I'm confused how to properly fill this out and how to fill in justification?
Project Manager:Katie Bertino Justification for Responses Basics Project Information Commitment Level Justification older Title Decision Email Influence Priority SME? Maker Against Passive Neutral Help Influence Priority Commitment Level Why Included? As the Sr. Engineer Don has As both an SME and a considerable influence over decision-maker , Don must Engineer donlu@email the design and timing of High have project information in Without Don, this project Don's help is critical to the High Yes Yes this effort almost real time . will fail. design of the project. The team needs Ed to be neutral as an 'against' stance Ed has some influence over Ed needs to be kept could prevent the budget the acceptance of the informed of the project from being approved or Ed has the ability to project budget and timing ed@email spend; however, his reports approved in a timely Tis Finance articulate the project needs Medium Medium No of the budget allocations. can be at month end. manner Design jo@email in financial terms clearly. Low Low 19 19 Perrier Marketing Dperrier@kitchenheaven.com High High ups Yes The project manager has a Katie, being an SME and significant impact on the decision-maker, has almost Katie plays an important Without Katie's project development and schedule real-time access to project role in the success of this Berting Project Manager Kbertino@kitchenheaven.com High High Yes Yes of this endeavor. management, this project information. project.. Bean No would not succeed. Realtor Sean. Bean@coldwellbanker.com Medium Medium No na Ruth Procurement JRuth@kitchenheaven.com Low Low No n James Contractor CJcontracting@gmail.com Medium Medium No No y Smith Marketing Smith@kitchenheaven.com Medium Medium No ley Bird Interior Design Abird@Kitchenheaven.com ow Ow No No Accountant Medium Medium Yes Jones Sjones@Kitchenheaven.com No + Stakeholder Template Example Accessibility: Good to go