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It's been several weeks since you submitted your change vision statement to Mike Harrenton, CEO of EKT. You've been occupied with several other projects at

It's been several weeks since you submitted your change vision statement to Mike Harrenton, CEO of EKT. You've been occupied with several other projects at your firm when your supervisor meets with you again and says, "It looks like the CEO at EKT has started communicating the change to his employees in an attempt to start to create some of the changes you proposed. But it looks like there are some mixed reactions among the employees -- some are pushing back and some are excited. I need you to head over to EKT and help Mike create a plan for getting employees to begin to buy into the new changes."

With the information below Please help Mike create a plan to begin to buy into the new changes by addressing :

  1. who is in the "in" group and who is in the "out" group. The "in" group are those who are most likely to support the change, and the "out" group are those who are most likely to resist. Clearly identify which groups will need additional focus.Be clear about how you will get people to begin to buy into the changes so that EKT can move forward in their goals.
  2. Create the beginning of a change management plan for working with the stakeholders using the following steps of Kotter's Change Process: establish a sense of urgency, create a guiding coalition, and communicate.

Elite Knowledge Training (EKT) is a mid-sized company in Waltham, Massachusetts that provides customized face-to-face communication, management, and leadership training to large and mid-sized companies throughout the United States and in Europe. EKT has been around for 25 years, and they have several clients that they have worked with since the very beginning; however, EKT has experienced consistent drops in the number of clients they have served over the past seven years, despite their efforts to bounce back. The company is looking to hire a consultant to help with managing some upcoming changes at their organization.

You are a recently hired organizational change consultant. You work for a consulting company and your supervisor has assigned you to meet with the people at EKT to answer their inquiries and try to win over their business. This is your first major client, and you know that you will need to do excellent work to impress your supervisor.

In your meeting at EKT, their reservations surface: "We've heard that executing organizational change is important but we want to make sure we are using our time and resources wisely. Other companies we know of have worked with organizational change consultants to help them identify and manage needed change, but the money they dumped into it seems to have yielded very little for them. We're a medium-sized company with limited funds. We have two main questions. First, what does organizational change entailwhat's the process? Second, what benefits would it bring to us?"

As you hastily prepared for your flight to Waltham, you took some time to put together a basic profile of EKT. Through talking with your supervisor and reviewing the company website, you made the following observations about the company.

Company Name

Elite Knowledge Training

Location: Waltham, Massachusetts

Company Mission and Vision


To provide professional and leadership training to organizations.


Not stated.

Company Values

The company website offers the following as EKT's company values:

  • Integrity- do the right thing in all decision-making and actions
  • Quality- deliver the highest quality product and service to the customer
  • Relationships- build productive relationships with everyone - internal and external
  • Creativity- creatively solve problems and develop opportunities
  • Positivity- be positive in your work and interactions with all employees, customers, and stakeholders

Organizational Structure

From what you have gathered through your discussions, the following general organizational structure is in place:

  • Owner: Edward James Harrenton. (Company is a sole proprietorship - he owns 51% of the company).
  • CEO: Michael Harrenton
  • VP Marketing
    • Oversees 2 marketing associates
  • VP Sales
    • Oversees 3 sales associates
  • VP Learning Design
    • Oversees 5 Instructional Leads
      • Oversee a total of 8 learning designers and 45 training specialists
  • VP Finance and Budgeting
    • Oversees 3 accountants and 4 assistants

Products and Services

EKT provides the following products and services:

Customized face-to-face training on key business topics. These typically include the following categories and topics:

  1. Communication skills, including
    1. Presentation
    2. Business writing
    3. Interpersonal
    4. Conflict management
    5. Negotiation
    6. Active listening
  2. Management
    1. Goal setting
    2. Performance appraisal
    3. Communication with employees
    4. Collaboration with others
    5. Budgeting
    6. Project management
    7. Leadership skill development
  3. Leadership
    1. Setting a vision and mission
    2. Engaging others in leadership
    3. Developing future leaders
    4. Analyzing the business environment
    5. Building partnerships

These are the core organizational trainings that are provided by EKT, and they are usually customized to the needs of the organization. It appears that most of the business is done with a few existing larger clients who have worked with EKT for decades. Most of these clients are within 100 miles of Waltham in the Greater Boston Area.

Through several interviews over several hours, as well as online research, you learned a lot about EKT. One of your major questions was "What are some of the external forces that are driving change in your organization today?" Below are the responses from the executive team at EKT.

