in the neighboring groups of New Yorkers and New Jerserians each produces only two products
portunity cost of increasing the annual lisina Table 1 a, what would have been the marginal opportunity cost of inc outout of wild oats by 200 bushels, from 625 bushels up to 825 bushels (3 poin o similar batches of 200 bushels of wild oats not the e Why are the marginal opportunity costs for two similar batches of 200 h same? Explain (3 points) athie difference imply about the shape of the Atlantis tribe's production periha frontier curve? (3 points) In the neighboring groups of New Yorkers and New Jersian's, each produces only two products hanels and calzones. By themselves, the New Yorkers, each day, can produce either 45 pounds of bagels and no calzones, or 30 pounds of calzones and no bagels, or any combination in between The New Jersian's, by themselves, each day, can produce 30 pounds of bagols and no calzones or 28 pounds of calzones and no bagels, or any combination in between Diagram 1a shows the daily Production Possibility Frontier for the New Yorkers and Diagram 1.b. shows the daily Production Possibility Frontier for the New Jersian's. Table 1.a New Yorkers Bagels Calzones 45 35 12 15 30 Table 1.b. New Jersian's Bagels Calzones 30 22.5 ONE Page 3 of 9 chedule for Brazilian Cond Unit 3 BU224 Assignment Template) Diagram 1.a. - New Yorkers' Production 5 10 15 40 45 50 20 25 30 35 Bagels Diagram 1.b. - New Jersians Production 5 10 15 20 25 30 a. Examine Diagram 1.a, showing the daily Production Possibility Frontier for the New Yorkers and Diagram 1.b. showing the daily Production Possibility Frontier for the New Jersian's. Which group has the absolute advantago in bagels production? Show your calculations and explain why (3 points) b. Examine Diagram 1.a. showing the daily Production Possibility Frontier for the New Yorkers and Diagram 1.b, showing the daily Production Possibility Frontier for the New Jersian's. Which group has the absolute advantage in calzones production? Show your calculations and explain why (3 points) c. Examine Diagram 1.a. showing the daily Production Possibility Frontier for the New Yorkers and Diagram 1.b. showing the daily Production Possibility Frontier for the New Jersian's. Which group has the comparative advantage in calzones production? Show your calculations and explain why (4 points) d Examine Diagram 1 a showing the daily Production Possibility Frontier for the New Yorkers and Diagram 1.b. showing the daily Production Possibility Frontier for the New Jersian's. Which group has the comparative advantage in bagels production? Show your calculations and explain why. (4 points) calzones they caner for the New Yorkeesor 50 poun Later, the New Yorkers discover a new technology for making calzones that dramatically increases the quantity of calzones they can produce each day. Diagram 1.c. shows both the old and the new daily production possibility frontier for the New Yorkers. The New Yorkers, each day, can now produce either 45 pounds of bagels and no calzones, or 50 pounds of calzones and no bagels, or any combination in between Diagram 1.c. shows both the old and the new daily Production Page 4 of 9 portunity cost of increasing the annual lisina Table 1 a, what would have been the marginal opportunity cost of inc outout of wild oats by 200 bushels, from 625 bushels up to 825 bushels (3 poin o similar batches of 200 bushels of wild oats not the e Why are the marginal opportunity costs for two similar batches of 200 h same? Explain (3 points) athie difference imply about the shape of the Atlantis tribe's production periha frontier curve? (3 points) In the neighboring groups of New Yorkers and New Jersian's, each produces only two products hanels and calzones. By themselves, the New Yorkers, each day, can produce either 45 pounds of bagels and no calzones, or 30 pounds of calzones and no bagels, or any combination in between The New Jersian's, by themselves, each day, can produce 30 pounds of bagols and no calzones or 28 pounds of calzones and no bagels, or any combination in between Diagram 1a shows the daily Production Possibility Frontier for the New Yorkers and Diagram 1.b. shows the daily Production Possibility Frontier for the New Jersian's. Table 1.a New Yorkers Bagels Calzones 45 35 12 15 30 Table 1.b. New Jersian's Bagels Calzones 30 22.5 ONE Page 3 of 9 chedule for Brazilian Cond Unit 3 BU224 Assignment Template) Diagram 1.a. - New Yorkers' Production 5 10 15 40 45 50 20 25 30 35 Bagels Diagram 1.b. - New Jersians Production 5 10 15 20 25 30 a. Examine Diagram 1.a, showing the daily Production Possibility Frontier for the New Yorkers and Diagram 1.b. showing the daily Production Possibility Frontier for the New Jersian's. Which group has the absolute advantago in bagels production? Show your calculations and explain why (3 points) b. Examine Diagram 1.a. showing the daily Production Possibility Frontier for the New Yorkers and Diagram 1.b, showing the daily Production Possibility Frontier for the New Jersian's. Which group has the absolute advantage in calzones production? Show your calculations and explain why (3 points) c. Examine Diagram 1.a. showing the daily Production Possibility Frontier for the New Yorkers and Diagram 1.b. showing the daily Production Possibility Frontier for the New Jersian's. Which group has the comparative advantage in calzones production? Show your calculations and explain why (4 points) d Examine Diagram 1 a showing the daily Production Possibility Frontier for the New Yorkers and Diagram 1.b. showing the daily Production Possibility Frontier for the New Jersian's. Which group has the comparative advantage in bagels production? Show your calculations and explain why. (4 points) calzones they caner for the New Yorkeesor 50 poun Later, the New Yorkers discover a new technology for making calzones that dramatically increases the quantity of calzones they can produce each day. Diagram 1.c. shows both the old and the new daily production possibility frontier for the New Yorkers. The New Yorkers, each day, can now produce either 45 pounds of bagels and no calzones, or 50 pounds of calzones and no bagels, or any combination in between Diagram 1.c. shows both the old and the new daily Production Page 4 of 9