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Issue 2: 2.2 points 6 points 8.2 points 9.7 points 11.2 15 points / 15 Strategie points Proposed Proposed Identifies Identifies Displays s to strategies strategies viable viable Displays exceptiona contribut for for opportunit strategies creativity I creativity e to the achieving achieving ies that that in and three SDGs are SDGs are take into harness identifying innovative SDGs not not consideratisynergies viable thinking in and provided provided on the between strategies proposing evaluatio at all. or not interests the that viable n (GLO1) viable. of market interests harness strategies targets/i (GLO1) potential, of market synergies that ndicators Demonstra societal potential, between harness ULO 2: tes very Demonstra demands societal the synergies GLO1 & little tes little and policy demands interests between 8, (15 understan understan action. and policy of market the marks). ding of the ding of the (GLO1) action. (GL potential, interests scale and scale and 01) societal of market impact of impact of Demonstra demands potential, proposed proposed tes an and policy societal strategies., steadegies. understan Demonstra action. Unacceptabl Criteria (GLO8) (geogemen Satisfactare Good good sDOBPod Outstanding Criterion Score scale and understan No Little impact of ding of the Demonstra demands evidence- evidence- proposed scale and tes a and policy based based strategies impact of critical action. reasoning reasoning in proposed understan (GLO1) or or identifying strategies ding of the appropriat appropriat Demonstra appropriat in scale and e e e targets identifying impact of tes a referencing referencin critical and and/or appropriat the g. (GLO1) g. (GLO1) holistic indicators. e targets proposed understan (0-4.4 (4.5-7.4 (GLO8) and/or strategies indicators. to identify ding of the marks) marks) Reasoning (GLO8) appropriat scale and is e targets impact of evidence- Relevant and/or proposed based with sources indicators. strategies somewhat from the (GLO8) to identify appropriat course are appropriat e used to Evidence- e targets referencing support based and/or g. (GLO1) evidence- reasoning indicators. based is (GLO8) (7.5-8.9 reasoning supported marks) with with highly Strong appropriat relevant evidence- e sources based referencin from the reasoning g. (GLO1) course is with supported (9-10.4 appropriat with highly marks) relevant referencin sources g. (GLO1) from the 2 course (10.5-11.9 with marks) accurate