Intro to Programming in C-program 4 (larger program) Assignment purpose: To compile, build, and execute an interactive program using functions from stdio.h (printf and scanf), math in C, conditions, a while loop, and programmer defined functions. Hdefine_CRT SECURE_NO_WARNINGS // for Visual studio compiler "includesstdo.h) // for printf and scanf Instructions: For this assignment you will be implementing a program that simulates a banking application with 2 accounts: checking and savings Please use an app with 7 MENU OPTIONS 1. Initialize the balance in the checking account to $276.20 2. Initialize the balance in the savings account to $124.61 3. The program will welcome the user with a friendly message and instructions. 4. Display the balance in both accounts at the start of execution 5. Display the item options: (1) to DEPOSIT to CHECKING ACCOUNT (2) to WITHDRAW fron CHECKING ACCOUNT (3) to DEPOSIT to SAVINGS ACCOUNT (4) to WITHDRAW fron SAVINGS ACCOUNT (5) to display CHECKING ACCOUNT BALANCE (6) to display SAVINGS ACCOUNT BALANCE (1) to QUIT 6. The user will make the selection based on the item number 7. The user may continue to use the bank app until entering (-1) to QUIT Use the following programmer defined functions. DO NOT modify the Functions: //greets the user void Greeting(); // Displays the list of options available //prompts for the user's selection and returns that value int RunBankChoices(); //Input: one double and one character //displays the balance of the account (' C ', checking or ' S ', savings) void DisplayBalance (double accountBalance, char account); //Input: one double and one character //declare, ask, and get the amount from the user and add it to the account //return the updated balance ('C', checking or 'S', savings) double DepositMoney (double accountBalance, char account); //Input: one double and one character //declare, ask, and get the amount from the user // subtract the money from the account if available //return the updated balance (' C ', checking or ' S ', savings) double WithdrawMoney (double accountBalance, char account)