III-. Wolds-lulu:- I.\" Emma 111-15 -ln. ms Auto new; Inc, ended December 2m 5 with Emma Houiaatlo of sumo and a cloth Manon in Alumna for \"maloclihlo mm: of 5215. During January 11:16, DJ: Auto Repair, Inc, mloled rho following transaclims: a. Salon of SHE-JIM. union inoluood $62.1?an in oroclit salon and aaaooo ofoaslr sales. Innoro oos'tof goods sold. I]. Bash oollooljons on amount HEIDI]. o. WIitl-I'fs of unoollootllrlo roooiualrlls. 1325. 11. Bad clout oaponss. estimated as 1% of ouditsalos. Moira-um. 1. Proparn jnwn onu'ia to record sales {imam ms! of goods sold}, mllootiorrs, note-offs of unmlloctihlos, and had debt expense by me DEI'cnt-o-f-sales nrethod. J. (artiste the arming balance in Moots Moisratlo, Mowanco for Unodloclio Mounts, and not Mmunls Honolulu at January 31, 2616. Hmrr much does Ill: Auto Repair Elm-BET. to collect? mummpm-Idlalafcl Emma] 5-1llh. Prepare me current asseis section of me baa nce sheet as of May 31, 2016, for Slices and More, Inc, using 1h! following information: Awnums Receivable Pew Bash __________________________ ash in Bani: Helium: ______ ll-E lultall tor-o {learn-thy Mensa I 4] 5-1! mil. lulatth 1he term with its denit'oo by plating the corresponling letterin the spaoe pro-aided: ___ Example: Amounts owed to a business by a. Erelittr another business or individual b. Debtor __ 'l. A contra-account, related to mm: c. lleceivaes lawman, that htltls the estimated *1 Bad Debt immense arnountof unoolectible receivables E. Allowance method f. Alla\"! f [IE-DIE 'bl ._ 2. A method of aceoumjng for unmllect- nee or L' m E . _ . . Ale-emote It\". weer-flames \"mm the company 9. Percent ofsales method walls unul aspeoe (tlstorrlers h Aging me I I aeomnt renewable Is uneollerutle i. Direet _ -olf me I I before returning had dehtexpe use __ 3. A method of returning receivable losses in the basis of estimates instead of IIllneiling to see wll'eh customers the company IIllnil not edlect from __ 4. The party to a crecit uansaction Iwill-lo. sells goods or a seriee and obtains a reeeiuatle __ 5. A way to estimate unedleelitle ae- munls by analyzing individual accoum: receivatle aeooning to the length of lime they have been receiuatle __ IS. The party to a trait transaction two males a purchase and has a payable __ 1Com to the sellerof Gait HIE: ariSE from the failure to edlect frorn erecit customers __ E. A method of alimating unmlleclie meet-talks that calculate bad debt eJm-ense based on net (retit es