Instructions: After completing the analysis of your data for your research project, write the results in APA style below. Be sure to include statistical results. ANOVA Days of poor mental health past 30 days Sum of Squares df Mean Square F Sig. Between Groups 723.752 4 180.938 4.059 003 Within Groups 50549.469 1134 44.576 Total 51273.220 1138 Multiple Comparisons Dependent Variable: Days of poor mental health past 30 days Tukey HSD Mean Difference 95% Confidence Interval [U) Marital status (J) Marital status (I-J) Std. Error Sig Lower Bound Upper Bound Married Widowed 539 1.293 994 2.99 4.07 Divorced -1.570 574 049 -3.14 00 Separated -3.791' 1.214 .016 -7.11 .48 Never married .586 459 704 -1.84 67 Widowed Married -.539 1.293 994 -4.07 2.99 Divorced -2.109 1.357 527 -5.82 1.60 Separated -4.330 1.728 090 -9.05 39 Never married -1.125 1.312 912 -4.71 2.46 Divorced Married 1.570 574 049 100 3.14 Widowed 2. 109 1.357 527 -1.60 5.82 Separated -2.221 1.281 414 5.72 1.28 Never married 984 616 499 -.70 2.67 Separated Married 3.791 1.214 016 48 7.11 Widowed 4.330 1.728 090 .39 9.05 Divorced 2.221 1.281 414 -1.28 5.72 Never married 3.205 1.234 072 -.17 6.58 Never married Married 586 459 704 .67 1.84 Widowed 1.125 1.312 912 -2.46 4.71 Divorced -.984 616 499 -2.67 .70 Separated -3.205 1.234 072 -6.58 -17 *. The mean difference is significant at the 0.05 level.Days of poor mental health past 30 days Tukey HSDAD Subset for alpha = 0.05 Marital status N 2 Widowed 28 2.86 Married 558 3.40 Never married 342 3.98 3.98 Divorced 179 4.97 4.97 Separated 32 7.19 Sig 376 050 Means for groups in homogeneous subsets are displayed. a. Uses Harmonic Mean Sample Size = 64.711. b. The group sizes are unequal. The harmonic mean of the group sizes is used. Type I error levels are not guaranteed