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I will take a series of photos of the problem in my book. I would like someone to figure the taxes for this couple both

I will take a series of photos of the problem in my book. I would like someone to figure the taxes for this couple both itemizing and taking the straight deduction. I need details regarding filling out the 1040s, Schedules A, C, D and Schedule 1 if needed for self employment.

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The documents

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necessary to complete the return are posted. I had to take half page photos of the info otherwise you would not be able to read because the print would have been too small. Thank you for any help you can give.

Income Tax Course (2019) Taxpayer Information Taxpayer name: Bruce H. Harrison Taxpayer SSN: XXX-XX-0124 Taxpayer DOB: April 1, 1976 Health care coverage: 12 months through employer Spouse name: Lois A. Harrison Spouse SSN: 749-01-3932 Spouse DOB: March 28, 1981 Health care coverage: 12 months through spouse's employer Address: 1312 Locust Street Your City, YS XXXXX Living arrangement: Taxpayers own their home (XXX) 555-6336 (Taxpayer); Preferred (ar Taxpayer occupation: Contractor Cell phone: Taxpayer email: Spouse occupation: Newscaster Bruce and Lois Harrison are married and wish to file married and wish to file a joint retur creceived before the original filing due date of their rece em as a dependent. They both wish to designate disabled. Neither is a student. Neither Bruce no ey did not suffer any casualty losses in 2018. and were received before the on one may claim them as a depen Neither is blind or disabled. Ne Identification. They did not su Bruce and Lois have no authority ove the grantor of or transfer products authority over a foreign account, and they Taxpayers own their home Cell phone: (XXX) 555-6336 (Taxpayer); Preferred (anytime); FCC: Yes, OK to call Taxpayer email: Taxpayer occupation: Contractor Spouse occupation: Newscaster Bruce and Lois Harrison are new clients. Last year, they prepared their own they would like professional assistance. They are married and wish to file a for work in the US, and were received before the original filing due date of U.S. citizens. No one may claim them as dependents. They both wish to des Campaign Fund. Neither is blind or disabled. Neither is a student. Neither or state identification. They did not suffer any casualty losses in 2018. Bruce and Lois have no authority over a foreign account, and they did not prantor of or transferor to, a foreign trust. They consent to the use of the and services. They have not received a notice from the IRS or any state o IRS has not issued an Identity Protection ID Number for their return. eferred (anytime); prepared their own return using online software, but this year, Fed and wish to file a joint tax return. Both of their SSNs are valid mal filing due date of their return (including extensions). Both are hey both wish to designate $3 to the Presidential Election a student. Neither Bruce nor Lois provided their driver's license losses in 2018. t, and they did not receive a distribution from, nor were they the t to the use of their tax return information for other products RS or any state or local taxing authority within the last year. The their return. HILURE 1dx course 12019) Stuuy ou Self-Employment Income Household Information Dependent name: Lyla B. Harrison Dependent SSN: 749-01-8335 Dependent DOB: July 12, 2013 Dependent relationship: Daughter Time in household: 12 months Gross income: $0 Support: Does not provide over half of her own sup Health care coverage: 12 months through parent's employer! Dependent name: Kevin E. Harrison Dependent SSN: 749-01-9335 Dependent DOB: October 15, 2015 Dependent relationship: Son Time in household: 12 months Gross income: $0 Support: Does not provide over half of his own Health care coverage: 12 months through parent's employer yla and Kevin lived with Bruce and Lois all year long and did nc hey are both U.S. citizens. Lyla and Kevin have SSNs that are va fore the due date for the return (including extensions). Bruce Idren. Istments LILLlls. Lyla and Kevin have SSNs that are valid before the due date for the return (including extensions). Bruce and children. Adjustments Lois contributed $2,500 to a traditional IRA during the year. She on on December 31, 2018, was $13,093.75. Lois has never taken a dist Bruce is covered by an employer-sponsored retirement plan, but