Interview 1: Sally DeSuzan, CPA - VP Finance and Budgeting

"One of the biggest things that has been difficult for our organization is the desire to consistently produce a high quality product for our clients while dealing with steadily increasing costs for doing business. We're talking about increases in city taxes, increases in cost for supplies, working to maintain competitive pay for our employees - it just costs more to do business than it did 5 years ago. Or even 1 year ago! It puts a lot of pressure on us - we've been able to creatively come up with solutions, but it hasn't been easy. And when you consider that our revenue has consistently gone down over the past 7 years, things have really become tough. And it is becoming much more difficult to always make a profit. All of us are more and more concerned about what is driving this. In other words, how long can this go on before some of us are out of a job?"

Interview 2: Bill "The Shark" Johnson - VP Marketing

"I'm gonna be honest here. I think we are in a lot of trouble. I have been pushing Mike (the CEO) for years to start looking toward online training. I mean, we haven't even begun with online promotion and sales - our competitors are highly successful at this and it is kind of embarrassing - you know? But he just doesn't seem to want to change. Every time I talk with Ed (EKT's owner) he seems open to the idea, but he always says it is Mike's call, and we never get things moving! I still believe in what we are doing here, though - we offer some incredible products to our clients, and I think there will always be a place for our services - at least I hope so. We have some loyal clients, and most of my marketing is focused on them or on their partners. I just think we need to really thing about entering the online education market or at least providing some kind of supplementation to our traditional training, that's all. I hope it's not too late"

Interview 3: Melvin Wellington Levins Jr. - Retired VP of Sales

"I started working at EKT when I was 53 years old. There were only 3 employees at that time - myself, Ed (the owner), and our old assistant Jane. I ran sales, Ed delivered all of the trainings and Jane handled the operations and budgeting. Ed took a big risk on hiring me since I was approaching retirement age, and I will always be grateful for that. There were times we were barely making it, but over the next couple of years we landed some pretty big clients. Those partnerships have proven to be very valuable to our organization and really helped us grow in the first decade of our business."

"Actually, Jane and I didn't get along too well for the first couple of years. But over time we grew to appreciate each other, and after a couple of years we both fell madly in love with each other! She had never married and my wife had died a couple of years earlier. We both decided what the heck and got married and we have been married ever since! The word I hear now from EKT is they are barely making it today. That is sad to hear. I know times have changed - has EKT though?"

Interview 4: Jay Clark-Gardner, PMP - VP Learning Design

"Listen - I think one of the major things going on out there is this shift to online training. There are a lot of people moving to online, which I think is a big problem. There was a report done by the Association for Talent Development last hear that showed that face-to-face training is irreplaceable. And I for one believe that is true. Come on - how can you train someone on how to give a presentation with a computer? They need to actually present something to learn how to present! Sorry, I get pretty excited about these things."

"I do have to say, though, that many of our smaller clients have left us because we did not offer online training. They went with some of our competitors' prepackaged online management and leadership training, which is definitely an inferior product to ours. First of all, ours is customized to their specific needs and situations, and second we have been doing this for 25 years! How long has that company been doing this? I suspect not that long. I suggested to Mike we poll existing customers on whether they would actually purchase an online training program from us - he did not seem interested. I think Mike does not like change and this would be a major one for this old company."

Interview 5: Julia Childress, - VP Sales

"Twenty years ago all of our business was here in the Greater Boston Area, which meant that we could operate out of Waltham with very little need for travel, other than for conferences or retreats. Actually, they used to have a yearly retreat to Hawaii for the top associates from each department. We really used to look forward to that, but ever since the recession when we lost several of our clients, we haven't been able to do any of those retreats. It's too bad because our employees really used to look forward to that and worked hard to be the top associates. But anyway, now many of our major clients have either merged with, purchased, or been purchased by global organizations. This is good news for us because we get to sell to and service the major clients and get to do some traveling overseas, but it definitely increases the costs for our organization. Travel and lodging can be very pricey, and in our competitive environment it adds to the complexity. Global business is great - but it is not cheap. I know our budget is tighter than ever. I can see it is a decline of sales year to year. Thank goodness we have our main clients."

"One thing that has been really important as well has been the shift in industry from face-to-face to online training. The majority of training still happens face-to-face, and we've really made a name for ourselves by delivering excellent in-person training. But as many of the leaders in our long-standing clients retire and are replaced by younger professionals we are definitely feeling much more pressure to offer online trainings as well."

Results of Your Online Research

Late into the evening you research anything you can about EKTs business environment. As you prepare to close your laptop for the evening, you type out the following key findings.

