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Introduction In this assignment, you will write a program to recommend medical treatments based on the clinical attributes of a patient. You will be using


In this assignment, you will write a program to recommend medical treatments based on the clinical attributes of a patient. You will be using the invasive Breast Carcinoma (BRCA) dataset fromThe Cancer Genome (TCGA) Atlas. In the provided files for this assignment, there is a filtered version of data fromTCGA Data Portalthat is based on data generated by theTCGA Research Network.

We will be predicting a treatment usingnearest neighbour search. The algorithm will predict a treatment (or treatments) based on the treatments given to patients with the most "similar" patient profiles.

Goals of this assignment

  • Continue to practice learning about a problem domain in order to write code about that domain.
  • Continue to use the Function Design Recipe to plan, implement, and test functions.
  • Design and write function bodies, with focus on using files, type dictionary, and dictionary methods.
  • Practice good programming style.
  • Design and write unittest test suites to test your functions.

Starter Code

Please download theAssignment 3 Filesand extract the zip archive. In the sections below we explain the starter code and describe the functions that you will add to the starter files.

Data Files

Four different data files have been prepared for you to work with in this assignment.

  • medical_data.tsvcontains clinical information about more than one thousand patients.
  • medical_data_small.tsvcontains information about sixteen patients.
  • medical_data_three.tsvcontains information about three patients.
  • new_patients.tsvcontains information about ten patients without a treatment plan. A goal of the assignment is to write code that may be used to suggest treatment plan(s) for these patients.

The data is formatted astab separated values(TSV). That means that the information in each line in the file is separated by a tab character ('\t'). The first line in the file contains the names of the patient attributes. Each subsequent line contains information for one patient. The first piece of information in the line is a patient id. The rest of the line contains the patient's values for each of the attributes. Some values may have the special valueNA, which stands for "Not Available".

For example, the first two lines inmedical_data.tsvare the following strings:

'Patient_ID\tAge\tGender\tTumor_Size\tNearby_Cancer_Lymphnodes\tCancer_Spread\tHistological_Type\tLymph_Nodes\tTreatment ' 'tcga.5l.aat0\t42\tfemale\tt2\tn0\tm0\th_t_1\t0\tplan_1 ' 

Expanding the tab characters into whitespace and lining up the columns gives this tabular format:

Patient_ID Age Gender Tumor_Size Nearby_Cancer_Lymphnodes Cancer_Spread Histological_Type Lymph_Nodes Treatment tcga.5l.aat0 42 female t2 n0 m0 h_t_1 0 plan_1 

You should design helper functions!

Any time that you find that your code has become too complicated, try to identify a small task that could be solved by a separate function. Ask yourself the question ``Are there a few lines of code that are trying to solve a single, simple task?'' If the answer to that question is ``yes'', try isolating those lines in a helper function. Doing so will help you to write correct code more quickly. One place to start is to try to understand the structure of the data in the files. For example, writing separate function(s) to process different parts of the input file is one way to simplify the task of processing the whole file.

Part of the everyday experience of programming is figuring outwhat code to put into a helper function, what information the helper function needs to do its job, where the information comes from and how it is stored, and the resulting parameter types. You'll get better at this task with practice.

Required Functions:

The filetreatment_functions.pycontains the headers for the functions you need to write for this assignment. You should follow the Function Design Recipe to implement each function. You are encouraged to create helper functions in this file that are called by the required functions.

Required Testcases:

The filetest_missing_values.pycontains the start to a unittest testfile for the You will add appropriate unittests for this function to this file.


The fileconstants.pycontains some constants that you must use in your program. Make sure you donotchange them!

Constants used in Assignment 3, defined inconstants.pyNamePurposeNAThe special value that represents "Not available".

TREATMENTThe name of the attribute that contains the treatment information for a patient.

PATIENT_ID_INDEXThe position of the patient identifier in the input data files.

Data Types

In addition to the constants described above, the starter fileconstants.pycontains constants for the data structures you will use to store data in your program.

