innovatve Engineening. Inc. management has been canfused about hew to budget for the next month's volume of production. Below is infermation they have compiled ncerning (t) the expected number of units in inventory at the beginning of the next month and (2) the dosired inventory leveis at the end of the month. They also know that ch unit produced will use about three pounds of raw materials. nagement at lnnovative Engineering has estimated that they will sell 505,000 units in the next month, so (in order to meet their desired imventory goals), how many ts wat they need to produce? Mueple Choice 505,000 unes 460,000 unts 535,000 units WiseMonster, lnc is currenty ongoing as annual budgoting process. Management telies heavly on these budgets, and the compony expends a great deal of time and eneray to ensure the best results. They have compiled this informatien about selling and administrative costs: xcept for depreciation, WiseMonster expects to pay these expenses in cash in the month they are incurred. in the upcoming year, the compony is expecting to seil 15,600 nits per month. The monthly total budgeted fixed selling and administrative expenses would be budgeted at: At innovative Engineering, Inc management has been contused about how to budgot for the next month's volume of production. Bolow is information they have complied concerning (1) the expected number of units in imventory at the beginning of the noxt month and (2) the desired inveatory levels at the end of the month. They aiso know that: eoch unit produced wit use about three pounds of raw materiak: Management at innovative Engineering hos estimated that they will sel s05,000 units in the next month, so (in order to meet their desired ifventory goals), how many units will they need to produce? Miple Choice 505000 unts 400000 unati 535000 unts: ferd weting and adrinivtratlve expenses would be budgeted it: 14600 191800 15480 s0r490