Le Credits Bruce and Lois paid Little Ones Learning Center $7,000 ($3,500 for worked. The center's EIN is 49-0327001. It is located at 1521 West F for the Center is (XXX) 555-0034. Bruce and Lois have documentatic Note: The decimal value from the Oregon DOR online calculator is. WFHDC. como r half of his own support arent's employer long and did not have any income. Neither is married or disabled. SSNs that are valid for work in the United States and were received ensions). Bruce and Lois brought in copies of medical records for both ng the year. She only has one IRA account, and the value of this account never taken a distribution from this or any other retirement account. Fement plan, but Lois is not. $7,000 ($3,500 for each child) to care for Kevin and Lyla while they ted at 1521 West Plain Road, Your City, YS XXXXX. The phone number mave documentation substantiating this expense. hline calculator is .04. This should help when calculating Schedule OR. Note: The decimal value from the Oregon DOR online calcul WFHDC. Self-Employment Income Lois has always been an avid reader, and during the year, sh community center. The community center paid Lois for thi MISC reporting an amount for nonemployee compensation Documents section. The community center is within walking vehicle or travel expenses. Her only business-related exper For purposes of the qualified business income deduction (Q Lois did not pay any qualified wages, nor does she have any gains from asset disposition. With regard to the qualified by corresponding fields in BlockWorks. umentation substantiating this expense. pulator is .04. This should help when calculating Schedule OR- she had an opportunity to lead a book club at a nearby his work. At the end of the year, they sent Lois a Form 1099- on in box 7 of the form. This form is shown in the Information ing distance of the couple's home, so Lois did not have any pense was for $250 in supplies. (QBID), this is not a specified service trade or business (SSTB). ny qualified business property, or any losses or short-term business income deduction, you may enter "o" in the U CLUIC Capital Assets Bruce was unhappy with the performance of an investment he had made November 7, 2018, for fear the stock would continue its downward trend reported on a Form 1099-B, which Bruce brought to his appointment. Th Documents section. Itemized Deductions Bruce and Lois want to itemize deductions if it will be more beneficial th bring a Form 1098 reporting mortgage interest and real estate taxes paid in the Information Documents section. Bruce and Lois would prefer to ta than the sales tax deduction. They also had the following potentially dec Item Amount Notes Made this April 10, 2 2017 State balance due $782 Donation to Cancer Research Foundation $450 Paid Marc rmance of an investment he had made in 2016. He sold the shares of stock on Ek would continue its downward trend. Information relating to this sale Bruce brought to his appointment. This form is shown in the Information ductions if it will be more beneficial than taking the standard deduction. They gage interest and real estate taxes paid on their personal residence. This is shown tion. Bruce and Lois would prefer to take the state income tax deduction rather also had the following potentially deductible items for 2018: Amount Notes Made this payment on April 10, 2018 $782 $450 Paid March 3, 2018 Income Tax Course (2019) Study Guide Final Test formation Documents a Employee's social security number XXX-XX-0124 b Employer identification number (EIN) 49-0327872 C Employer's name, address, and ZIP codo ELM CONSTRUCTION AGENCY 2 Sale, accurate, OMB No 1545-0008 FAST! Use se 1 Wages, tips other compensation 37,950.00 3 Social Secunly wages 39,950.00 6 Medicare wages and tips 39,950.00 7 Ocalaverity pa Visit the IRS webs e wwis.govlasto Federal income tax withhele 3,701.72 4 Social security tax withhold 2,476.90 6 Medicare tax withheld 579.28 AUCIU pe 6 GREENWOOD LANE YOUR CITY, YS XXXXX d Control number Verificaton code 10 Dependent care benefits e Employee's first name and initial Lastnano Sur 11 Nonqualified plans 12a See instructions for bak 12 DD 14,685.00 BRUCE H. HARRISON 13 Y 1312 LOCUST STREET 14 Other 2,000.00 YOUR CITY, YS XXXXX Employee's address and ZIP code 16 Bate Employer's stats ID number YS 4903278721 16 Stowagad, tips to 37,950.00 17 State income to State income tak 2,087.25 18 Locat wagastos, eco 18 Local wages, tip L ock Income tax 20 MIN Wage and Tax Statement Department of the Treasury-internal Revenue