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In the USA, it is (generally) a statewide policy for universities to maintain control of all non- consumable items worth more than $1,500. The College

In the USA, it is (generally) a statewide policy for universities to maintain control of all non- consumable items worth more than $1,500. The College of Engineering, along with all other colleges at State University (SU), a public institution, is entrusted with state-owned assets. John Smith is the property manager for Engineering Buildings 1 and 2. He is responsible for the safeguard, tracking, and managing of assets, as specified in the State regulations. The departments housed in these buildings are:

?* Industrial Engineering and Systems Science

*? Electrical and Computer Engineering

*? Engineering Technology

*? Mechanical, Materials, and Aerospace Engineering

?* Civil and Environmental Engineering

All personnel at the College of Engineering are responsible for notifying Mr. Smith of any and all relocations of state-entrusted property assigned to them or otherwise in their possession. The college has a series of custodians specifically in charge of more than 5000 items spread across the engineering buildings. At the beginning of the year, they are given an inventory list of items which they must account for by the end of the fiscal year. During this period, they follow a series of passes in which people from the SU property office scan a specific tag placed on all the items that need to be accounted for. The fiscal year begins on August 1. The first pass is conducted during the first three months, the second pass is conducted during the next three months, and the final pass is done during the last six months. Any items not located during the first two passes are searched for in the third pass, which begins around February 1, at the beginning of the following semester. Items not located by the end of the year are reported to the police at the end of the fiscal year. These items may later be recovered or never be found. Items may also reach the end of their useful life and therefore must be discarded/recycled following strict guidelines set by the SU property office. Tracking of items is conducted using specific software installed on scanners that are taken across SU and its satellite campuses. After a scanning session, the data collected are uploaded to the computers and to their financial software system. Even though custodians are responsible for the safekeeping of these items, they are not held accountable for items that are declared lost at the end of the year. Thus, there is no sense of ownership or responsibility for strict tracking of items. Because of this issue, the SU property office has declared that it will now charge each department for the value of those items lost by that department at the end of the fiscal year. They suggested that any missing asset after the third pass will result in a 5-day notice to the related department to find it or report it. After the notice, the item will be reported lost/missing and the department will be charged the asset(s) cost and responsible to pay if the item is not recovered within the next two years. Moreover, the SU property office does not upload the data from the scanners on a daily basis; thus custodians experience a short delay in the retrieval of information. Besides, in the scanning system there is a section labeled description in which the purchasing department has the ability to write a small phrase that helps identify the asset. It is very important that the item contains a good description because scanners use this information to look for the items that were missed at the first pass. There are many items that cannot be identified based on their description because they have an ambiguous description or because they contain information of no use to the scanner.

The administration in the College of Engineering hired a Lean Six Sigma team to conduct a project to solve their problem. This project seeks to discover issues affecting the efficiency of the tracking process and recommend ways and technology to improve or streamline the process, which will result in better asset utilization and reduction in property loss, as a secondary effect. The approach will study the asset management system of the college. It will focus only on non-consumable items of a physical nature. The project will not focus on the financial aspects of the item management.

As a Lean Six Sigma Green Belt, please answer the following questions (feel free to state any assumptions that might be necessary for you to address the following questions):

1. Identify the team members in this project and what fundamental knowledge they should bring to the process.

As a Lean Six Sigma Green Belt, the members in the team will be

Project manager i.e. Black belt: He will be the leader and experienced person having complete knowledge of resolving issues in complex projects. He will bring statistical knowledge, tools, techniques and human resource knowledge of team building and management to the project.

Coordinator i.e. Champion: He will be coordinating among all departments and will ensure the availability of requisite resources.

Process Owner: He will be entrusted for the current process: asset management system and will delineate the issues involved for reinventing the process.

Project assistant or Green belt: They will be assisting project manager for streamlining the process to make it fast and accurate for quality improvement of the project.

Team members: they will assist the project manager for final implementation of proposed changes in process. They will act as support to him and work under green belt.

2. Based on the information in the case study, develop a Project Charter for this project.

Background: The lean six sigma team has been hired as the Property manager, John Smith, at the state university was having lot of issues due to inefficient asset management system for non consumable items in its various engineering department operating in its campus.

