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In this assignment, you are supposed to finish the implementation of a binary search tree. You are given an implementation in bst.c and bst.h. We

In this assignment, you are supposed to finish the implementation of a binary search tree. You are given an implementation in bst.c and bst.h. We would like you to implement 2 additional things:

1) Internal functions for removeBSTree. The removeBSTree function has been given, however, please write these functions:

_removeNode(), which search for the value in val recursively and remove it. This function should be implemented by calling _rightMost and _removeRightMost functions from it.

_rightMost(), find and returns the right most node (node with the highest value) in a subtree.

_removeRightMost() remove the right most node (node with the highest value) in a subtree. The removed node in this assignment is supposed to be replaced by the rightmost node of its left subtree. Note that we mentioned during the class that we would rather copy the value of the replacement node to the deleted node, rather than the deleted node itself, in order to minimize the number of operations.

Hint: You should try to understand the _addNode() function that we wrote in class and also provided in this assignment first to understand how recursion works in a binary search tree.

2) You will implement an iterator that returns values from a BST in the same order they would be visited in an in-order traversal of the tree. For a BST, this will be equivalent to ascending sorted order. You will have to define a structure struct BSTreeIterator to hold the needed data for your iterator, and then you must implement the following functions:

BSTIteratorCreate() - allocates and initializes an iterator for a given BST

BSTIteratorFree() - frees all memory allocated to a BST iterator

BSTIteratorHasNext() - should tell the user whether there are more values in the BST to which to iterate

BSTIteratorNext() - should return the next value in the in-order iteration of the BST

Hint: the key to implementing this iterator is figuring out how to perform an in-order traversal non-recursively. Can you use the provided stack interface in linkedListStack.c and linkedListStack.h to mimic the way a recursive in-order traversal visits nodes in a BST?

You can test your tree by running the functions in the provided main function. We wrote the testing code in the same file in order for you to test internal functions. This is a mimic of a common practice: Unit Testing (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.. In practice, in a large software engineering project, this is done to make sure each function is functioning properly. Then, when the code is used in practice, those unit testing mains are going to be deleted.

Please submit a zip file with bst.c modified to your own implementation, as well as all the other provided code.

Provided Code:

linkedListStack.h -

#ifndef __LINKEDLIST_H #define __LINKEDLIST_H

# define TYPE int # define TYPE_SIZE sizeof(TYPE)

struct LinkedList;

struct LinkedList *createLinkedList(); void deleteLinkedList(struct LinkedList *l);

int isEmptyLinkedList(struct LinkedList *l); void pushLinkedList(struct LinkedList *l, TYPE val); TYPE topLinkedList(struct LinkedList *l); void popLinkedList(struct LinkedList *l);



#include #include #include "linkedListStack.h"

/* Singly Linked List Link Structure */ struct Link { TYPE val; struct Link *next; };

/* Singly Linked List with firstLink only */ struct LinkedList { struct Link *firstLink; };

/* initLinkedList param: l the linked List pre: l is not null post: the firstLink of the linked list is initialized to null, isEmpty returns true */ void initLinkedList(struct LinkedList *l) { l->firstLink = NULL; }

/* LinkedListCreate pre: none post: none return: newly allocated Linked List structure */

struct LinkedList *createLinkedList() { struct LinkedList *newList = malloc(sizeof(struct LinkedList)); initLinkedList(newList); return newList; }

/* linkedListFree param: l the linked list pre: l is not null post: sizeLinkedList returns true */

/*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* Note: Free gets rid of all links but keeps the firstLink of the list around, so the list itself still exists and is initialized. */

void _freeLinkedList(struct LinkedList *l) { while (!isEmptyLinkedList(l)) { popLinkedList(l); } }

void deleteLinkedList(struct LinkedList *l) { _freeLinkedList(l); free(l); }

/* isEmptyLinkedList param: l the linked list pre: l is not null post: none */ int isEmptyLinkedList(struct LinkedList *l) { return (l->firstLink == NULL); }

/* Stack Interface */

/* pushLinkedList param: l the linked list param: val the value to be pushed pre: l is not null post: l is not empty, l size has increased by one */

/*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void pushLinkedList(struct LinkedList *l, TYPE val) { struct Link *link = (struct Link *)malloc(sizeof(struct Link)); assert(link != NULL);

link->next = l->firstLink; link->val = val; l->firstLink = link; }

/* topLinkedList params: l the linked list pre: l is not null pre: l is not empty post: none */

/*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ TYPE topLinkedList(struct LinkedList *l) { assert(!isEmptyLinkedList(l)); return l->firstLink->val; }

/* popLinkedList param: l the linked list pre: l is not null pre: l is not empty post: l size has decremented by one */ /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void popLinkedList(struct LinkedList *l) { struct Link *link = l->firstLink; assert(!isEmptyLinkedList(l));

l->firstLink = link->next; free(link); } bst.h -

/* File: bst.h Interface definition of the binary search tree data structure. */

#ifndef __BST_H #define __BST_H

/* Defines the type to be stored in the data structure. These macros * are for convenience to avoid having to search and replace/dup code * when you want to build a structure of doubles as opposed to ints * for example. */