Servis 2018 Form SCOPAL TOY Peturn J u re Internal Revenue Service a Employee's social secunty number 749-01-3932 Employer identification number (N) 49-0327873 c Employer's name, address, and ZP code LOCAL NEWS NETWORK s 2 Sate, accurate, GMB No 1545-0008 FASTI Use e 1 Waged to other compensation 43,500.00 3 Soos seanly wages 43,500.00 6 Medicare wages and tos 43,500.00 1 Social security fps Vat the IRS wet file govtefta Federal income tax wither 4,428.00 4 Social secunty tax withers 2,697.00 6 Macare fac withdd 630.75 8 Alocated to 112 NORTHERN STREET YOUR CITY, YS XXXXX d Control number Verification code 10 Dondunt care benefs Employee's first name endints Lastnane Suff11 Nonquefiedplans 12a Stenstructions for bak 12 LOIS A. HARRISON 1312 LOCUST STREET YOUR CITY, YS XXXXX 14 Other 1 Employee's address and ZP code 16 als Employee's ID number YS 4903 27873A 16 D a te de 43,500.00 17 State income 2,175.00 18 t o 10 LET 20 Locally Department Wage and Tax Form Statement Copy B-To Be Filed With Employee's FEDERAL Tax Return he r nished to the Interns Revenue Service 2018 Treasury Peru Serve income Tax course (2019) Study Guide Finai iest son Documents CORRECTED (it checked treet address, city or town, state a province, courty, ZP 1 Plents code and telephone ne OMB No 1545 0115 BOREOOD COMMUNITY CENTER 2018 Miscellaneous Income 2 Royaldes SERRY STREET CITY, YS XXXXX Form 1099-MISC 4real income Lanviethed 3 the more Copy B For Recipient RECTENTS TN 5 Fisting bod proceeds O Madonde 59-0327874 749-01-3932 TNumrpanatoml 8Sutattupuntantual dicendhar inkron 2. EARRISON 10 Crop Insurance proceeds $ 1.500.00 Pays made directes of $5.000 or more of ONE pod batay acon borines ndang po 22 LOCUST STREET ate a promocy.od ZP alregn pentatonde - CITY, YS XXX FATCA requement This is important tax information and is Deing furnished to the IRS. If you are required to file a retum, a negligence penalty or other sanction may be imposed on you id this income is taxable and the IRS determines that it has not been reported 13 t 14 ans pro sub payments 18 State income 16 State Lak w 17 St Payer's son 19 Sedion 400A income w s.govil omI EC Department of the Treasury hard Revenue 79-MISC keep for your records) IS 5099-MISC (eep for your records) www g orm100MISC Department of the Treasury Interndevenue CORRECTED (f checked) street address, city or loun, state or province, country. ZP Applicable checkboxen om $99 OMB 1 5015 Procoods From , ph (2 Broker and 2018 Barter Exchange TRADE ONLINE INVESTMENTS Form 1099-B Transactions 5621 LA HABRA PARKKAY, STE 13 1a Description of property (Example 100 sh. XYZ CO.) 30 SHARES ALX TOUR CITY, YS XXXXX 1b Dole pand 10 Date adepand 05/03/2016 11/07/2018 USTIN FILCFENT'S IN 14 Proceeds lo Color other bases Copy B $ 2,500.00 $ 2,800.00 For Recipient 49-0327007 XIX-XX-0124 11 Aconducta Wash e d chadh , as reporte UNI 2 them guar Long term ganon X BRUCE H. HARRISON 4 Federal new s checked, weed 1312 LOCUST STREET / for tal code Ap l TOUR CITY, YB XXX This is important tax information and is boing furnished to the IRS. If you are required to filo a return, a negligenco penaty or other sanction may be imposed on you if this income is Taxable and the IRS determines that a has not been reported & Fordon Unde 12-34567891 FATCAN 10 11 12 de les Keep for your records) Fem 1099-B Income Tax Course (2019) Study Guide Final Test Information Documents p 2018 Morte Inte Staten CORRECTED (if checked) RECIPIENTSLENDCR'S name, street address, city or town, state of e country. Por foran postal code and telephone Cauton the show OMB No 1545-0701 rolle dutely you Uma fonte hancur REALTY MORTGAGE COMPANY anille costan t e samod pettymyan Also Ipunariyanaran 691 PLEASANT GROVE bint was madly you polly you and me Indusly any pues Form 1098 YOUR CITY, YS XXXXX 1 Mortgage interest recewed from payeris) boro/er(s) $ 8,241.64 RECIPIENTS1 FNDERS TN PAYERS BORROWER'S TN zoutstanding mortgage 3 Morloge don date principa as of 1/1/2018 49-0327870 XXX-XX-0124 S 125,067.00 4Rundowed 5 More interest PAYERS/BORROWER'S name Points pasfon purchase of primapal resence BRUCE AND LOIS HARRISON Steedens bring apt no) TXI addess of properly secur margo is the same as PAYER'S BORROWER'S address, the bax is checked. or the address or descnpbon entered in baxt 1312 LOCUST STREET B Address or description of property seang morta City of loan, state or province, country, and ZP or foreign postal code retruction) YOUR CITY, YS XXXXX 9 Nurnbet of propertos securing the 10 Other morlar RE TAX: $2,215 For F Bor