In C++, functions and arrays
void setValues(???); // this method receives an integer array and its size as parameters int addValues(???); // this method receives an integer array and its size as parameters int highest(???): /I this method receives an integer array and its size as parameters int lowest(???); 1/ this method receives an integer array and its size as parameters float average(???); /// this method receives an integer array and its size as parameters void printValues(???); // this method receives an integer array and its size as parameters void personalinfoo; int main) \{ declare an integer constant named SIZE and initialize to 7 declare an integer array named values using the constant as the size and initialize all elements to call the printValues method call the setValues method to populate the array call the printValues method print the phrase "The highest value in the values array is [high], the lowest is [low], and the average of all values is [average] " Call the appropriate functions to obtain the highest, lowest, and average values call the personalinfo method system("pause"), // For Visual Studio only/ return 0 : 3 The setValues method recerves an integer array and its size as parameters and has no return value. If uses the pseudo random number generator function to assign a value between 1 and 100 to every element of the array Make sure to seed the pseudo random number generator before calling the rand function. The only variable declared in this method is the counter used in the for iteration control structure. The addValues method recerves an integer array and its size as parameters and returns an integer value. Declare the local integer variable suma and intialize it to 0. The method implements a for iteration control structure to add all valves in the array and returns the sum. The haghest method receives an integer array and its size as parameters and returns an integer value. Doclare the local integer variable high and initialize it to 0 . The method implements a for iteration control structure to find out the highest of all values in the array, and returns such value. The lowest method receives an integer array and its size as parameters and returns an integer value. Declare the local integer variable low and initialize it to 0 . The method implements a for iteration control structure to find out the lowest of all values in the array, and returns such value. The average method receives an integer array and its size as parameters and returns a float value. Declare the local float variable suma and initialize it to 0 . The method implements a for iteration control structure to add all values in the array and returns the average. The print Values method receives an integer array and its size as parameters and has no return value. It prints the contents of the array using the phrase "The values stored in the array are: [first value], ... [last value]." Use a for iteration control structure to print the values, making sure that a comma and a space are printed after all but the last values. A period and the end of line instruction must be printed after the last value. Make sure to add a blank line after the phrase is printe