Instructions: Select the best XLSTAT printout to answer each question. Required conditions have been met for each question. A significance level of a = 0.05 is used for each hypothesis test and a confidence level of 95% is used for each confidence interval estimate. Your solution should be this document with all the blanks filled in. 5. A random sample of Canadians from B.C., Alberta, Saskatchewan and Manitoba were asked how much they spend on organic yegeta bles per week. Can we infer that differences exist in the amount of money people from each of the four provinces spend on organic vegetables per week? Printout it H0: H1: p-yalue: Conclusion: Do not reject H0 Reject H0 ADMN 2606 Quiz 4 6. A large law firm employs lawyers of 5 different specialties. The firm wanted to determine whether the number of billable hours per month is different for each type of lawyer. To do so, they recorded the number of billable hours per month for a sample of lawyers in the firm, making sure to include lawyers of each specialty in the sample. Data was collected for a number of months. The firm thought that the number of years in practice would have an effect on billable hours, so the lawyers were blocked by number of years in practice. a) Can we infer that there are differences in the number of billable hours per month depending on the specialty of the lawyer? Printout it H0: H1: p-yalue: Conclusion: Do not reject H0 Reject H0 b) Was blocking by number of years in practice appropriate for this study? Why or why not? Analysis of variance (Amount): Source DF Sum of squares Mean squares F Pr > F a Model 3 3462.363 1154.121 13.555 F Q1 11.250 11.250 1.115 0.294 Q2 W W - 135.850 45.283 4.490 0.006 Q1*Q2 6.250 2.083 0.207 0.892z-test for two proportions / Upper-tailed test: Difference 0.040 z (Observed value) 1.200 z (Critical value) 1.645 p-value (one-tailed) 0.115 alpha 0.05t-test for two independent samples / Two-tailed test: Difference 0.733 t (Observed value) 3.322 e It| (Critical value) 2.074 DF 22 p-value (Two-tailed) 0.003 alpha 0.05 z-test for two proportions / Two-tailed test: 95% confidence interval on the difference between the proportions: (-0.025 , 0.105 ) Type I Sum of Squares analysis (Var1): 8 Source DF Sum of squares Mean squares F Pr > F Q1 4 616.421 154. 105 4.714 0.002 Q2 19 3574.166 188.114 5.754