The informason is 1through 9 is im tax information! being furnished R$ Nyou are re to fle are negligence per other sanction imposed on you RS determines underpayment results became overstated a dod for this mortgages a for these reported in boxes 6. or because you rocott red interest be becau claimed a nendede Acond und seirbruction) Departo R R cm 1098 Keyword Income Tax Course (2019) Taxpayer Information Taxpayer name: Bruce H. Harrison Taxpayer SSN: XXX-XX-0124 Taxpayer DOB: April 1, 1976 Health care coverage: 12 months through employer Spouse name: Lois A. Harrison Spouse SSN: 749-01-3932 Spouse DOB: March 28, 1981 Health care coverage: 12 months through spouse's employer Address: 1312 Locust Street Your City, YS XXXXX Living arrangement: Taxpayers own their home (XXX) 555-6336 (Taxpayer); Preferred (ar Taxpayer occupation: Contractor Cell phone: Taxpayer email: Spouse occupation: Newscaster Bruce and Lois Harrison are married and wish to file married and wish to file a joint retur creceived before the original filing due date of their rece em as a dependent. They both wish to designate disabled. Neither is a student. Neither Bruce no ey did not suffer any casualty losses in 2018. and were received before the on one may claim them as a depen Neither is blind or disabled. Ne Identification. They did not su Bruce and Lois have no authority ove the grantor of or transfer products authority over a foreign account, and they Taxpayers own their home Cell phone: (XXX) 555-6336 (Taxpayer); Preferred (anytime); FCC: Yes, OK to call Taxpayer email: Taxpayer occupation: Contractor Spouse occupation: Newscaster Bruce and Lois Harrison are new clients. Last year, they prepared their own they would like professional assistance. They are married and wish to file a for work in the US, and were received before the original filing due date of U.S. citizens. No one may claim them as dependents. They both wish to des Campaign Fund. Neither is blind or disabled. Neither is a student. Neither or state identification. They did not suffer any casualty losses in 2018. Bruce and Lois have no authority over a foreign account, and they did not prantor of or transferor to, a foreign trust. They consent to the use of the and services. They have not received a notice from the IRS or any state o IRS has not issued an Identity Protection ID Number for their return. eferred (anytime); prepared their own return using online software, but this year, Fed and wish to file a joint tax return. Both of their SSNs are valid mal filing due date of their return (including extensions). Both are hey both wish to designate $3 to the Presidential Election a student. Neither Bruce nor Lois provided their driver's license losses in 2018. t, and they did not receive a distribution from, nor were they the t to the use of their tax return information for other products RS or any state or local taxing authority within the last year. The their return. HILURE 1dx course 12019) Stuuy ou Self-Employment Income Household Information Dependent name: Lyla B. Harrison Dependent SSN: 749-01-8335 Dependent DOB: July 12, 2013 Dependent relationship: Daughter Time in household: 12 months Gross income: $0 Support: Does not provide over half of her own sup Health care coverage: 12 months through parent's employer! Dependent name: Kevin E. Harrison Dependent SSN: 749-01-9335 Dependent DOB: October 15, 2015 Dependent relationship: Son Time in household: 12 months Gross income: $0 Support: Does not provide over half of his own Health care coverage: 12 months through parent's employer yla and Kevin lived with Bruce and Lois all year long and did nc hey are both U.S. citizens. Lyla and Kevin have SSNs that are va fore the due date for the return (including extensions). Bruce Idren. Istments LILLlls. Lyla and Kevin have SSNs that are valid before the due date for the return (including extensions). Bruce and children. Adjustments Lois contributed $2,500 to a traditional IRA during the year. She on on December 31, 2018, was $13,093.75. Lois has never taken a dist Bruce is covered by an employer-sponsored retirement plan, but Le Credits Bruce and Lois paid Little Ones Learning Center $7,000 ($3,500 for worked. The center's EIN is 49-0327001. It is located at 1521 West F for the Center is (XXX) 555-0034. Bruce and Lois have documentatic Note: The decimal value from the Oregon DOR online calculator is. WFHDC. como r half of his own support arent's employer long and did not have any income. Neither is married or disabled. SSNs that are valid