It must done in Java, not c++.
This is a clearer picture I guess. Must be done in java.
Instructions: You must upload the java file(s) in Google Classroom Late submission will not be allowed. The solution that you submit must be your own work Plagiarism will lead to a straight zero. Question 01: Implement the following UML dass diagrams and test their methods department Song Employee Personne Sorg address: gebers -seters preson Sering designation pply Song Fugle Partemployee hours double -alte double - Part TimeEmployeerame Sermont address Song department Stone estion ang hours tout geniers-seters la double ango Saring Pulimemployeerane Sensage: address: Sangeet San en songs getters - double ng sang For Part Time Employee hours is the total hours employee worked, Le.20 rate is the per hour rate, le 80 So, salary = 20 80 1600 For FulTimeEmployee: basic is the base salary, Le 15000 Allowance is usually provided as a percentage. Le 25% So, Total salary = 15000 - 25% of 15000 = 18750 Create two objects of Part TimeEmployee and FullTimeEmployee. Then call the toString and salary0 methods to show the details and their salaries respectively FulTimeEmployee te= new Full TimeEmpioyee("Rais". 27. "Farmgate". "ECE. *Professor, 15000, 25) Part TimeEmployee ple = new Part Time Employee Kabir, 35. Mirpur. "ECE "Associate Professor 20, 80) 6:53 4 Lab Final.pdf Question 01: Implement the following UML class diagrams and test their methods department Shring designationem Swing . -adressing Persontra String age address: others-seters Prson: Sering department design proyes 4 Fun - do Partemployee house - double Partimeployerme: Sering Song Sepatu Sang desting ale double - V - salaryo conth Sing Sering SES designation owned Porte- doute ring Sering For Part TimeEmployee hours is the total hours employee worked, i.e. 20 rate is the per hour rate, le 30 So, salary = 20 80 = 1600 For Full TimeEmployee: basic is the base salary, le 15000 Allowance is usually provided as a percentage, le 25% So. Total salary 15000 25% of 15000 = 18750 Create two objects of Part TimeEmployee and Full TimeEmployee. Then call the toString and salary() methods to show the details and their salaries respectively. FulTimeEmployee fte= new FulTimeEmployee("Raidur27, "Farmgate". "ECE. "Professor, 15000.25) Part TimeEmployee pte new Part TimeEmployee(Kabir, 35. Mirpur". ECE Associate Professor, 20, 80); Question 02: Implement the following UML class diagrams which include an abstract class Employee, an interface TaxCalculator, and a child dass Faculty