Part V: The Double Cipher: Encryption (20 points) Write a function de.encrypt that takes the following arguments, in this onder 1. plaintext: an oiginal, plaintest sering lo be encryplad 2. ilenane: a file that contains the 6 x 6 encryption key Your function should take the plaintext, encrypt it based on the key contained m t iename, then return the encrypted result as a string. It is best to explain the encryptioe mechanism using an example plaintext- STONYBROOK'. 2ilenane- *keyl.txt CSE 101 -Fall 2017 Homework 4 Page 6 First, the coordinates (row, col) of each character in plaintext is spliz into two rows, with the first row being the character's row number in the file, and the second row being the character's column number in the tile: KEY GRID: HNXTD2 7GJRSB row nunbers: 363215666 col numbers: 54424244 2 The coordinate position of each character is gencrated by calling function from Part IlI by passing filename as the argument. Call your ) function once to generate the dictionary and then look up cach letler of the plainlext in the dictionary to pct its coundinate position Here's an example char to_coords-mop_char to.coords (tilename) called only once! row, col . char_to_coords[char] char stores a sytol from plaintext Second, the row numbers and the column numbers are concaltienaied into one list of integers, with all the row numbers followed by all the column numbers: 363 2156665442424442 Third, pair the numbers from the ahove sequence (from left to righit) to assemible a new set of rowicolumn pairs, as shown below 53 63 21 56 66 54 42 42 44 42 Finally, cach new row/column pair represenss a cooedinate of an encrypted character. Call your fonction from Part IV by passing fileasme as the argument Here's an example coords_ca_enar map_cocras_ca_chars(tilename) called only once ! - charcoords to char (coozdl, coord2)] * coord1, coord2) is a tuple formed by taking a pair of coordinates from the List generated in step 3. above. Eor eaaaple, we could write coords to_char1(5, 3)] to get the character at position 5,3 t in the 6 x 6 grid. Look up the letter in the key grid and you get a message like this coordinates: 53 63 21 56 66 54 42 42 44 42