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Individual Tax Return 2021 John Williams (age 42) is a single taxpayer, and he lives at 1324 Forest Dr., Reno, NV 89501. His Social Security

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Individual Tax Return 2021
John Williams (age 42) is a single taxpayer, and he lives at 1324 Forest Dr., Reno, NV 89501.
His Social Security number is 555-94-9358. John's earnings and withholdings as the manager of
a local casino for 2013 are:
Earnings from the Lucky Ace Casino
Federal income tax withheld
State income tax withheld
John's other income includes interest on a savings account at Nevada National Bank of $13,075.
John pays his ex-wife $4,000 per month. When their 12-year-old child (in the wife's custody)
reaches 18, the payments are reduced to $2,800 per month. His ex-wife's Social Security
number is 554-44-5555.
During the year, John paid the following amounts (all of which can be substantiated):
Credit card interest
Auto loan interest
Auto insurance
Property taxes on personal residence
State and local sales taxes actually paid during 2013
Blue Cross health insurance premiums
Other medical expenses
Income tax preparation fee
Charitable contributions:
Boy Scouts
St. Matthews Church
U. of Nevada (Reno) Medical School
Nevada Democratic Party
Fund-raising dinner for the Reno Auto Museum
(Value of dinner is $50)
$ 1,760
Individual Tax Return 2021 John Williams (age 42) is a single taxpayer, and he lives at 1324 Forest Dr., Reno, NV 89501 . His Social Security number is 555949358. John's eamings and withholdings as the manager of a local casino for 2013 are: John's other income includes interest on a savings account at Nevade National Bank of 513,075. John pays his ex-wife $4,000 per month. When their 12-year-old child (in the wife's custody) reaches 18 , the payments are reduced to $2,800 per month. His ex-wife's Social Security namber is 554445555. 1040 AgerBlindness You: Wore bom before Jenuary 2, 1958 Ave bind Spouse: Was bom before January 2, 1958 is bind Dependents (see instructionst It more than four dependents, see instructions and check here Income 1a Total amount trom formis) W-2, bax 1 (see instructions) b Household employee wapes not teported on Form(3) W-2. Atach Form(s) c Tip inoome not reported on ine ta (see instructions) W.2.2bere. As d Modicaid waver payments not reported on Forms) W-2 (see instructions) W.20 and - Taxable dependent care benefis from Form 2441, line 26 1090-A it tax was witheld. I Employer-provided adoption benefits from Form 8839 , line 29 wyou did notele 9 Wages from Form 8919 , line 6 . geta a Form b Other eumed income thee instructions) W.2. se0 I Nontaxable combat pay election (see instructions) z Add lines la through in Altach Sech. 82a Tax-exompt interest b Taxabie interest irequine. 3a Qualifid dividends b Ordinary dividends b Taxable amount. b Taxable anount. b Taxable amount. Wloneititng e If you elect to use the lump-sum election method, check here (see instructions) - Murederame 8 Other incame from Schedule 1 , ine 10 o. Add lines 12,26,36,46,56,66,7, and 8 . This is your total income 2326.500 - Head at 11 Subtract ine 10 trom line 9 . This is your adjusted gross income - Hruchaded Form 1040(2022) Page 2 Third Party Do you want to allow another person to discuss this return with the IRS? See Sign Under penaties of perpury. I declere that I hme exarrined thit retum and accomparing achedides and statements, and to the best of my knowiedge and Here beliet, they are true. conrect, and complete. Declaration of preparer fother than taxpayen is based on al information of which preparer has any knowiedge. Go to www. irs. govifommio4o for instructions and the latest intormation. Farn 1040 Name(s) shown on Form 1040, 1040-SR, or 1040-NR Your social security number Part I Additional Income 1 Taxable refunds, credits, or offsets of state and local income taxes 2a Alimony received b Date of original divorce or separation agreement (see instructions): 3 Business income or (loss). Attach Schedule C 4 Other gains or (losses). Attach Form 4797 5 Rental real estate, royalties, partnerships, S corporations, trusts, etc. Attach Schedule E 6 Farm income or (loss). Attach Schedule F. 7 Unemployment compensation . 