All departments are given list of inventory in the beginning of the year that is 1st august and items has to match at the end of the year. All the personnel in the departments need to notify State University property office for what all inventory they are assigned. The property officers scan tags of the entire inventory and in their reporting keep a column for description where purchase department enter detail of item purchased for their identification and tracking in future. The data is then uploaded to financial software system of the company

The custodians supervise and track all the items in these departments with no responsibility if they are lost at the end of the year. It is therefore charged to assets of the respective departments and recovered from them after it is still missing for two years.


1. To figure out the loopholes in tracking process for non consumables

2. To give recommendations for improving or fast tracking the asset management system by new technology

3. To find ways to minimize the property loss

Project milestone:

Revamp the working of purchase department by providing them skill training: They will be able to clearly mention the description of the inventory that is recognized by property office for better tracking. And certain non tagged item should be identified by special inks so that everything is recorded.

Fixing the responsibility of custodians so that they become alert in tracking and give up their lax attitude.

The property office speeds up its data uploading of all items so that custodians become aware of status of inventory and takes action quickly for lost item.

Increased coordination between purchase department, property office and custodian: A e- platform should be built which can be accessed by all of them to quickly share details so waiting for information is avoided. Customized Software like Property Accountability management system can be used for it.


As it is public institution getting approvals for above changes will require time.

3. Define the CTQ for the customers (internal and external) involved in this project.

Accuracy of new e-platform

User friendly for entering information

High speed

Bar-coded Tagging

Senior Management can monitor it[ cloud based]

Tracking need to be inventory flow enabled

To better understand how the current scanning process is running, the Lean Six Sigma team conducted a survey to address one of the main concerns in the process, which is whether or not the faculty are presently aware of the policies when relocating or discarding state-entrusted assets. The survey conducted on 44 faculty members. The survey contained the following questions:

? Q1: I use state/federally purchased equipment in my work (including items obtained from grants).

o Y/N (if N, then no need to proceed further).

? Q2: I have had a situation in which an item I needed for class or research was lost and

not recovered.

o Never Rarely Sometimes Most of the time Always.

? Q3: I can easily locate the equipment I need for classes/research.

o Never Rarely Sometimes Most of the time Always.

? Q4: Existing equipment that I need is where I need it.

o Never Rarely Sometimes Most of the time Always.

? Q5: I require the services of the property custodian to help find items I cannot locate.

o Never Rarely Sometimes Most of the time Always.

? Q6: I know what department assets and equipment are available to me.

o Never Rarely Sometimes Most of the time Always.

? Q7: I am aware of the state policy on care and reporting of state and federally funded


o Yes No Dont know.

? Q8: I am aware of the state policy on discarding state and federally funded assets

o Yes No Dont know.

? Q9: Availability of assets and equipment affects my ability to conduct classes and

research. o Never Rarely Sometimes Most of the time Always.

Responses of the survey questions are provided in the LSSGB_Final_Exam_January_2017.xls Excel file. The excel file contains also another sheets named asset management data. After a very careful study of this excel file, please answer the following questions:

* Opportunities for failure: First pass items not found; second pass items not found; and third pass items not found (one opportunity for each pass).

?* Defects: Defects in first pass are 12; defects in second pass are 10; defects in third pass are 4.

? * Units: The total number of units scanned in the first pass is 1,935; the second pass is 1,577; and the third pass is 647.

servay responses below

Q2 I have had a situation in which an item I needed for class or research was lost and not recovered. (1 = Never; 2 = Rarely; 3 = Sometimes; 4 = Most times; 5 = Always) Q3 I can easily locate the equipment I need for classes/research. (1 = Never; 2 = Rarely; 3 = Sometimes; 4 = Most times; 5 = Always) Q4 Existing equipment that I need is where I need it. (1 = Never; 2 = Rarely; 3 = Sometimes; 4 = Most times; 5 = Always) Q5 I require the services of the Property Custodian to help find items I cannot locate. (1 = Never; 2 = Rarely; 3 = Sometimes; 4 = Most times; 5 = Always) Q6 I know what department assets and equipment are available to me. (1 = Never; 2 = Rarely; 3 = Sometimes; 4 = Most times; 5 = Always) Q7 I am aware of the state policy on care and reporting of state and federally funded assets. (1 = Yes; 2 = No 3 = Don't Know) Q8 I am aware of the state policy on discarding state and federally funded assets. (1 = Yes; 2 = No 3 = Don't Know) Q9 Availability of assets and equipment affects my ability to conduct classes and research. (1 = Never; 2 = Rarely; 3 = Sometimes; 4 = Most times; 5 = Always)
1 3 4 1 2 3 1 1
2 4 4 2 3 2 2 2
1 4 4 2 3 2 1 2
2 3 4 1 4 1 1 4
1 4 5 1 4 3 1 5
3 3 4 2 4 2 1 5
2 4 4 2 4 1 1 4
1 3 4 3 3 2 2 1
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2 4 4 2 4 2 3 3
2 4 3 5 4 1 3 5
2 5 4 1 5 1 3 2
1 4 5 1 5 1 3 3
2 4 5 1 4 2 3 3
1 5 3 1 5 2 3 4

