INCAL The productivity of camera/drone PATS is affected by a variety of factors that include Copyright by GoBus Sohware, he Copying, distrug d party website possing isspressly prohibed and constes copyright violation O the size of the year-end bonus for perfect attendance, cumulative expenditures for product R&D for cameras/drones, increases or decreases in the number of camera/drone models being assembled, and the size of the company-paid fringe benefits package for camera/drone PAT members. O percentage increases in the annual base wage, the size of the fringe benefits package, the amount of paid vacation per camera/drone PAT annually, the number of years since camera/drone workstations were modernized/updated, the percentage of the assembly process that is performed by robots, and increases/decreases in the number of components needed to assemble a camera/drone O perfect attendance bonuses, how much overtime is offered to PATS so as to boost their take- home pay, how many PAT members leave the company for jobs elsewhere, and the size of the year-end bonuses awarded to PATS for beating their annual assembly quotas and lowering warranty claim rates. the were O the complexity of the company's camera/drone designs, cumulative spending for new product R&D for cameras/drones, the size of weekly bonuses paid to PAT members for perfect attendance, number of years since camera/drone workstations modernized/updated, and the number of components required to assemble a camera/drone. the size of weekly bonuses paid to PAT members for beating their weekly assembly quota, the number of years since camera/drone workstations were modernized/updated, the complexity of camera/drone designs, the number of camera/drone models being assembled, and the amount the company spends annually per camera/drone PAT on training and productivity-enhancing assembly methods. C [ INCAL The productivity of camera/drone PATS is affected by a variety of factors that include Copyright by GoBus Sohware, he Copying, distrug d party website possing isspressly prohibed and constes copyright violation O the size of the year-end bonus for perfect attendance, cumulative expenditures for product R&D for cameras/drones, increases or decreases in the number of camera/drone models being assembled, and the size of the company-paid fringe benefits package for camera/drone PAT members. O percentage increases in the annual base wage, the size of the fringe benefits package, the amount of paid vacation per camera/drone PAT annually, the number of years since camera/drone workstations were modernized/updated, the percentage of the assembly process that is performed by robots, and increases/decreases in the number of components needed to assemble a camera/drone O perfect attendance bonuses, how much overtime is offered to PATS so as to boost their take- home pay, how many PAT members leave the company for jobs elsewhere, and the size of the year-end bonuses awarded to PATS for beating their annual assembly quotas and lowering warranty claim rates. the were O the complexity of the company's camera/drone designs, cumulative spending for new product R&D for cameras/drones, the size of weekly bonuses paid to PAT members for perfect attendance, number of years since camera/drone workstations modernized/updated, and the number of components required to assemble a camera/drone. the size of weekly bonuses paid to PAT members for beating their weekly assembly quota, the number of years since camera/drone workstations were modernized/updated, the complexity of camera/drone designs, the number of camera/drone models being assembled, and the amount the company spends annually per camera/drone PAT on training and productivity-enhancing assembly methods. C [