Based on the following case study, please provide one or more of cach of the following elements of the problem domain or its IT solution. All must be balanced. 1. Requirements definition 2. Use-case diagram 3. Activity diagram 4. Use-case description 5. CRC card 6. Class diagram 7. Sequence diagram 8. Communication diagram 9. Behavioral state machine 10. CRUDE matrix 11. Package diagram 12. Mapping of problem domain objects to a relational database management system (RDBMS) format 13. Windows navigation diagram 14. Deployment diagranm CASE STUDY: Environmental Conservation Program of the Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation Gordon Moore was born in San Francisco in 1929 and grew up along the coast in Pescadero, north of Santa Cruz. After a successful career in the computer industry (he founded Intel Corporation), he and his wife Betty in 2000 established the Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation, a private grant-making foundation, so they could share Gordon's financial success with many deserving projects and goals. Moore Foundation grants fund Research Teams that carry out research projects of interest to the Foundation. One of the areas funded by the Moore Foundation is its Environmental Conservation Program. The Environmental Conservation Program has provided over $1.4 billion to 1,100 projects. The Program has at any time roughly 100 new or ongoing grants and employs about twenty Program Officers. The Environmental Conservation Program maintains an impressive archive of Reports produced by Research Teams. Based on the following case study, please provide one or more of cach of the following elements of the problem domain or its IT solution. All must be balanced. 1. Requirements definition 2. Use-case diagram 3. Activity diagram 4. Use-case description 5. CRC card 6. Class diagram 7. Sequence diagram 8. Communication diagram 9. Behavioral state machine 10. CRUDE matrix 11. Package diagram 12. Mapping of problem domain objects to a relational database management system (RDBMS) format 13. Windows navigation diagram 14. Deployment diagranm CASE STUDY: Environmental Conservation Program of the Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation Gordon Moore was born in San Francisco in 1929 and grew up along the coast in Pescadero, north of Santa Cruz. After a successful career in the computer industry (he founded Intel Corporation), he and his wife Betty in 2000 established the Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation, a private grant-making foundation, so they could share Gordon's financial success with many deserving projects and goals. Moore Foundation grants fund Research Teams that carry out research projects of interest to the Foundation. One of the areas funded by the Moore Foundation is its Environmental Conservation Program. The Environmental Conservation Program has provided over $1.4 billion to 1,100 projects. The Program has at any time roughly 100 new or ongoing grants and employs about twenty Program Officers. The Environmental Conservation Program maintains an impressive archive of Reports produced by Research Teams