Data structures used in Assignment 3, defined inconstants.pyNamePurposeNAME_TO_VALUEInformation about a patient is stored in aNAME_TO_VALUEdictionary. It is a dictionary that maps an attribute name to its value. For example, in the starter data files, we have attributes namedAge,Gender,Tumor_Size,Nearby_Cancer_Lymphnodes,Cancer_Spread,Histological_Type,Lymph_Nodes, andTreatment. An exampleNAME_TO_VALUEdictionary is

{'Age': '42', 'Gender': 'female', 'Tumor_Size': 't2', 'Nearby_Cancer_Lymphnodes': 'n0', 'Cancer_Spread': 'm0', 'Histological_Type': 'h_t_1', 'Lymph_Nodes': '0', 'Treatment': 'plan_1'} 

Both attribute names and attribute values are stored asstrs.

ID_TO_ATTRIBUTESInformation about a group of patients is stored in anID_TO_ATTRIBUTESdictionary. It is a dictionary that maps patient IDs to a corresponding dictionary that stores that patient's data. For example, the information from the starter data filemedical_data_three.tsv, in which we have three patients, with IDs'tcga.5l.aat0','', and'', can be stored as the followingID_TO_ATTRIBUTESdictionary:

{'tcga.5l.aat0': {'Age': '42', 'Gender': 'female', 'Tumor_Size': 't2', 'Nearby_Cancer_Lymphnodes': 'n0', 'Cancer_Spread': 'm0', 'Histological_Type': 'h_t_1', 'Lymph_Nodes': '0', 'Treatment': 'plan_1'}, '': {'Age': '51', 'Gender': 'male', 'Tumor_Size': 't2', 'Nearby_Cancer_Lymphnodes': 'n0', 'Cancer_Spread': 'm0', 'Histological_Type': 'h_t_2', 'Lymph_Nodes': '0', 'Treatment': 'plan_2'}, '' {'Age': '55', 'Gender': 'female', 'Tumor_Size': 't2', 'Nearby_Cancer_Lymphnodes': 'n2a', 'Cancer_Spread': 'm0', 'Histological_Type': 'h_t_1', 'Lymph_Nodes': '4', 'Treatment': 'plan_4'} } 

Patient IDs, attribute names, and attribute values are stored asstrs.

VALUE_TO_IDSThe answer to a request like "Categorise all patients according to the values of the specified attribute" is stored in aVALUES_TO_IDSdictionary. For example, if the attribute of interest is named'Gender'and our patient data is as above, then we get the followingVALUE_TO_IDSdictionary:

{'female': ['tcga.5l.aat0', ''], 'male': ['']} 

Attribute values and patient IDs are stored asstrs.

ID_TO_SIMILARITYThe measure of how "similar" the patients in our data are to another patient is stored in anID_TO_SIMILARITYdictionary. The rules for computing similarity between two patients are given in the sectionComputing the Similaritybelow.

For example, if a patient's data is

{'Age': '50', 'Gender': 'female', 'Tumor_Size': 't2', 'Nearby_Cancer_Lymphnodes': 'n0', 'Cancer_Spread': 'm0', 'Histological_Type': 'h_t_1', 'Lymph_Nodes': '5'} 

then theID_TO_SIMILARITYdictionary of this patient with the patients in our data above is:

{'tcga.5l.aat0': 5.28, '': 3.67, '': 4.67} 

Patient IDs are stored asstrs and similarities are stored asfloats.

Make sure to do the calculation yourself to fully understand how the similarity is computed!

Computing the Similarity

Here is how we compute the similarity between two patients. The total similarity score is the sum of the similarity scores for each of the patient's attributes. Each attribute similarity score is determined as follows:

  1. If either patient has an attribute value ofNA(not available), the similarity score for the attribute is0.5.
  2. If the two attribute values are numeric, the similarity score for the attribute is
1 / ( (the absolute difference of the values) + 1 ). 
  1. Otherwise, the similarity score for the attribute is0.0if the two patient attribute values are different or1.0if the two patient attribute values are the same.