8 Other income: a Net operating loss b Gambling c Cancellation debt d Foreign eamed income exclusion from Form 2555 e income from Form 8853 f Income from Form 8889 . g Alaska Permanent Fund dividends h Jury duty pay i Prizes and awards i Activity not engaged in for profit income k Stock options. I Income from the rental of personal property if you engaged in the rental for profit but were not in the business of renting such property m Olympic and Paralympic medals and USOC prize money (see instructions) n Section 951(a) inclusion (see instructions) - Section 951A(a) inclusion (see instructions) p Section 461(0) excess business loss adjustment q Taxable distributions from an ABLE account (see instructions) r Scholarship and fellowship grants not reported on Form W-2 s Nontaxable amount of Medicaid waiver payments included on Form 1040, line 1a or 1d t Pension or annuity from a nonqualifed deferred compensation plan or a nongovernmental section 457 plan u Wages eamed while incarcerated z Other income. List type and amount: For Paperwork Reduction Act Notice, see your tax return instructions. \begin{tabular}{|c|c} \hline 1 & \\ \hline 2a \\ \hline 3 \\ \hline 4 \\ \hline 5 & \\ \hline 6 \\ \hline 7 \\ \hline \end{tabular} Schedule 1 (Form 1040) 2022 Page 2 Part II Adjustments to Income 11 Educator expenses . 12 Certain business expenses of reservists, performing artists, and fee-basis government officials. Attach Form 2106 13 Health savings account deduction. Attach Form 8889 14 Moving expenses for members of the Armed Forces. Attach Form 3903 15 Deductible part of self-employment tax. Attach Schedule SE 16 Self-employed SEP, SIMPLE, and qualified plans 17 Self-employed health insurance deduction 18 Penalty on early withdrawal of savings 19a Alimony paid b Recipient's SSN c Date of original divorce or separation agreement (see instructions): 20 IRA deduction 21 Student loan interest deduction 22 Reserved for future use 23 Archer MSA deduction 24 Other adjustments: a Jury duty pay (see instructions) b Deductible expenses related to income reported on line 81 from the rental of personal property engaged in for profit c Nontaxable amount of the value of Olympic and Paralympic medals and USOC prize money reported on line 8m. d Reforestation amortization and expenses. . . . . . . Trade Act of 1974. f Contributions to section 501(c)(18)(D) pension plans g Contributions by certain chaplains to section 403(b) plans h Attomey fees and court costs for actions involving certain unlawful discrimination claims (see instructions). i Attomey fees and court costs you paid in connection with an award from the IRS for information you provided that helped the IRS detect tax law violations j Housing deduction from Form 2555 . k Excess deductions of section 67(e) expenses from Schedule K1 (Form 1041) z Other adjustments. List type and amount: 25 Total other adjustments. Add lines 24 a through 242 26 Add lines 11 through 23 and 25. These are your adjustments to income. Enter here and on Form 1040 or 1040-SR, line 10, or Form 1040-NR, line 10a . . . . . . . . Schedule 1 (Form 1040) 2022 Part I Tax 1 Alternative minimum tax. Attach Form 6251 2 Excess advance premium tax credit repayment. Attach Form 8962 3 Add lines 1 and 2. Enter here and on Form 1040, 1040-SR, or 1040-NR, line 17. Part II Other Taxes 4 Self-employment tax. Attach Schedule SE 5 Social security and Medicare tax on unreported tip income. Attach Form 4137 6 Uncollected social security and Medicare tax on wages. Attach Form 8919 7 Total additional social security and Medicare tax. Add lines 5 and 6 8 Additional tax on IRAs or other tax-favored accounts. Attach Form 5329 if required. If not required, check here 9 Household employment taxes. Attach Schedule H 10 Repayment of first-time homebuyer credit. Attach Form 5405 if required 11 Additional Medicare Tax. Attach Form 8959 12 Net investment income tax. Attach Form 8960 13 Uncollected social security and Medicare or RRTA tax on tips or group-term life insurance from Form W2, box 12.. 14 Interest on tax due on installment income from the sale of certain residential lots and timeshares 15 Interest on the deferred tax on gain from certain installment sales with a sales price over $150,000 16 Recapture of low-income housing credit. Attach Form 8611 . . . ... . . . . . 