# ifndef TYPE # define TYPE int # endif

struct BSTree; struct BSTreeIterator; /* Declared in the c source file to hide the structure members from the user. */

/* Initialize binary search tree structure. */ struct BSTree *initBSTree();

/* Deallocate nodes in BST and deallocate the BST structure. */ void deleteBSTree(struct BSTree *tree);

/*-- BST interface --*/ bool isEmptyBSTree(struct BSTree *tree); int sizeBSTree(struct BSTree *tree);

void addBSTree(struct BSTree *tree, TYPE val); bool containsBSTree(struct BSTree *tree, TYPE val); void removeBSTree(struct BSTree *tree, TYPE val); void printBSTree(struct BSTree *tree);

struct BSTreeIterator* BSTIteratorCreate(struct BSTree* bst); void BSTIteratorFree(struct BSTreeIterator* iter); int BSTIteratorHasNext(struct BSTreeIterator* iter); int BSTIteratorNext(struct BSTreeIterator* iter); # endif bst.c (code to fix)-

/* File: bst.c Implementation of the binary search tree data structure. */ #include #include #include #include #include "bst.h"

struct Node { TYPE val; struct Node *left; struct Node *right; };

struct BSTree { struct Node *root; int cnt; };

/* * This is the structure you will use to create an in-order BST iterator. It * is up to you how to define this structure. */

struct BSTreeIterator; /* FIXME: Define an iterator for a binary search tree; */

struct Node *_initNode(TYPE val) { struct Node *newNode; newNode = malloc(sizeof(struct Node)); assert(newNode!=0); newNode->val = val; newNode->left = 0; newNode->right = 0; return newNode; }

/* function to create a binary search tree. param: none pre: none post: tree->count = 0 tree->root = 0; */

struct BSTree* initBSTree() { struct BSTree *tree = (struct BSTree *)malloc(sizeof(struct BSTree)); assert(tree != 0); tree->cnt = 0; tree->root = 0; return tree; }

/*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* function to free the nodes of a binary search tree param: node the root node of the tree to be freed pre: none post: node and all descendants are deallocated */

void _freeBST(struct Node *node) { if (node != 0) { _freeBST(node->left); node->left = 0; _freeBST(node->right); node->right = 0; free(node); } }

/* function to deallocate a dynamically allocated binary search tree param: tree the binary search tree pre: tree != null; post: all nodes and the tree structure itself are deallocated. */ void deleteBSTree(struct BSTree *tree) { _freeBST(tree->root); tree->root = 0; free(tree); }

/*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* function to determine if a binary search tree is empty.

param: tree the binary search tree pre: tree is not null */ bool isEmptyBSTree(struct BSTree *tree) { return (tree->cnt == 0); }

/* function to determine the size of a binary search tree

param: tree the binary search tree pre: tree is not null */ int sizeBSTree(struct BSTree *tree) { return tree->cnt; }

/*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* recursive helper function to add a node to the binary search tree. param: cur the current root node val the value to be added to the binary search tree pre: val is not null */ struct Node *_addNode(struct Node *node, TYPE val) {

if (node == NULL) return _initNode(val); if (node-> val < val) node->right = _addNode(node->right,val); if (node-> val > val) node->left = _addNode(node->left,val); /* Assume no node added if it has the same value as an existing node */ if (node->val == val) return node;

/* Returning node if no new node has been allocated, in order not to disrupt the tree */ return node; }

/* function to add a value to the binary search tree param: tree the binary search tree val the value to be added to the tree

pre: tree is not null val is not null pose: tree size increased by 1 tree now contains the value, val */ void addBSTree(struct BSTree *tree, TYPE val) { tree->root = _addNode(tree->root, val); tree->cnt++; }

/* function to determine if the binary search tree contains a particular element param: tree the binary search tree val the value to search for in the tree pre: tree is not null val is not null post: none return true if val is in the tree, false if val is not in the tree */

/*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ bool containsBSTree(struct BSTree *tree, TYPE val) { assert(tree!=0); struct Node *current; current = tree->root; while(current != 0) { if (val == current->val) return true; if(val < current->val) current = current -> left; if (val > current->val) current = current -> right; } return false; }

/* helper function to find the right most child of a node return a pointer of the right most child of cur param: cur the current node pre: cur is not null post: none */

/*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ struct Node *_rightMost(struct Node *cur) { /*FIXME: write this*/ }

/* recursive helper function to remove the right most child of a node HINT: this function returns cur if its right child is NOT NULL. Otherwise, it returns the right child of cur and free cur.

