individual in collaboration with their family and or carer. You must: . Identify one individual with a disability who you are working with during your work placement. will need to obtain consent from the individual to include them in this project. A consent form has been provide for this purpose. Arrange a meeting with the individual, their family and or carer to identify and discuss appropriate client's needs, interests, strengths and abilities. Provide suitable community services, programs or activities as options to the individual, their family, and/or carer. Follow workplace protocols and guidelines when arranging the meeting Discuss any challenges or barriers the individual might experience for each program or activity suggested. You should also determine solutions to these challenges. Following this observation your assessor will also ask you some verbal questions. Your assesor will be looking to see that you: Work effectively with the individual to identify their needs and interests. For example, communicating and assessing individual needs, strengths, interests and abilities in collaboration with the client, and in line with their individualized plan. Identify individual support requirements to assist social participation and engagement. For example, ensuring that the support needs of the client are identified and assessed to support successful client participation and social networking Identify and explore relevant services within the community. For example, conducting research of available services, programs, activities and events held within the community that are suitable to the individual's interests and abilities. This includes communicating with services to assess suitability. Identify participation barriers and develop strategies to mitigate challenges. For example, collaborating with the client to ascertain potential challenges, barriers or limitations they may face in participating in the community events or activities. Develop strategies for each barrier, challenge or limitation identified. Adhere to workplace policies and protocols. For example, always following workplace process and procedures when accessing and identifying resources. Discuss available opportunities with the individual and or their family and carer. For example, suitable options, events, activities or services identified should be discussed with the individual and their family and or carer to get their review, feedback and approval of client participation. Correctly answer verbal questions