i want the input and the output using this world winner text python
3. World Series Winners WorldSeriesWinners,txt file contains a chronological list of the World Series' winning teams from 1903 through 2009. The first line in the file is the name of the team that won in 1903, and the last line is the name of the team that won in 2009. (Note the World Series was not played in 1904 or 1994. There are entries in the file indicating this.) Write a program that reads this file and creates a dictionary in which the keys are the names of the teams, and each key's associated value is the number of times the team has won the World Series. The program should also create a dictionary in which the keys are the years, and each key's associated value is the name of the team that won that year. The program should prompt the user for a year in the range of 1903 through 2009. It should then display the name of the team that won the World Series that year, and the number of times that team has won the World Series. 1:31 Done O classroom.google.com Computer Ptogramming 1-202312024 Bostan Anarieans New York Giants Caleage White box Chileago cubs Ctilcaga Cubs Piteabuegh pirates Philodedphla Athleticn thalladelphla Athletfed Boscola Red Box Phlladelphla Athietice Bostee Bravies Bonton-Red Spx Bottera Red Sax Chleago. White Box Nonton Red Sox Clacinatel Reda Cleveland Indiane Mier York Giant: ther YoEk Giante Fier York Yanken: Washibgten Senatora Pittaburgh Pirates 3t. Leut a Copalnala new York tankees Sew York Yankees ralladelphia Athleted Thlladelphia Arklecied 3t. Louin Carainala ned York Yankent New York diant: Deteoit Fiper: 1:31 O classroom.google.com liew York Yankeet Then York Yanken: they Yort Yarkees New York' Tankees cinelentel sede Flew York Yankees t+. topals carditald New Yozk Yankeet 7t. Loill Cordinai Detratt Tigers gt. Raila Caralanal Nifor York Yarkeet ctove:tarit "nitlann Now York Yankeen raw Tork' Tathked New York Yatikee: Nont York' Yanken- mav York' Yanken : Wow York CIant: Broektyn Dodjers Mew Yerk Yankeet Milwake Drawen Fas Yock Tatiken: Lou Aerelet Dospers ptetabargh Pfrater New York Yankees Few York tankees wot Anget int nodgert 8t. Leral = Catolne1. Lon Angelen Dodgeta antelare ortelet gt. Lowalt Cardtrind Detrobt Tigera New York Met. Baltimore orid Tifesbaryh pi 1:31 O classroom.google.com Cinctinati Reda Now York Yatikee: New York Yankees Pittskargh Piraten miladelpola millifet Lou Anpele: Dodjer: st. towin Cardinali Baleinoze oeloles Detrodt Tigers fansas ciey hoyals Nes Yotk Mats. Minnewata Tuina Lou Negeles Dodpeta askland Artaleties cinetranet Medta Minnesota Sina Torente Blue tays torante Blue Jaya AtIenta Brave how york yiknteet glozida Mardina For York Yankeen How York Yasikeen New York' Yankeen Arizone Dtamonataek anabeis Anoela riorida Marilins Bosten hed Sox Gicago while soo 5t. Lowal Cardinala Boskan Ned Sax. Filladelphil phillies