for work in the United States and were received ensions). Bruce and Lois brought in copies of medical records for both ng the year. She only has one IRA account, and the value of this account never taken a distribution from this or any other retirement account. Fement plan, but Lois is not. $7,000 ($3,500 for each child) to care for Kevin and Lyla while they ted at 1521 West Plain Road, Your City, YS XXXXX. The phone number mave documentation substantiating this expense. hline calculator is .04. This should help when calculating Schedule OR. Note: The decimal value from the Oregon DOR online calcul WFHDC. Self-Employment Income Lois has always been an avid reader, and during the year, sh community center. The community center paid Lois for thi MISC reporting an amount for nonemployee compensation Documents section. The community center is within walking vehicle or travel expenses. Her only business-related exper For purposes of the qualified business income deduction (Q Lois did not pay any qualified wages, nor does she have any gains from asset disposition. With regard to the qualified by corresponding fields in BlockWorks. umentation substantiating this expense. pulator is .04. This should help when calculating Schedule OR- she had an opportunity to lead a book club at a nearby his work. At the end of the year, they sent Lois a Form 1099- on in box 7 of the form. This form is shown in the Information ing distance of the couple's home, so Lois did not have any pense was for $250 in supplies. (QBID), this is not a specified service trade or business (SSTB). ny qualified business property, or any losses or short-term business income deduction, you may enter "o" in the U CLUIC Capital Assets Bruce was unhappy with the performance of an investment he had made November 7, 2018, for fear the stock would continue its downward trend reported on a Form 1099-B, which Bruce brought to his appointment. Th Documents section. Itemized Deductions Bruce and Lois want to itemize deductions if it will be more beneficial th bring a Form 1098 reporting mortgage interest and real estate taxes paid in the Information Documents section. Bruce and Lois would prefer to ta than the sales tax deduction. They also had the following potentially dec Item Amount Notes Made this April 10, 2 2017 State balance due $782 Donation to Cancer Research Foundation $450 Paid Marc rmance of an investment he had made in 2016. He sold the shares of stock on Ek would continue its downward trend. Information relating to this sale Bruce brought to his appointment. This form is shown in the Information ductions if it will be more beneficial than taking the standard deduction. They gage interest and real estate taxes paid on their personal residence. This is shown tion. Bruce and Lois would prefer to take the state income tax deduction rather also had the following potentially deductible items for 2018: Amount Notes Made this payment on April 10, 2018 $782 $450 Paid March 3, 2018 Income Tax Course (2019) Study Guide Final Test formation Documents a Employee's social security number XXX-XX-0124 b Employer identification number (EIN) 49-0327872 C Employer's name, address, and ZIP codo ELM CONSTRUCTION AGENCY 2 Sale, accurate, OMB No 1545-0008 FAST! Use se 1 Wages, tips other compensation 37,950.00 3 Social Secunly wages 39,950.00 6 Medicare wages and tips 39,950.00 7 Ocalaverity pa Visit the IRS webs e wwis.govlasto Federal income tax withhele 3,701.72 4 Social security tax withhold 2,476.90 6 Medicare tax withheld 579.28 AUCIU pe 6 GREENWOOD LANE YOUR CITY, YS XXXXX d Control number Verificaton code 10 Dependent care benefits e Employee's first name and initial Lastnano Sur 11 Nonqualified plans 12a See instructions for bak 12 DD 14,685.00 BRUCE H. HARRISON 13 Y 1312 LOCUST STREET 14 Other 2,000.00 YOUR CITY, YS XXXXX Employee's address and ZIP code 16 Bate Employer's stats ID number YS 4903278721 16 Stowagad, tips to 37,950.00 17 State income to State income tak 2,087.25 18 Locat wagastos, eco 18 Local wages, tip L ock Income tax 20 MIN Wage and Tax Statement Department of the Treasury-internal Revenue Servis 2018 Form SCOPAL TOY Peturn J u re Internal Revenue Service a Employee's social secunty number 749-01-3932 Employer identification number (N) 49-0327873 c Employer's name, address, and ZP code LOCAL NEWS NETWORK s 2 Sate, accurate, GMB No 1545-0008 FASTI Use e 1 Waged to other compensation 43,500.00 3 Soos seanly wages 43,500.00 6 Medicare wages and tos 43,500.00 1 Social security fps Vat the IRS wet file