ich of the following statements about pricing is true? for products sold to the federal goversment can be priced to include all costs of product inclading marketing costs B) companies that sell commodity-like items usually use the cost-plus approach to pricing C) companies in competitive markets use the market approach to pricing D) regulators will intervene in noncompetitive industries and m regulate eompany pricing pelicies in competitive industries 15) Which of the following is the best description of price diserinsination? A) setting different prices for different products B) charging different prices for quantity amounts C) using variable costing for some products and fall costing for other products whes setting prices D) charging different prices to different eustomers or elients for the same p products ow 16) Which of the following statements best define a product A) It describes how an organization can inerease eustomer tbase by differentiating s difterentiation strateo? B) It is an organization's ability to achieve lower costs relative to competitors throwg) produetivity and efficiency improvements, climination of waste, and ight cost eontrol C) It describes how an organization can decrease product prices wy differentiatin materials from D) It is an organization's ability to offer products or services its eustomers perceive to be superior and unique relative to the produets or services of its compes itors. 17) What is the term for an organization's ability to achieve lower costs of waste, and competitors through productivity and efficieney improvements, e mina tight cost control? A) Marketing strategy B) Product differentiation C) Cost leadership D) Competitor differentiation most likely do t differentiation approach would 18) An organization that is using the produc which of the following? a pment and develop effect create a reputation of saving its customers money A) focus on tight cost control to B) us s on tight cost control to ive promotional campaigns e innovative researeh and develo to increase customer loyalty and charge high er prices ide products that are similar to competitors C) prov D) offer products at a lower cost than competitors