Implemented c source code:- ==================== #include #include "structure.h" #include int main() { struct Bank_Account array[10]; int size, option, account_no, amount; int retval,position; printf(" ---------------------------------- "); printf(" **** Welcome to the Bank of Melbourne***** "); printf(" Please Read Number of customer records you want to enter:"); scanf("%d", &size); Read_Data(array, size); while(1) { printf(" ---------------------------------- "); printf(" ****** MENU ******** "); printf(" 1.To display all customer Records"); printf(" 2.To deposit amount"); printf(" 3.To withdraw amount"); printf(" 4.To search a record"); printf(" 5.Exit:"); printf(" Select Any Option "); scanf("%d", &option); switch (option) { case 1: Display_Record(array, size); break; case 2: printf(" Please Enter your account number:"); scanf("%d", &account_no); printf(" Please Enter amount to deposit:"); scanf("%d", &amount); Deposit(array, size, account_no, amount); break; case 3: printf(" Please Enter your account number:"); scanf("%d", &account_no); printf(" Please Enter amount to withdraw:"); scanf("%d", &amount); withdrawal(array, size, account_no, amount); break; case 4: printf(" Please Enter account number to search"); scanf("%d", &account_no); retval = Search_Account(array, size, account_no); position=retval; if (retval == - 1) { printf(" No Record Found"); } else { printf(" A/c Number:\tName:\tBalance:\tInterestRate "); printf("%d\t%s\t%d ",array[position].account_no, array[position].name,array[position].balance,array[position].interestRate); } break; case 5: exit(0); } } return 0; } void Read_Data(struct Bank_Account list[10], int size) { int i; for(i=0;i
Convert this C programing code of a credit card banking system into AVR machine code in C asap