II. MULTIPLE TRUE OR FALSE. Read and evaluate the truth or falsity of the statements below. Use CAPITAL LETTERS ONLY, 2PTS EACH. In your answer sheet, choose the following: A: If both statements are TRUE B. If both statements are FALSE C: If only the 1st statement is TRUE D. If only the 1st statement is FALSE 1. A. Traditional understanding emphasized that emotion is inferior to reason . B. Emotion is said to be fleeting and can be dangerous while reason is superior and reliable . 2. A. Reason and emotion has a significant role in our everyday encounter with our fellow human beings together with the ethical decisions we make when confronted with true to life concerns B. Our day to day experience shows that emotion is connected with thinking 3. A. Impartiality neither plays favorites nor caters to some people's needs by giving in to their demands while denying others from enjoying the same because of personal preference B. Ethical decision making must be just and any decision is just if it is impartial 4. A. Impartiality is often equated with open -mindedness B. One who is impartial is not biased , free from prejudices , and allows subjectivity to rule at all times 5. A. Impartiality is only applicable and necessary in any judicial system B. Impartiality tells us never to manipulate rules , power , and favor to achieve unjust advantage for ourselves and those whom we favor. 6. A. Once we established our goals and objectives in coming up with an ethical decision , we need as well to come up with a list of possible actions to undertake B. When all options are good , choose the most advantageous that would bring benefit to your personal interest without compromising ethical concerns 7. A. Ethical decision making needs to see points of view that are opposed to our own . B. Egocentrism usually occur when a person focusses only on his /her own reasoning and being completely carried -away by his /her emotion 8. A.) The word philosophy has its origin from the Latin word "Philo " which means love . B.) Philosophy is a search for meaning or a quest for understanding