16 (continued on page 2) For Paperwork Reduction Act Notice, see your tax return instructions. Cat. Na. 71478U Schedule 2 (Form 1040) 2022 Schedule 2 form 10400 2022 Page 2 Part II Other Taxes (continued) 17 Other additional taxes: a Recapture of other credits. List type, form number, and amount: b Recapture of federal mortgage subsidy, if you sold your home see instructions c Additional tax on HSA distributions. Attach Form 8889 . d Additional tax on an HSA because you didn't remain an eligible individual. Attach Form 8889 e Additional tax on Archer MSA distributions. Attach Form 8853 . f Additional tax on Medicare Advantage MSA distributions. Attach Form 8853 g Recapture of a charitable contribution deduction related to a fractional interest in tangible personal property ....... 17g h Income you received from a nonqualified deferred compensation plan that fails to meet the requirements of section 409A ... 17h i Compensation you received from a nonqualified deferred compensation plan described in section 457A j Section 72(m)(5) excess benefits tax k Golden parachute payments I Tax on accumulation distribution of trusts m Excise tax on insider stock compensation from an expatriated corporation n Look-back interest under section 167(g) or 460 (b) from Form 8697 or 8866 o Tax on non-effectively connected income for any part of the year you were a nonresident alien from Form 1040-NR ... 17o p Any interest from Form 8621, line 16f, relating to distributions from, and dispositions of, stock of a section 1291 fund . .. 17p q Any interest from Form 8621 , line 24 z Any other taxes. List type and amount: 18 Total additional taxes. A 19 Reserved for future use 20 Section 965 net tax liability installment from Form 965-A ... 20 21 Add lines 4,7 through 16, and 18. These are your total other taxes. Enter here and on Form 1040 or 1040-SR, line 23, or Form 1040-NR, line 23b . . 21 For Paperwork Reduction Act Notice, see your tax return instructions. Schedule 3 (Form 1040) 2022 Page 2 Part II Other Payments and Refundable Credits 9 Net premium tax credit. Attach Form 8962 . .......... 10 Amount paid with request for extension to file (see instructions) 11 Excess social security and tier 1 RRTA tax withheld 12 Credit for federal tax on fuels. Attach Form 4136 13 Other payments or refundable credits: a Form 2439 ........................ 13a b Credit for qualified sick and family leave wages paid in 2022 from Schedule(s) H for leave taken before April 1,2021 ...... 13b c Reserved for future use d Credit for repayment of amounts included in income from earlier years e Reserved for future use f Deferred amount of net 965 tax liability (see instructions) g Reserved for future use h Credit for qualified sick and family leave wages paid in 2022 from Schedule(s) H for leave taken after March 31, 2021, and before October 1,2021 z Other payments or refundable credits. List type and amount: 14 Total other payments or refundable credits. Add lines 13a through 13z. . . . 14 15 Add lines 9 through 12 and 14. Enter here and on Form 1040, 1040-SR, or 1040-NR, line 31 15 Schedule 3 (Form 1040) 2022 For Paperwerk Reduction Act Notice, see the instructions for Form 1040. Schedue A fFonm to4si 2022 Individual Tax Return 2021 John Williams (age 42) is a single taxpayer, and he lives at 1324 Forest Dr., Reno, NV 89501 . His Social Security number is 555949358. John's eamings and withholdings as the manager of a local casino for 2013 are: John's other income includes interest on a savings account at Nevade National Bank of 513,075. John pays his ex-wife $4,000 per month. When their 12-year-old child (in the wife's custody) reaches 18 , the payments are reduced to $2,800 per month. His ex-wife's Social Security namber is 554445555. 1040 AgerBlindness You: Wore bom before Jenuary 2, 1958 Ave bind Spouse: Was bom before January 2, 1958 is bind Dependents (see instructionst It more than four dependents, see instructions and check here Income 1a Total amount trom formis) W-2, bax 1 (see instructions) b Household employee wapes not teported on Form(3) W-2. Atach Form(s) c Tip inoome not reported on ine ta (see instructions) W.2.2bere. As d Modicaid waver payments not reported on Forms) W-2 (see instructions) W.20 and - Taxable dependent care benefis from Form 2441, line 26 1090-A it tax was witheld. I Employer-provided adoption benefits from Form 8839 , line 29 wyou did notele 9 Wages from Form 8919 , line 6 . geta a Form b Other eumed income thee instructions) W.2. se0 I Nontaxable combat pay election (see instructions) z Add lines la through in Altach Sech. 82a Tax-exompt interest b Taxabie interest irequine. 