Imars is ter benelciary of for $500,000 iman beleved was a good nate of relian. imari tas no swings do speak of. They heve 1 car between then that has no payments but an arrual upkeep cost and nsistance cost of a lotal of 54300 . Pavel creaded a on an year fixed mortgiges Which they peder. followitg qwisorst or thern: 2. Can ifry conetane mere towards ther retrenent per yoy in a tao encient marner? 1. What is ther arrhid margral tick fater? 4. What is ther arnuxt entective tas rale?? 6. Hiow much is outstantarg on ther curtent morfope?? following quevings of them: 1. What arnourt to each of them contrbate to their tetirement per year? 2. Can they contrinuse more towards their retiremere per year in a tex eficient marner? 3. What is ther arruat margnal tiox rate? 4. What is their annud eflective tas rate? 5. How much was their marlgage when they bought ther house? 6. How much is outstanding on ther cutrent mortguge? 7. How much wil the motgage on the new touse be, assuming a 10% down piyment is requred? 11. What is the anrual cost to bring Zai into their hoine? 9. What is ther net income ather tax and corer huthors? 10. If they sed the current hane, what other income or sawirgs will exey have to pos towarts the new home assuming zai tas moved as with enem? 11. What is ther net savngs after they purchase the new home? Ator iesponding to these queations you cal ghe imari and Pavel a gecerai conmentiey on whether of not they should pirchase the hoife ard the reasons aty or wfy not whut will you tel them? Imars is ter benelciary of for $500,000 iman beleved was a good nate of relian. imari tas no swings do speak of. They heve 1 car between then that has no payments but an arrual upkeep cost and nsistance cost of a lotal of 54300 . Pavel creaded a on an year fixed mortgiges Which they peder. followitg qwisorst or thern: 2. Can ifry conetane mere towards ther retrenent per yoy in a tao encient marner? 1. What is ther arrhid margral tick fater? 4. What is ther arnuxt entective tas rale?? 6. Hiow much is outstantarg on ther curtent morfope?? following quevings of them: 1. What arnourt to each of them contrbate to their tetirement per year? 2. Can they contrinuse more towards their retiremere per year in a tex eficient marner? 3. What is ther arruat margnal tiox rate? 4. What is their annud eflective tas rate? 5. How much was their marlgage when they bought ther house? 6. How much is outstanding on ther cutrent mortguge? 7. How much wil the motgage on the new touse be, assuming a 10% down piyment is requred? 11. What is the anrual cost to bring Zai into their hoine? 9. What is ther net income ather tax and corer huthors? 10. If they sed the current hane, what other income or sawirgs will exey have to pos towarts the new home assuming zai tas moved as with enem? 11. What is ther net savngs after they purchase the new home? Ator iesponding to these queations you cal ghe imari and Pavel a gecerai conmentiey on whether of not they should pirchase the hoife ard the reasons aty or wfy not whut will you tel them