INTRODUCTION A mumicipal water tank has a shape as shown to the right There is a loat inside the tank that can transmit the water levels to the city office. The height data collected for one T week from the float has been placed in an imput file called tank The city needs an automated system that will alert city officials when the water level is too low or too high, and when the water level is good. Since the shape of the tank has two distinct parts (a cylinder and an inverted frustum), two volumetric equations are needed. The water volume of the cylindrical portion is computed by where is the radius of the cylinder and his the height of the float when the float is at the top of the cylinder. The total volume of the cylinder plus frustum is computed by: Where h is the height of float, bo is the height of the cylinder, I is the radius of the cylinder, and re is the radius of the water in the frustum. The radius of the water in the frustum is computed by 10.5 ASSIGNMENT: Write a C program that will read from the comma delimited input file the cylinder radius and height, and the frustunm radius and height in that order. Using a while loop, the program will read the float heights, test for float heights, compute the volume of water in cubic meters in the tank, and it will print the float beights and volumes in table format. The float height test conditions are: If the float height is negative, print the message The height cannot be negative, else if the float height equals zero, print the message Tank is empty-currently filling, else if the float height is greater than the cylinder height plus the frustum height, print the message The height cannot exceed height is less than or equal to the cylinder height then compute and print the water volume in the cylinder, else tank height, else if the float compute and print the water volume in the tank The recults will be printed to the computer screen and to an output data file called tank report. The format for the is given below. Use your PC's cursor to determine the horizontal and vertical spacing for the output SESsx8xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx MUNICIPAL WATER SUPPLY Tank dimensions: Cylinder radius .x meters Cylinder height = .x meters Frustum radius..= .x meters Frustum height = .x meters RESULTS Float Height (meters) XXXx Water Volume (cubic meters) Print message FILE PATHS: Before submitting your program to Blackboard, you must set the following file paths in your progran "u:lengr 200 Itank.txt" "u:lengr 2001tank report.txt" If the above file paths are not in the program when submitted to Blackboard, the program will E 25%% grade reduction