For example, if the two patients have the following data:

{'Age': '42', 'Gender': 'female', 'Tumor_Size': 't2', 'Nearby_Cancer_Lymphnodes': 'n0', 'Cancer_Spread': 'm0', 'Histological_Type': 'NA', 'Lymph_Nodes': '0'} {'Age': '51', 'Gender': 'male', 'Tumor_Size': 't2','Nearby_Cancer_Lymphnodes': 'n0', 'Cancer_Spread': 'm0', 'Histological_Type': 'h_t_2', 'Lymph_Nodes': '0'}, 

then the similarity measure of these two patients is (rounded to 2 decimal places after the decimal point):

 (1/(abs(51-42)+1)) + 0 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 0.5 + (1/(abs(0-0)+1)) = 4.60 

Your TaskRequired Functions

This section contains a table of detailed descriptions of the functions you must complete. These are the functions that we will be testing. However, you should follow the approach we've been using on large problems recently and write additional helper functions to break down tasks and make your functions smaller and more concise. Each helper function must have a clear purpose. Each helper function must have a complete docstring produced by following the Function Design Recipe. You should test your helper functions to make sure they work.

List of functions to implement for Assignment 3Function name:

(Parameter types) -> Return typeFull Description (paraphrase to get a proper docstring description)read_patients_dataset:

(TextIO) -> ID_TO_ATTRIBUTESThe parameter refers to a tab-separated values file that is open for reading. The data is in the Data Format described at the top of theStarter Codesection. This function should read all of the data from the given file and return it in aID_TO_ATTRIBUTES. See theData Typestable above for an explanation of the types. (Use your browser's back button to return to here.)

NOTE: since this function takes a file open for reading as its argument, the function doesnotneed to open the file, and mustnotclose it.

HINT: since the data in the file is in a prescribed format, use the structure of the file to guide the design of your code. Write helper function(s) to simplify your code.


(ID_TO_ATTRIBUTES, str) -> VALUE_TO_IDSThe first parameter is anID_TO_ATTRIBUTESthat contains information about patients and their attributes. The second parameter is an attribute name for which information is desired. This function is to return aVALUE_TO_IDSdictionary.

See theData Typestable above for an explanation of the types.


(ID_TO_ATTRIBUTES, str) -> List[str]The first parameter is anID_TO_ATTRIBUTESthat contains information about patients and their attributes. The second parameter is the name of an attribute. This function should return a list of patient IDs of all patients who have the valueNA(not available) for the given attribute name.

See theData Typestable above for an explanation of the types.


(NAME_TO_VALUE, NAME_TO_VALUE) -> floatThe parameters are the attribute names and values of two patients. The function should return the similarity score between these patients. The attributeTreatmentshould not be included in the calculation of the similarity measure. The return value should be rounded to 2 decimal places.

See theData Typestable above for an explanation of the types. See theComputing the Similaritiessection above for the rules of computing the similarity measure.


(ID_TO_ATTRIBUTES, NAME_TO_VALUE) -> ID_TO_SIMILARITYThe first parameter is anID_TO_ATTRIBUTESthat contains information about patients and their attributes. The second parameter is aNAME_TO_VALUEthat contains the data for another, new, patient. The function should calculate the similarities between the given patient and every patient in theID_TO_ATTRIBUTES. The return value is aID_TO_SIMILARITYthat maps each patient ID from the inputID_TO_ATTRIBUTESto the computed similarity measure between that patient and the patient with data from the givenNAME_TO_VALUE.

See theData Typestable above for an explanation of the types. See theComputing the Similaritiessection above for the rules of computing the similarity measure.


(ID_TO_ATTRIBUTES, NAME_TO_VALUE) -> List[str]The two parameters are exactly as inpatient_similarities. The function should return a list of all patient IDs from the givenID_TO_ATTRIBUTES, sorted according to the these patients' similarities with the patient data in the givenNAME_TO_VALUE. The output list should be sorted in descending order by similarity score. In the case of a tie, the patient IDs are sorted in alphabetical order.

For example, ifID_TO_ATTRIBUTESandNAME_TO_VALUEare the dictionaries from the example in theData Typestable, then the returned list should be:

['tcga.5l.aat0', '', ''] 


(ID_TO_ATTRIBUTES, NAME_TO_VALUE) -> List[str]:The two parameters are exactly as inpatient_similarities. The function should return a list ofuniquevalues for the attribute namedTREATMENT, in the following order. The first value should be the treatment for the patient fromID_TO_ATTRIBUTESthat has the greatest similarity with the patient inNAME_TO_VALUE. The second value should be the treatment for the patient with the second greatest similarity, and so on. If some patient has the valueNAfor the attribute nameTREATMENT, this treatment is not included in the list of recommendations. Treatments should not be repeated in the returned list.

