Is there evidence suggesting that interaction effect of the two independent variables influenced the outcome?
Tests of Between-Subjects Effects Dorendent Variable: Praxis Type Ill Sum of Mean Square Sk Source Squares Corrected Mode 563.969(a) 31.281 6.137 000 41256.231 1 41256.281 4129.930 000 gender 1 281 028 86S major 477.594 3 159.198 15 936 000 gender * major 91.094 3 30.365 3.040 048 Error 239.750 24 9.990 42065,000 32 Corrected Total 808.719 31 R Squared = .704 (Adjusted R Squared . .617) Estimated Marginal Means gender * major Estimates Dependent Variables praxis 95% Confidence Interval gender major Moan Sid, Error Lower Bound Upper Bound 1 Mala 1 Vocational Education 32.500 1.580 29.238 35.762 2 Physical Education 34.750 1.590 31.486 35.012 English 37.750 1.580 34.489 41.012 4 Math 38.250 1.580 34.989 41.512 2 Female 1 Vocational Education 27.750 1.550 24.485 31.012 2 Physical Education 35.500 1.580 32.238 38.762 3 English 37.750 1.580 34.488 41.012 4 Math 43.000 1.580 39,738 46.262 Pairwise Comparisons Dependent Variable: praxis 95%% Confidence In Mean Difference Difference gender (1) major (J) major (N) Sid. Error Sin.(a) Upper Bound Lov 1 Male 1 Vocational Education Physical Education -2 250 2.235 1.000 8.676 English 5.250 2.235 164 -11.676 4 Math 5,750 2.235 100 -12.176 2 Physical Education 1 Vocational Education 2.250 2.235 1.000 -4.176 3 English -3,000 2.235 1.000 -9.426 4 Math -3.500 2.235 .783 -9.926 3 English Vocational Education 5.250 2.235 -164 -1.176 2 Physical Education 3.000 2.235 1.000 -3.426 4 Math -500 2.235 1.000 6.926 4 Math 1 Vocational Education 5.750 2.235 100 - 676 Physical Education 3,500 2.235 .783 -2.926 English .500 2.235 1.000 -5.926 2 Female 1 Vocational Education 2 Physical Education -7.750(") 2.235 .012 -14.176 3 English -10.000() 2.235 .001 -16.426 4 Math -15.250() 2.235 1000 -21.676 2 Physical Education Vocational Education 7:7500) 2.235 012 1.324 English -2.250 2.235 1.000 -8.676 Math -7.500(" 2.235 .016 -13,926 3 English 1 Vocational Education 10.000(") 2.235 001 3.574 2 Physical Education 2.250 2.235 1.000 4.176 4 Math 5.250 2.235 .164 -11.676 4 Math 1 Vocational Education 15.250(") 2.235 .000 8.824 2 Physical Education 7.500(" 2.235 .016 1.074 3 English 5.250 2.235 -164 -1.176 Based on estimated marginal means The mean difference is significant at the .05 level