  • There is definitely a big shift in the market to online. Some organizations report that while they were previously doing training 100% face-to-face, they have shifted to 40% or more online and only 60% face to face. htat is a large share of the market.
  • There has been a definite shift in how people gather information over the last several years. Internet technology continues to become more and more innovative and prevalent, work faster, and be more readily available. This is true in the United States as well as in many other countries throughout the world.
  • Over the past decade, a huge number of learning technology software companies have sprung up offering their "easy-to-use" products to learning professionals. Many of these claim to offer high quality materials at lower prices. It is clear from these company websites that these technologies have been used by thousands of organization across the US and internationally. And it appears that the adoption of the technologies will continue to grow.

Following are some early suggestions for change possibilities that EKT can consider based on the data and insights gathered:

Accept Online Training: EKT should think about include online training alternatives in its offers now that it is aware of the movement in market dynamics toward online training. This may entail creating interactive webinars, e-learning courses, or blended learning strategies that incorporate both online and in-person components. EKT will be able to meet the demands of younger workers and capitalize on the rising demand for online training by doing this.

Examine Competitors and Learning Technology Software by performing a thorough examination of the training sector's rivals and paying particular attention to those who provide learning technology software services. Examine these technologies' features, costs, and user evaluations to see how they may be used to improve EKT's training courses. This evaluation can assist in locating possible collaborations or chances to incorporate cutting-edge learning technology into EKT's solutions.

Conduct customer surveys by speaking with current clients to learn more about their preferences and feedback for different online training programs. Surveys or focused interviews can be used to learn more about their desire to buy EKT's online training programs. Customer insights may assist prioritize investments in new training modalities and direct decision-making.

Investigate Strategic Partnerships by taking into account establishing strategic alliances with other educational institutions, trade groups, or tech suppliers. Working together with organizations that share your goals can provide you access to more knowledge, resources, and perhaps even more clients. Strategic alliances can also encourage innovation and information exchange within the training sector.

Enhance Marketing and Promotional Efforts by allocating funds to create an efficient marketing and promotional plan to spread the word about the excellent training options offered by EKT. This may involve showcasing the company's expertise, unique approach, and success stories. Focus on digital marketing strategies as well to reach and interact with a larger audience by utilizing social media, content marketing, and SEO.

Foster Innovation and Adaptability by establishing a culture that welcomes innovation and invites staff members to provide suggestions for enhancements. Create forums where staff members may express their opinions on training initiatives, delivery strategies, and new trends. To improve workers' abilities and understanding of online training approaches, promote experimentation and offer chances for professional growth.

Assess Cost-saving Measures by Conducting a thorough analysis of EKT's operations to find any areas where cost-saving measures may be implemented without sacrificing training quality. This might entail investigating more cost-effective suppliers, reducing internal procedures, and optimizing resource allocation.

Monitor the External Environment Constantly by keeping up on market developments, technology advances, and shifts in consumer preferences. Continually evaluate how PESTE elements are affecting EKT's operations and take the initiative to adjust plans as necessary. This involves keeping an eye on changes to regulations, market demands, and learning technology software.

"Our vision for EKT is to become a leading provider of comprehensive and innovative online training solutions, capitalizing on the growing demand for digital learning. By embracing online education and leveraging advanced learning technologies, we will adapt to market dynamics and position ourselves as a trusted partner for organizations seeking effective and flexible training options.

Through the implementation of a robust online platform, interactive webinars, and blended learning strategies, we will cater to the needs of younger workers and tap into the rising demand for online training. We will provide a seamless and engaging learning experience, empowering individuals and organizations to acquire knowledge and develop skills in a convenient and accessible manner.

To achieve this vision, we will invest in upgrading our technological infrastructure, including the implementation of a state-of-the-art learning management system (LMS) and video conferencing tools. By equipping our training professionals with digital teaching skills and fostering a culture of continuous learning and innovation, we will ensure they are well-prepared to deliver high-quality online training.

Furthermore, we will diversify our revenue streams by developing tailored online training programs and exploring strategic partnerships with educational institutions, trade groups, and technology suppliers. By expanding our client base and increasing our market reach, we will strengthen our financial stability and position ourselves for long-term success.

We are committed to monitoring market developments, technological advancements, and changes in consumer preferences. By staying agile and responsive to external influences, we will continuously adapt our strategies and offerings to maintain our competitive edge.

Together, we will foster a culture that values innovation, collaboration, and adaptability. We will encourage our employees to contribute their ideas and expertise to enhance our training initiatives and delivery strategies. By embracing change and anchoring new approaches in our organizational culture, we will ensure that the transformations we make are sustainable and ingrained in how we operate.

Through our comprehensive online training solutions, commitment to excellence, and dedication to meeting the evolving needs of our clients, EKT will be recognized as a leader in the education and training industry. We look forward to embarking on this transformative journey and shaping the future of learning."

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