In response to at least two of your peers, address the following: - Can you spot bias or illogical or unethical arguments your peer's initial post? Explain your response and give examples. Well, this salesman left a lot of questions on the table. Why will 90% of companies in my field be using this technology within the next couple of years? Is there any quantitative data that can show me hard numbers for why I need to jump on this bus or get left behind? It will be hard to get any quantitative data based on the fact that salesman claims to not have offered this product to any of my competitors. Therefore, there is no real world data that shows the software's ROI. I could turn to qualitative data by either asking if this software company conducted any peer reviews, focus groups, or one on interviews to gain an idea of the need for this product. If not, or while i am waiting to hear back and recieve this qualitative data, I could and should do my own. I can interview some primary sources if available that have used this product or helped in the process of designing it. See what they have to say about the product and how it can benefit my business. I can also ask focus groups of secondary sources what they think. Get an idea from people who have used similar products or people who may have more knowledge than myself about how this could benefit my company. Using this qualitative data and quantitative, if there is any, i can then make a list of pro's and con's and weigh the potential benefits of this costly investment. In response to at least two of your peers, address the following: - Can you spot bias or illogical or unethical arguments your peer's initial post? Explain your response and give examples. Well, this salesman left a lot of questions on the table. Why will 90% of companies in my field be using this technology within the next couple of years? Is there any quantitative data that can show me hard numbers for why I need to jump on this bus or get left behind? It will be hard to get any quantitative data based on the fact that salesman claims to not have offered this product to any of my competitors. Therefore, there is no real world data that shows the software's ROI. I could turn to qualitative data by either asking if this software company conducted any peer reviews, focus groups, or one on interviews to gain an idea of the need for this product. If not, or while i am waiting to hear back and recieve this qualitative data, I could and should do my own. I can interview some primary sources if available that have used this product or helped in the process of designing it. See what they have to say about the product and how it can benefit my business. I can also ask focus groups of secondary sources what they think. Get an idea from people who have used similar products or people who may have more knowledge than myself about how this could benefit my company. Using this qualitative data and quantitative, if there is any, i can then make a list of pro's and con's and weigh the potential benefits of this costly investment