For example, ifID_TO_ATTRIBUTESandNAME_TO_VALUEare the dictionaries from the example in theData Typestable, then the returned list should be:

['plan_1', 'plan_4', 'plan_2'] 


(ID_TO_ATTRIBUTES, ID_TO_ATTRIBUTES) -> NoneThe first parameter is anID_TO_ATTRIBUTESthat contains information about patients and their attributes. The second parameter is anID_TO_ATTRIBUTESthat contains information for newly admitted patients, and in which the values for the attributeTREATMENTareNA. The function shouldmodifythe second dictionary by replacing the values for theTREATMENTattribute with the first recommended treatment, as computed by the functiontreatment_recommendations.

For example, ifID_TO_ATTRIBUTESis the dictionary from the example in theData Typestable, and the second dictionary is:

{'newid': {'Age': '50', 'Gender': 'female', 'Tumor_Size': 't2', 'Nearby_Cancer_Lymphnodes': 'n0', 'Cancer_Spread': 'm0', 'Histological_Type': 'h_t_1', 'Lymph_Nodes': '5', 'Treatment': 'NA'}} 

then the function should modify the second dictionary to:

{'newid': {'Age': '50', 'Gender': 'female', 'Tumor_Size': 't2', 'Nearby_Cancer_Lymphnodes': 'n0', 'Cancer_Spread': 'm0', 'Histological_Type': 'h_t_1', 'Lymph_Nodes': '5', 'Treatment': 'plan_1'}} 

Required Testing

Implement unittests for the functionpatients_with_missing_values. These tests should be implemented in the The starter file is provided with the starter code.

Make sure your tests are exhaustive. We will grade this part of the assignment by running your tester on faulty implementations of the functionpatients_with_missing_valuesand seeing how many bugs your tester detects.

What Not to Do

  • Donotcallprint,input, oropen, except within theif __name__ == '__main__'block.
  • Donotmodify or add to the import statements provided in the starter code.
  • Donotadd any code outside of a function definition or theif __name__ == '__main__'block.
  • Donotuse any global variables (other than constants).
  • Donotmutate objects unless specified.


These are the aspects of your work that will be marked for Assignment 3:

  • Correctness (70%):Your functions should perform as specified. Correctness, as measured by our tests, will count for the largest single portion of your marks. Once your assignment is submitted, we will run additional tests, not provided in the checker. Passing the checkerdoes notmean that your code will earn full marks for correctness.
  • Testing (10%):We will run theunitteststhat you submit on a series of flawed (incorrect) implementations we have written. Your testing mark will depend on how many of the flawed implementations your unittests catch, whether they successfully pass a working (correct) implementation, and whether your test files contain redundant (unnecessary) tests.
  • Coding style (20%):
  • Make sure that you followPython style guidelinesthat we have introduced and the Python coding conventions that we have been using throughout the semester. Although we don't provide an exhaustive list of style rules, the checker tests for style are complete, so if your code passes the checker, then it will earn full marks for coding style with two exceptions: docstrings and use of helper functions may be evaluated separately. For each occurrence of aPyTA error, a 1 mark (out of 20) deduction will be applied. For example, if a C0301 (line-too-long) error occurs 3 times, then 3 marks will be deducted.
  • Your program should be broken down into functions, both to avoid repetitive code and to make the program easier to read. If a function body is more than about 20 lines long, introduce helper functions to do some of the work even if they will only be called once.
  • All functions, including helper functions, should have complete docstrings including preconditions when you think they are necessary.
  • Also, your variable names and names of your helper functions should be meaningful. Your code should be as simple and clear as possible.

What to Hand In

The very last thing you do before submitting should be to run the checker program one last time.

Otherwise, you could make a small error in your final changes before submitting that causes your code to receive zero for correctness.

Submittreatment_functions.pyandtest_missing_values.pyon MarkUs by following the instructions on the syllabus. Remember that spelling of filenames, including case, counts: your file must be named exactly as above.

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