In 2021. Bratten Fitness Company made the following cash purchases: 1. Tise exclusive right to manulacture and sell the X.Core workout equipment from Symmetry Corporation for $203,000. $ymm. Freated the tinique design for the equpment. Bratten also paid an additional 511,500 in legal and fuing fees to attorneys to complete the transaction. 2 Ar inital fee of $260000 for a three-year agreement with Stver's Gym to use its name for a new facility in the local area. Sliver's Gym has iocations troughout the country. Bratten is requiedd to pay an additional fee of 55.300 for each month it operates under placed in the nev facinty. 3.The exclusive napr to sell Heaithy Choice, a book authared by Kent Patterson, for 522000 . The book inclutes healthy recipes. recommendations for dietary supplements, and natural temedies. Bratten plant to display the book at the check-an counter at its new facility, as wed as make it available orline Required: Prepare a summary journal entry to recotd expenditures related to inital acquisitionis (if no entry is required for a tronsectionlevent. select "No joumbl entry reguited" in the first eccount field.) In 2021. Bratten Fitness Company made the following cash purchases: 1. Tise exclusive right to manulacture and sell the X.Core workout equipment from Symmetry Corporation for $203,000. $ymm. Freated the tinique design for the equpment. Bratten also paid an additional 511,500 in legal and fuing fees to attorneys to complete the transaction. 2 Ar inital fee of $260000 for a three-year agreement with Stver's Gym to use its name for a new facility in the local area. Sliver's Gym has iocations troughout the country. Bratten is requiedd to pay an additional fee of 55.300 for each month it operates under placed in the nev facinty. 3.The exclusive napr to sell Heaithy Choice, a book authared by Kent Patterson, for 522000 . The book inclutes healthy recipes. recommendations for dietary supplements, and natural temedies. Bratten plant to display the book at the check-an counter at its new facility, as wed as make it available orline Required: Prepare a summary journal entry to recotd expenditures related to inital acquisitionis (if no entry is required for a tronsectionlevent. select "No joumbl entry reguited" in the first eccount field.)