asset management data below

Department Lost Item Value (10yrs) Number Items
A $15,000 8
C $150,000 51
D $60,000 28
E $55,000 24
F $235,000 48
I $60,000 26
J $10,000 6
L $2,000 4
M $55,000 13
O $20,000 9
S $100,000 37
T $5,000 4

sigma conversion table

image text in transcribed

image text in transcribed

image text in transcribed

Question : QFD is a tool to ensure alignment between customer needs (CTS measures) or requirements and the technical requirements. The Lean Six Sigma team developed a suggested QFD matrix (shown above). Complete the matrix by identifying the absolute weight and the relative weight. Comment on your results and identify the priority recommendation for your project.

please help me

Sigma Conversion Table Cpk Sigma Level Defects Per Million (Sigma Level 3) (With 1.5 Sigma Shift) With 1.5 Sigma Shift Opportunities 0.000 0.000 933200 9 154 50 0.125 0.042 894400 0.250 0.083 86 97 00 0.375 01 25 84 300 050 0.167 0.625 809200 0.208 773400 0.250 0.750 7340 50 0.292 0.875 69 1500 1.000 0333 645650 1.125 0.375 1.250 0.417 598700 549750 0.458 500000 1.500 0.500 1.625 0.542 450250 1.750 401300 0.583 1.875 0.625 354350 3085000 2.000 0.667 2.125 0708 265950 222 6600 2.250 0750 190800 2.375 0.792 2.500 0.833 158700 2.625 130300 0.875 10 5000 2.750 09 17 84550 2.875 0.958 66800 3.000 1.000 5 2100 3.125 1.042 401100 3. 22.50 1.083 13.375 1.125 30400 22 2700 3 500 1.167 16800 3.625 1.208 12 200 3.750 1.250 3.875 1.292 8800 4.000 1.333 6200 4.125 1.375 4350 250 1.417 3000 2050 4.35 1.458 1300 4.500 .500 900 4.625 1.542 600 4.750 1.583 400 4.85 1.65 225 230 5.000 1.657 180 5.125 1.7708 130 5.250 1 750 80 5.3775 1.1792 130 5.500 1.833 23. 5.625 1.875 167 5 750 1.9 17 10.1 5.875 1.958 34 6.000 2.000 Sigma Conversion Table Cpk Sigma Level Defects Per Million (Sigma Level 3) (With 1.5 Sigma Shift) With 1.5 Sigma Shift Opportunities 0.000 0.000 933200 9 154 50 0.125 0.042 894400 0.250 0.083 86 97 00 0.375 01 25 84 300 050 0.167 0.625 809200 0.208 773400 0.250 0.750 7340 50 0.292 0.875 69 1500 1.000 0333 645650 1.125 0.375 1.250 0.417 598700 549750 0.458 500000 1.500 0.500 1.625 0.542 450250 1.750 401300 0.583 1.875 0.625 354350 3085000 2.000 0.667 2.125 0708 265950 222 6600 2.250 0750 190800 2.375 0.792 2.500 0.833 158700 2.625 130300 0.875 10 5000 2.750 09 17 84550 2.875 0.958 66800 3.000 1.000 5 2100 3.125 1.042 401100 3. 22.50 1.083 13.375 1.125 30400 22 2700 3 500 1.167 16800 3.625 1.208 12 200 3.750 1.250 3.875 1.292 8800 4.000 1.333 6200 4.125 1.375 4350 250 1.417 3000 2050 4.35 1.458 1300 4.500 .500 900 4.625 1.542 600 4.750 1.583 400 4.85 1.65 225 230 5.000 1.657 180 5.125 1.7708 130 5.250 1 750 80 5.3775 1.1792 130 5.500 1.833 23. 5.625 1.875 167 5 750 1.9 17 10.1 5.875 1.958 34 6.000 2.000

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