Note: If you do this iteratively, the above hint does not apply.

param: cur the current node pre: cur is not null post: the right most child of cur is not in the tree */ /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ struct Node *_removeRightMost(struct Node *cur) { /*FIXME: write this*/ }

/* recursive helper function to remove a node from the tree param: cur the current node val the value to be removed from the tree pre: val is in the tree cur is not null val is not null You should use _rightMost (of the left subtree) and _removeRightMost (of the left subtree) to complete this function */ /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ struct Node *_removeNode(struct Node *cur, TYPE val) { /*FIXME: write this*/ }

/* function to remove a value from the binary search tree param: tree the binary search tree val the value to be removed from the tree pre: tree is not null val is not null val is in the tree pose: tree size is reduced by 1 */ void removeBSTree(struct BSTree *tree, TYPE val) { /* Because we don't have a pointer to parent, removal has to start from the root as well */ if (containsBSTree(tree, val)) { tree->root = _removeNode(tree->root, val); tree->cnt--; } }


/* The following is used only for debugging, set to "#if 0" when used in other applications */ #if 1

/*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void printNode(struct Node *cur) { if (cur == 0) return; /* In-order traversal of the binary search tree */ printf("("); printNode(cur->left); printf("%d", cur->val); printNode(cur->right); printf(")"); }

void printBSTree(struct BSTree *tree) { if (tree == 0) return; printNode(tree->root); printf(" "); } /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/


/* * This function should allocate and initialize a new in-order BST iterator * given a specific BST over which to iterate. * * Params: * bst - the BST over which to perform in-order iteration. May not be NULL. * * Return: * Should return a pointer to a new in-order BST iterator, initialized so * that the first value returned by bst_iterator_next() is the first in-order * value in bst (i.e. the leftmost value in the tree). */ struct BSTreeIterator* BSTIteratorCreate(struct BSTree* tree) { /* FIXME: Complete this implementation */ }

/* * This function should free all memory allocated to a BST iterator. * * Params: * iter - the iterator whose memory is to be freed. May not be NULL. */ void BSTIteratorFree(struct BSTreeIterator* iter) { /* FIXME: Complete this implementation */ }

/* * This function should return 1 if there is at least one more node to visit * in the in-order iteration of the BST represented by a given iterator. If * there are no more nodes to visit, it should return 0. * * Params: * iter - the iterator to be checked for more values. May not be NULL. */ int BSTIteratorHasNext(struct BSTreeIterator* iter) { /* FIXME: Complete this implementation */ }

/* * This function should return the next value in the in-order iteration of the * BST represented by a given iterator. * * Params: * iter - the iterator whose next value is to be returned. May not be NULL * and must have at least one more value to be returned. */ int BSTIteratorNext(struct BSTreeIterator* iter) { /* FIXME: Complete this implementation */ }

/************************************************************************************************************************ from here to the end of this file are a set of fucntions for testing the fucntions of the BST ***************************************************************************************************************************/ /* function to built a Binary Search Tree (BST) by adding numbers in this specific order */ struct BSTree *buildBSTree() { struct BSTree *tree = initBSTree(); /*Create value of the type of data that you want to store*/ /*add the values to BST*/ /* This tree can be found in Slide 24 of the BST slides */ addBSTree(tree, 50); addBSTree(tree, 25); addBSTree(tree, 75); addBSTree(tree, 35); addBSTree(tree, 20); addBSTree(tree, 60); addBSTree(tree, 65); addBSTree(tree, 45); addBSTree(tree, 30); addBSTree(tree, 85); addBSTree(tree, 80); return tree; }

/* fucntion to test the right_Most_element

*/ void testRightMost() { struct BSTree *tree = buildBSTree(); printf("right most of root: %d ", _rightMost(tree->root)->val); printf("right most of left of root: %d ", _rightMost(tree->root->left)->val); printf("right most of right of left of root: %d", _rightMost(tree->root->left->right)->val); printf("right most of right of root: %d", _rightMost(tree->root->right)->val);

printf("Deleting the BSTree... "); deleteBSTree(tree); printf("Returning from testLeftMost(). ");


void testRemoveRightMost() { struct BSTree *tree = buildBSTree(); /* struct Node *cur; */ _removeRightMost(tree->root); printBSTree(tree); _removeRightMost(tree->root->right); printBSTree(tree); _removeRightMost(tree->root); printBSTree(tree);

deleteBSTree(tree); }

void testRemoveNode() { struct BSTree *tree = buildBSTree(); struct Node *cur;

_removeNode(tree->root, 20); printBSTree(tree); _removeNode(tree->root, 35); printBSTree(tree); _removeNode(tree->root, 75); printBSTree(tree); cur = _removeNode(tree->root, 50); if (!cur) tree->root = NULL; printBSTree(tree); deleteBSTree(tree); }

void testIterator() { struct BSTree *tree = buildBSTree(); struct BSTreeIterator* iter = BSTIteratorCreate(tree); printf(" == BST contents (in order):"); while (BSTIteratorHasNext(iter)) { int val = BSTIteratorNext(iter); printf(" %4d", val); } printf(" "); /* Result from not using the iterator */ printf("Baseline comparison: "); printBSTree(tree); BSTIteratorFree(iter); deleteBSTree(tree); }


Main function for testing different functions of the Assignment #3.


int main(int argc, char *argv[]){ testRightMost(); printf(" "); testRemoveRightMost(); printf(" "); testRemoveNode(); printf(" "); testIterator(); return 0; }

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