govtefta Federal income tax wither 4,428.00 4 Social secunty tax withers 2,697.00 6 Macare fac withdd 630.75 8 Alocated to 112 NORTHERN STREET YOUR CITY, YS XXXXX d Control number Verification code 10 Dondunt care benefs Employee's first name endints Lastnane Suff11 Nonquefiedplans 12a Stenstructions for bak 12 LOIS A. HARRISON 1312 LOCUST STREET YOUR CITY, YS XXXXX 14 Other 1 Employee's address and ZP code 16 als Employee's ID number YS 4903 27873A 16 D a te de 43,500.00 17 State income 2,175.00 18 t o 10 LET 20 Locally Department Wage and Tax Form Statement Copy B-To Be Filed With Employee's FEDERAL Tax Return he r nished to the Interns Revenue Service 2018 Treasury Peru Serve income Tax course (2019) Study Guide Finai iest son Documents CORRECTED (it checked treet address, city or town, state a province, courty, ZP 1 Plents code and telephone ne OMB No 1545 0115 BOREOOD COMMUNITY CENTER 2018 Miscellaneous Income 2 Royaldes SERRY STREET CITY, YS XXXXX Form 1099-MISC 4real income Lanviethed 3 the more Copy B For Recipient RECTENTS TN 5 Fisting bod proceeds O Madonde 59-0327874 749-01-3932 TNumrpanatoml 8Sutattupuntantual dicendhar inkron 2. EARRISON 10 Crop Insurance proceeds $ 1.500.00 Pays made directes of $5.000 or more of ONE pod batay acon borines ndang po 22 LOCUST STREET ate a promocy.od ZP alregn pentatonde - CITY, YS XXX FATCA requement This is important tax information and is Deing furnished to the IRS. If you are required to file a retum, a negligence penalty or other sanction may be imposed on you id this income is taxable and the IRS determines that it has not been reported 13 t 14 ans pro sub payments 18 State income 16 State Lak w 17 St Payer's son 19 Sedion 400A income w s.govil omI EC Department of the Treasury hard Revenue 79-MISC keep for your records) IS 5099-MISC (eep for your records) www g orm100MISC Department of the Treasury Interndevenue CORRECTED (f checked) street address, city or loun, state or province, country. ZP Applicable checkboxen om $99 OMB 1 5015 Procoods From , ph (2 Broker and 2018 Barter Exchange TRADE ONLINE INVESTMENTS Form 1099-B Transactions 5621 LA HABRA PARKKAY, STE 13 1a Description of property (Example 100 sh. XYZ CO.) 30 SHARES ALX TOUR CITY, YS XXXXX 1b Dole pand 10 Date adepand 05/03/2016 11/07/2018 USTIN FILCFENT'S IN 14 Proceeds lo Color other bases Copy B $ 2,500.00 $ 2,800.00 For Recipient 49-0327007 XIX-XX-0124 11 Aconducta Wash e d chadh , as reporte UNI 2 them guar Long term ganon X BRUCE H. HARRISON 4 Federal new s checked, weed 1312 LOCUST STREET / for tal code Ap l TOUR CITY, YB XXX This is important tax information and is boing furnished to the IRS. If you are required to filo a return, a negligenco penaty or other sanction may be imposed on you if this income is Taxable and the IRS determines that a has not been reported & Fordon Unde 12-34567891 FATCAN 10 11 12 de les Keep for your records) Fem 1099-B Income Tax Course (2019) Study Guide Final Test Information Documents p 2018 Morte Inte Staten CORRECTED (if checked) RECIPIENTSLENDCR'S name, street address, city or town, state of e country. Por foran postal code and telephone Cauton the show OMB No 1545-0701 rolle dutely you Uma fonte hancur REALTY MORTGAGE COMPANY anille costan t e samod pettymyan Also Ipunariyanaran 691 PLEASANT GROVE bint was madly you polly you and me Indusly any pues Form 1098 YOUR CITY, YS XXXXX 1 Mortgage interest recewed from payeris) boro/er(s) $ 8,241.64 RECIPIENTS1 FNDERS TN PAYERS BORROWER'S TN zoutstanding mortgage 3 Morloge don date principa as of 1/1/2018 49-0327870 XXX-XX-0124 S 125,067.00 4Rundowed 5 More interest PAYERS/BORROWER'S name Points pasfon purchase of primapal resence BRUCE AND LOIS HARRISON Steedens bring apt no) TXI addess of properly secur margo is the same as PAYER'S BORROWER'S address, the bax is checked. or the address or descnpbon entered in baxt 1312 LOCUST STREET B Address or description of property seang morta City of loan, state or province, country, and ZP or foreign postal code retruction) YOUR CITY, YS XXXXX 9 Nurnbet of propertos securing the 10 Other morlar RE TAX: $2,215 For F Bor The informason is 1through 9 is im tax information! being furnished R$ Nyou are re to fle are negligence per other sanction imposed on you RS determines underpayment results became overstated a dod for this mortgages a for these reported in boxes 6. or because you rocott red interest be becau claimed a nendede Acond und seirbruction) Departo R R cm 1098 Keyword

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