3a Qualifid dividends b Ordinary dividends b Taxable amount. b Taxable anount. b Taxable amount. Wloneititng e If you elect to use the lump-sum election method, check here (see instructions) - Murederame 8 Other incame from Schedule 1 , ine 10 o. Add lines 12,26,36,46,56,66,7, and 8 . This is your total income 2326.500 - Head at 11 Subtract ine 10 trom line 9 . This is your adjusted gross income - Hruchaded Form 1040(2022) Page 2 Third Party Do you want to allow another person to discuss this return with the IRS? See Sign Under penaties of perpury. I declere that I hme exarrined thit retum and accomparing achedides and statements, and to the best of my knowiedge and Here beliet, they are true. conrect, and complete. Declaration of preparer fother than taxpayen is based on al information of which preparer has any knowiedge. Go to www. irs. govifommio4o for instructions and the latest intormation. Farn 1040 Name(s) shown on Form 1040, 1040-SR, or 1040-NR Your social security number Part I Additional Income 1 Taxable refunds, credits, or offsets of state and local income taxes 2a Alimony received b Date of original divorce or separation agreement (see instructions): 3 Business income or (loss). Attach Schedule C 4 Other gains or (losses). Attach Form 4797 5 Rental real estate, royalties, partnerships, S corporations, trusts, etc. Attach Schedule E 6 Farm income or (loss). Attach Schedule F. 7 Unemployment compensation . 8 Other income: a Net operating loss b Gambling c Cancellation debt d Foreign eamed income exclusion from Form 2555 e income from Form 8853 f Income from Form 8889 . g Alaska Permanent Fund dividends h Jury duty pay i Prizes and awards i Activity not engaged in for profit income k Stock options. I Income from the rental of personal property if you engaged in the rental for profit but were not in the business of renting such property m Olympic and Paralympic medals and USOC prize money (see instructions) n Section 951(a) inclusion (see instructions) - Section 951A(a) inclusion (see instructions) p Section 461(0) excess business loss adjustment q Taxable distributions from an ABLE account (see instructions) r Scholarship and fellowship grants not reported on Form W-2 s Nontaxable amount of Medicaid waiver payments included on Form 1040, line 1a or 1d t Pension or annuity from a nonqualifed deferred compensation plan or a nongovernmental section 457 plan u Wages eamed while incarcerated z Other income. List type and amount: For Paperwork Reduction Act Notice, see your tax return instructions. \begin{tabular}{|c|c} \hline 1 & \\ \hline 2a \\ \hline 3 \\ \hline 4 \\ \hline 5 & \\ \hline 6 \\ \hline 7 \\ \hline \end{tabular} Schedule 1 (Form 1040) 2022 Page 2 Part II Adjustments to Income 11 Educator expenses . 12 Certain business expenses of reservists, performing artists, and fee-basis government officials. Attach Form 2106 13 Health savings account deduction. Attach Form 8889 14 Moving expenses for members of the Armed Forces. Attach Form 3903 15 Deductible part of self-employment tax. Attach Schedule SE 16 Self-employed SEP, SIMPLE, and qualified plans 17 Self-employed health insurance deduction 18 Penalty on early withdrawal of savings 19a Alimony paid b Recipient's SSN c Date of original divorce or separation agreement (see instructions): 20 IRA deduction 21 Student loan interest deduction 22 Reserved for future use 23 Archer MSA deduction 24 Other adjustments: a Jury duty pay (see instructions) b Deductible expenses related to income reported on line 81 from the rental of personal property engaged in for profit c Nontaxable amount of the value of Olympic and Paralympic medals and USOC prize money reported on line 8m. d Reforestation amortization and expenses. . . . . . . Trade Act of 1974. f Contributions to section 501(c)(18)(D) pension plans g Contributions by certain chaplains to section 403(b) plans h Attomey fees and court costs for actions involving certain unlawful discrimination claims (see instructions). i Attomey fees and court costs you paid in connection with an award from the IRS for information you provided that helped the IRS detect tax law violations j Housing deduction from Form 2555 . k Excess deductions of section 67(e) expenses from Schedule K1 (Form 1041) z Other adjustments. List type and amount: 25 Total other adjustments. Add lines 24 a through 242 26 Add lines 11 through 23 and 25. These are your adjustments to income. Enter here and on Form 1040 or 1040-SR, line 10, or Form 1040-NR, line 10a . . . . . . . . Schedule 1 (Form 1040) 2022 Part I Tax 1 Alternative minimum