IVIUUUIC 3 Describe the 4 elements in the Lifecycle of a record, and explain types of processes that are included in each element Describe safeguards that can ensure confidentiality is maintained in each stage of the above cycle Differentiate between health information and health records List and categorize elements that are contained within a paper-based record Which elements are mandatory? Describe the uses for common types of records managements equipment and supplies Describe different types offiling systems and identify common uses and advantages for each type. List the rules of alphabetical ling Practice alphabetical ling Define and practice terminal digit ling List and define the steps in the ling process Describe what processes are involved in records retention. Describe various workflows in a medical office Describe the flow of a patient record within a medical office Module 6 List the mail service providers you will encounter in a medical office and describe the types of mail each provider handles List and describe common supplies required to process mail Order the steps performed when processing incoming mail, and describe the particulars of each step Identify different types of mail received in a medical ofce, and describe how to prioritize for distribution Review how to correctly address an envelope. Module 7 Differentiate between the two types of inventory management and their applications List and describe the 4 process of inventory management Describe the different categories of supplies that are used in a medical office, and what the purpose of categorizing them is. Identify in detail all of the tasks performed, and elements that require consideration within each of the 4 process of periodic inventory management. Describe and differentiate between various forms associated with completing an order