 15 deta recordi at leant. Fature L anarsiny in E sar Faculty of Conpotern and Inlarmatiet Terknulete Infermatien Syutema Drparineni Semesiler: Tial1 12 Cearse: tS112- Durallase? Leetart D S. HOWOMED ATTIA LAB EVSTRUCTORE 1. MORLSVED MABHEOT Create a file name Fh/BgL Practical portl that inclurten the fotlewing code A plisql block contains a greeting nap otich displayz nane of yorat databane. 7mplement andther Flifeql block? 1- contains 3 variables for member names 2. contains 3 wariables for member ids 3. contain 1 varlable for db name 4. contain 1 variable for GhOUP NUMBEK name 5. thin block should divelay as follow heto we are 'GROUP NUMBER' AND DB nume' and our members are member 1: 'Var1' member2: Var2' member3: Var3' currect system date mun-dd-yy hh:mmiss Parts : F1/sQL Amplemenfation (9 Gikabes) Includes the following eode * at least 1 different stored proveduren that seloct and updaee data feon your tuhled. - at least 3 tunctiens thut deals with tomesle data to nhoiv isum, arerage, maltiplicatiant from your tablett - to iterate or update. on data retrieved. * Make use of exception handidng as follcun - Icandle predefined errora at leant 2, - Create at leate 3 uater definad exceptiena to handie special cases in your table data. - Doe control btracture to handle booprn (ffori ant If eqthdilinis. * Use 3 asadelactve meraya celdection lo atace data from a difterent tablis and insert. it im a oopy table of each and Fature L miveruity in E.Dpt Yaralty ef Caepaters asd tafermution Toshenleg Indaraatiae Syateres Repartacet Tetenteri F/MII Cearset t5312- Duathare2 Levaren Dr. ModithetD stills * Create at least 4 triggern to handle ang but operat.anne. * Czmace at Ieans ane tolgger to bandie aty Det eperation - Create at least 4 triggers to handle any DML operations. - Create at least one trigger to handle any DDL operation - Create a Log Table for your DB to Trigger any event ( Insert, Udate, delete) and by whom the action made and at any time its attributes as follows: - Date - Time - Username - Action type - Table name that affected - Attribute name that affected - Old value - New value Create a file name PL/SQL Practical part3 (SECURITY) that includes the following code > To Secure your DB create an admin user that can apply all operations > Create a table entry user called t_user that can only create tables > Create a view only user called shadow that can only login and view the DB but can 't perform an transaction