tax. Attach Form 6251 2 Excess advance premium tax credit repayment. Attach Form 8962 3 Add lines 1 and 2. Enter here and on Form 1040, 1040-SR, or 1040-NR, line 17. Part II Other Taxes 4 Self-employment tax. Attach Schedule SE 5 Social security and Medicare tax on unreported tip income. Attach Form 4137 6 Uncollected social security and Medicare tax on wages. Attach Form 8919 7 Total additional social security and Medicare tax. Add lines 5 and 6 8 Additional tax on IRAs or other tax-favored accounts. Attach Form 5329 if required. If not required, check here 9 Household employment taxes. Attach Schedule H 10 Repayment of first-time homebuyer credit. Attach Form 5405 if required 11 Additional Medicare Tax. Attach Form 8959 12 Net investment income tax. Attach Form 8960 13 Uncollected social security and Medicare or RRTA tax on tips or group-term life insurance from Form W2, box 12.. 14 Interest on tax due on installment income from the sale of certain residential lots and timeshares 15 Interest on the deferred tax on gain from certain installment sales with a sales price over $150,000 16 Recapture of low-income housing credit. Attach Form 8611 . . . ... . . . . . 16 (continued on page 2) For Paperwork Reduction Act Notice, see your tax return instructions. Cat. Na. 71478U Schedule 2 (Form 1040) 2022 Schedule 2 form 10400 2022 Page 2 Part II Other Taxes (continued) 17 Other additional taxes: a Recapture of other credits. List type, form number, and amount: b Recapture of federal mortgage subsidy, if you sold your home see instructions c Additional tax on HSA distributions. Attach Form 8889 . d Additional tax on an HSA because you didn't remain an eligible individual. Attach Form 8889 e Additional tax on Archer MSA distributions. Attach Form 8853 . f Additional tax on Medicare Advantage MSA distributions. Attach Form 8853 g Recapture of a charitable contribution deduction related to a fractional interest in tangible personal property ....... 17g h Income you received from a nonqualified deferred compensation plan that fails to meet the requirements of section 409A ... 17h i Compensation you received from a nonqualified deferred compensation plan described in section 457A j Section 72(m)(5) excess benefits tax k Golden parachute payments I Tax on accumulation distribution of trusts m Excise tax on insider stock compensation from an expatriated corporation n Look-back interest under section 167(g) or 460 (b) from Form 8697 or 8866 o Tax on non-effectively connected income for any part of the year you were a nonresident alien from Form 1040-NR ... 17o p Any interest from Form 8621, line 16f, relating to distributions from, and dispositions of, stock of a section 1291 fund . .. 17p q Any interest from Form 8621 , line 24 z Any other taxes. List type and amount: 18 Total additional taxes. A 19 Reserved for future use 20 Section 965 net tax liability installment from Form 965-A ... 20 21 Add lines 4,7 through 16, and 18. These are your total other taxes. Enter here and on Form 1040 or 1040-SR, line 23, or Form 1040-NR, line 23b . . 21 For Paperwork Reduction Act Notice, see your tax return instructions. Schedule 3 (Form 1040) 2022 Page 2 Part II Other Payments and Refundable Credits 9 Net premium tax credit. Attach Form 8962 . .......... 10 Amount paid with request for extension to file (see instructions) 11 Excess social security and tier 1 RRTA tax withheld 12 Credit for federal tax on fuels. Attach Form 4136 13 Other payments or refundable credits: a Form 2439 ........................ 13a b Credit for qualified sick and family leave wages paid in 2022 from Schedule(s) H for leave taken before April 1,2021 ...... 13b c Reserved for future use d Credit for repayment of amounts included in income from earlier years e Reserved for future use f Deferred amount of net 965 tax liability (see instructions) g Reserved for future use h Credit for qualified sick and family leave wages paid in 2022 from Schedule(s) H for leave taken after March 31, 2021, and before October 1,2021 z Other payments or refundable credits. List type and amount: 14 Total other payments or refundable credits. Add lines 13a through 13z. . . . 14 15 Add lines 9 through 12 and 14. Enter here and on Form 1040, 1040-SR, or 1040-NR, line 31 15 Schedule 3 (Form 1040) 2022 For Paperwerk Reduction Act Notice, see the instructions for Form 1040. Schedue A fFonm to4si 2022

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