issued services revenue Direct cost 100.000 tient services et hrs of 2 cost Drivers parul. Patient Patient services departments service keeping seras used. to suppor trenerstad 5million dollers in total renere t Cinnal Achutes, they word sooo hr hoves kaph. Dollar Allocation to each patient Services department if patient services reve as the cost driver! 3 ooo, ooo x 0.02 = 60,000 soo, and X 0.02 = 30,ooo SO LO 8.02 = 10,000 s, ooo, ooox 0.02 = 100,ooo. What is the dollar allocation to ench petent service department of hours a housekeeping support is used as the ball cost driver Hauskenny 500 x 20 = 30,ood novo 3000 x 20 = 60000 SODNO 10.000 5,000 K20 = 100,ooo Questions o How can I Check my answers to those guestion. What should total Allocation to all departments be? 2 Does the amount of housekeeping cost allocated to each department change when you allocate bend on housekeeping compared to when you allocated based on patient servk renerues e issued services revenue Direct cost 100.000 tient services et hrs of 2 cost Drivers parul. Patient Patient services departments service keeping seras used. to suppor trenerstad 5million dollers in total renere t Cinnal Achutes, they word sooo hr hoves kaph. Dollar Allocation to each patient Services department if patient services reve as the cost driver! 3 ooo, ooo x 0.02 = 60,000 soo, and X 0.02 = 30,ooo SO LO 8.02 = 10,000 s, ooo, ooox 0.02 = 100,ooo. What is the dollar allocation to ench petent service department of hours a housekeeping support is used as the ball cost driver Hauskenny 500 x 20 = 30,ood novo 3000 x 20 = 60000 SODNO 10.000 5,000 K20 = 100,ooo Questions o How can I Check my answers to those guestion. What should total Allocation to all departments be? 2 Does the amount of housekeeping cost allocated to each department change when you allocate bend on housekeeping compared to when you allocated based on patient servk renerues e